Why Do My Parents Not Love Me

Everyone knows how difficult family life can be at times, but does the way your family acts make you wonder whether they genuinely care about you? It’s excruciatingly terrible to feel that your family ignores you, doesn’t respect you, or doesn’t love you.

If you’re worried about being unlovable, more than often, it’s not about you — it’s about your parents.

Parents who are overly preoccupied with themselves can never grasp what their children are going through.

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Perhaps you feel like the family outcast, constantly in the wrong. You might even start to think you were raised by narcissists who don’t care about you or your life.

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11 Honest Signs Your Parents Might Not Love You Like They Should

1. They appear to be unconcerned about your suffering.

They don’t seem to care much about your health. They don’t even want you to disturb them.

2. They don’t think of you as their child.

Instead, they consider you in reference to their future.

3. They’re unconcerned even if they’re aware of your failing health.

They don’t bother to ask how you’re feeling.

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4. They don’t seem interested in your life.

They don’t acknowledge significant occasions like your birthday, your graduation, so on.

5. They neglect your daily-to-daily activities.

They treat you like a responsibility and don’t communicate with you.

6. They disrespect you in front of your friends.

Constant shouting, manipulation, threats and bullying are all indications of abuse that you should not have to cope with.

They yell and scream at you even when you haven’t done anything wrong. They treat you like a human punching bag and often release their frustration on you.

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7. They never boast about you.

You feel humiliated in front of the entire world.

8. They won’t make time for you.

When you win something or achieve something, they don’t praise you for it. Even if they do, it feels superficial.

9. Your thoughts, opinions, and decisions are disregarded or ignored entirely.

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You feel disconnected from your family because they seem to ignore you. Maybe you believe that it’s never enough no matter what you do.

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10. They flake on you frequently.

This indicates that you’re not a high priority for them.

11. They constantly push or utterly disregard whatever limits you’ve established.

And this feels disrespectful.

Some parents might be incapable of love. They don’t love anyone, including themselves.

So, if you’re constantly asking yourself if your parents love you, it may be time to let go of them.

Try communicating and creating boundaries. Don’t compare your parents with someone else’s. And, most importantly, contact someone or get help if it gets mentally taxing.

RELATED: My Poor, Narcissistic Parents Passed Down Horrendous Money Habits

Sidhharrth Kumaar is an astro-numerologist and the founder of NumroVani. He calls on his knowledge of modern science to solve real-world problems in the areas of mental well-being and relationship growth.

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