HomeWHYWhy Are Jeep Wranglers So Expensive

Why Are Jeep Wranglers So Expensive

Red Jeep Wrangler Rubicon

When cruising along the backroads or through trails, you may spot a Jeep Wrangler.

They’re popular among people who like to take road trips or go off-roading.

If you’ve been itching to get your hands on a Wrangler, then you may feel a bit of shock when you see just how much they sell for.

Even secondhand Jeep Wranglers can sometimes sell for the same price as a new car.

Considering the price, you may wonder what makes Jeep Wranglers so expensive.

Why Are Jeep Wranglers So Expensive? (10 Reasons)

A modified Jeep Wrangler on sandstone

The average price of a Jeep Wrangler ranges from $30,000 to more than $50,000.

Jeep Wranglers are expensive due to their manufacturing costs, brand name, high demand, limited production scale, and the number of customization options they provide.

Let’s look at these and other factors in more detail.

1. Unique Design

Jeep Mopar Wrangler Rubicon vehicle

One of the aspects that Jeep Wranglers are best known for is their unique design.

If you’re familiar with cars, then you can spot a Wrangler almost immediately.

Its box-shape design has defined the model for decades.

Wranglers caught the attention of everyone when they helped transport allied soldiers and officers during World War II.

Although it wasn’t the only vehicle used in the war, its rugged appearance and ability to drive through difficult terrain made it quite popular.

After the war ended, farmers started using Wranglers to help drive around their farms and collect goods.

Their use in civilian life made city dwellers want to try them out as well.

Since Wranglers were able to drive both on paved roads and rugged dirt roads, they became popular with city folk and nature enthusiasts alike.

The design itself has remained mostly unchanged through the course of history as well.

Some might consider the current Wrangler design a modernized version of the original, but it still all harkens back to the unique shape of the original Wrangler.

The reason this makes Jeep Wranglers expensive is that it stands out.

It’s unique.

There isn’t another car quite like it.

Some people are willing to pay extra for that sort of uniqueness, and Jeep is more than happy to charge for it.

Jeep Wranglers are expensive because of their unique design and shape.

2. Off-Road Manufacturing Costs

Jeep wrangler offroad

One of the aspects that Jeep Wranglers are best known for is their ability to go off-road.

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It’s one of the main reasons that a lot of people buy Jeep Wranglers.

You might see a Wrangler driving across the sand dunes near the beach.

If you’re a fan of hiking, you might also see a Wrangler making its way through the trees.

There are even some communities devoted to off-roading and teaching others how to safely navigate rough roads.

The ability to transition from on-road to off-road driving is extremely valuable to some people.

They’re willing to pay more for that convenience.

That makes Wranglers expensive.

In addition, in order to survive off-road driving, the Wrangler needs some high-quality parts.

Otherwise, it’d break down the moment it ran over a rock or across a pit.

To ensure it lasts and remains durable, the manufacturers have to use high-quality materials.

These materials enable off-road driving, but they also make the Wrangler more expensive.

Wranglers are expensive because of the appeal of driving off-road.

3. High-End Materials And Material Costs


A Jeep Wrangler isn’t the cheapest car to make.

Because it’s built for both on-road and off-road use, the manufacturer has to ensure that it’s safe for both scenarios.

Jeep uses steel and high-quality steel to give their Wranglers the kind of performance that people need.

Steel is a heavy material, however, which is why it also uses a few other materials to help lighten the vehicle.

Weight is important since it can impact a vehicle’s fuel efficiency.

If the car is too heavy, then it’s going to require more fuel to propel itself forward.

Lighter cars don’t need to use quite as much fuel.

As such, Jeep has to invest in several high-quality materials to build its Wranglers.

Since their costs are high, they sell their Wranglers at high prices.

It isn’t just the outside or parts that matter either.

Some Wranglers are more similar to luxury cars rather than off-road vehicles.

The seats sometimes contain real leather or other durable fabrics.

The stereo and sound system might use an expensive type of wood.

Some Wranglers use luxury materials to make themselves even more appealing.

Those added materials also add significantly to the cost.

Wranglers are expensive because they use high-end and high-quality materials in their production.

4. Brand Name And Reputation

View of Jeep Logo on Car Steering Wheel

The Jeep name also adds to the price of a Wrangler.

Jeep has made a reputation for itself for producing high-quality cars.

Some people continue to drive their Jeeps despite the vehicle being several decades old.

Jeep builds their vehicles to last.

That has a lot of value to certain people.

They’re willing to pay more money for a vehicle that will last them a lifetime as opposed to a cheaper car that will only last a few years.

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Wranglers are no exceptions.

Although they might break down a bit faster than other cars depending on how much abuse you put them through, they tend to last a long time, too.

As such, there’s a lot of resale value that goes with Wranglers as well.

People generally trust the Jeep name.

They might be willing to pay more for a Wrangler from Jeep because they know it’s a quality product than from another company that they don’t know well.

