When Is The Next Poe League

PoE 3.23 End Date

Path of Exile 3.23, also known as the Affliction League, will be ended on March 27, 2024.

The league launched on December 8, 2023. The December expansion introduces the Affliction Challenge League, three new Wildwood Ascendancy Classes, the return of the Ultimatum League, over a hundred new Transfigured Gems, and much more!

The end of Path of Exile 3.23 marked the beginning of the PoE 3.24 League which is the next league. The PoE 3.24 will run on March 29, 2024.

Release Date Description March 15, 2024 GGG will reveal the release date of PoE 3.24 and new information about Path of Exile 2. March 27, 2024 The end date of PoE 3.23. March 29, 2024 PoE 3.24 will be lanuched on PC. April 3, 2024 PoE 3.24 will be launched on Console.

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PoE End Date 3.22

Next League Name: Path of Exile: Affliction. The release date of PoE 3.23 is December 8, 2023. You’ll be able to play the Affliction expansion for free on December 8th (PST) on PC and Mac and on December 13th (PST) on Xbox and PlayStation.

The end date of PoE 3.22 is Dec 05, 2023 1:00 PM (PST).

What will happen when the Trial of the Ancestors ends?

The Ancestor league will end soon and you may be wondering what will happen when it does. Trial of the Ancestors won’t be going core in 3.23, so here’s what you can expect when the Ancestor league ends on PC at Dec 05, 2023 1:00 PM (PST).

  • All of your progress will migrate to the respective parent league of your characters, Ancestor League will migrate to Standard League for example.
  • All of your Omens, Tattoos and Hinekora’s Lock’s will still exist in the Standard League however they will progressively become more scarce.
  • All Ancestor exclusive uniques will be added to the core drop pool except Warrior’s Tale Crimson Jewel and Honoured Alliance Coral Ring (this change will happen in 3.23).

Those of you still trying to complete your unfinished challenges still have two weeks to do so before Ancestor league ends!

3.22.2b Patch Notes Dec 5, 2023

  • This is the end of the Ancestor League. Your characters and their progress will be migrated over the next few hours following the patch, or you can use the migration options in the character selection menu. Thanks for playing!
  • Silver Coins will be deleted upon logging in.
  • You can now create Private Leagues for the Affliction League, ahead of the league’s launch on December 8. These leagues will not begin until the Affliction League launches.
  • After this patch, local cached assets will be cleaned up upon launching the client, in preparation of the upcoming league launch.
  • You can now change the name of your character, or swap the names of two of your characters, through the Path of Exile website. Two uses of this service are granted each week, stacking up to a maximum of twenty uses. You can access this through the My Account page.
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Item Filter Changes

  • Added a new Import command to load contents of one item filter into another.
  • Item filters can now use “!=” in place of “!” if desired to check for negation.
  • When specifying multiple matches for negation specifically, item filters now use “none of” instead of “any of” for the match.
  • CustomAlertSound can now specify multiple files, separated by semicolons, and will play one at random.
  • Fixed != (and !) not working with EnchantmentPassiveNode, HasExplicitMod, HasEnchantment rules.
  • Fixed a bug where hidden items could still play effects, sounds and create minimap icons.

PoE 3.23

Start Date Description 12:30 PM November 30th (PST)

The details of the December expansion will be revealed on November 30th at 12:30PM (PST) at twitch.tv/pathofexile!

This livestream will contain announcements for both Path of Exile 1 and 2. The Path of Exile 1 section will cover the new challenge league and other content in the December expansion. Following this GGG will answer your burning questions in a live Q&A session with ZiggyD. Twitch Drops will be enabled for the livestream. GGG will announce the reward in a few days. Co-streaming is welcomed!

Dec 05, 2023 1:00 PM (PST) The end date of PoE 3.22. December 8th (PST) You’ll be able to play the December expansion for free on December 8th (PST) on PC and Mac. December 13th (PST) You’ll be able to play the December expansion