Jeep Wranglers are expensive because the brand name adds to the price tag.

5. Advanced Safety Features

Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. In the ride.

Because Jeep Wranglers can drive on dirt roads and through forests, they need a lot of safety features.

In particular, one danger that some drivers face is rollover.

If they’re driving down a hill too fast and can’t maintain traction, then they might spin and end up rolling the car.

Without the right safety features, a rollover can be dangerous.

Someone can easily break their neck.

Jeep wanted to ensure that if someone were to roll their Wrangler, there’d still be a good chance that they’d come out of it alive, if not unharmed.

As such, Wranglers have a series of advanced safety features.

Whether it’s to help make rollovers less damaging, have more control over steering, or even just make the car more durable, a lot of effort and money goes into safety features.

This makes Wrangler expensive because the cost of manufacturing is a bit higher.

There’s more effort, materials, and thought put into its engineering and manufacturing.

A safer Wrangler is also more appealing to audiences.

They’re willing to pay more for a Wrangler that is safe to use.

Jeep Wranglers are expensive because they have advanced safety features.

6. Advanced Powertrains

Front side of the jeep parked in the garage

While Wranglers likely won’t be replacing pickup trucks for some jobs, they do have decent hauling power.

It’s not uncommon for people to use Wranglers to haul boats or other pleasure crafts on vacation.

In order to haul something relatively heavy, the Wrangler needs a decent powertrain.

A powertrain is a combination of different parts that allow the Wrangler to drag something behind it.

It gives the Wrangler power to propel itself forward and with power to spare.

To ensure that the Wrangler can pull some loads behind it, Jeep has to make an advanced powertrain.

It’s a bit more powerful and sophisticated than a standard car’s powertrain.

Since Jeep is aware that people want to use their Wranglers to haul heavy items, they produce high-quality powertrains that give them that ability.

Unfortunately, this means that the powertrain is a bit more expensive to manufacture.

Since it’s more expensive to produce, Jeep has to offset the price with a higher price on the Wrangler.

The benefit of paying a higher price is that your Wrangler can now tow heavier loads.

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Jeep Wranglers are expensive because of the added manufacturing costs of more advanced powertrains.

7. Powerful Engines

Photo of a 2020 2021 Jeep Wrangler green front quarter view

Another important feature of a Jeep Wrangler is its engine.

A Wrangler wouldn’t be able to drive over steep inclines or through thick mud if it didn’t have a powerful engine.

The problem with a powerful engine is that it’s quite expensive to produce.

In most cases, Jeep uses high-quality materials to make large and powerful engines.

Since they’re also trying to reduce carbon emissions and ensure the car remains light, they have to be mindful of what materials they use.

Materials that are too heavy can weigh the car down and make it less fuel efficient.

If they use cheap materials, then they might be unable to reach their goal of reducing the number of carbon emissions the engine generates.

As such, Jeep has to find a healthy balance between quality materials and its manufacturing goals.

This usually means that they charge a high price for their Wranglers.

The benefit that Wrangler drivers have is that the Jeep runs well off-road.

Jeep Wranglers are expensive because they have powerful engines which are expensive to make.

8. Limited Production

Jeep Wrangler Rubicon

One of the biggest factors that contribute to the high price of Jeep Wranglers is the fact that Jeep only produces a small number of Wranglers each year.

They don’t mass-produce Wranglers like they do other Jeep vehicles.

They also produce limited edition versions of their Wranglers in even smaller numbers.

Because the production scale is so low, it immediately makes the price far more expensive.

It ends up turning the Jeep Wrangler into a luxury vehicle.

Jeep Wranglers are expensive because Jeep only produces a set number of Wranglers each year.

9. High Demand

Jeep Wrangler JK Unlimited Rubicon Recon in desert

Having a limited production scale wouldn’t be so bad if Jeep Wranglers weren’t in such high demand.

Unfortunately, they are in high demand, which also causes the prices of Jeep Wranglers to increase.

Since the company only produces so many each year, those who want to get their hands on the Wrangler have to compete with the others who are trying to buy it.

With high demand and low supply, the price of the Wrangler increases.

That’s also why even used Jeep Wranglers are expensive.

They hold their value well, and since there aren’t a lot of newer Wranglers released to the market each year, there’s usually a lot of demand for used Wranglers as well.

Jeep Wranglers are expensive because there’s high demand for them.

10. Customization

Red Jeep Wrangler 4x4

A final reason Jeep Wranglers are expensive is that they’re easy to customize.

Jeep gives you plenty of opportunities to customize your Wrangler.

Whether it’s large tires, doors that come off, a soft or hard roof, or any number of customization options for the interior of your Wrangler, you can make your Jeep truly unique to you.

The more you customize your Wrangler, however, the more expensive it will be.

That’s because the manufacturer has to spend extra time building the Wrangler to your exact specifications.

Jeep Wranglers are expensive when you customize them further.

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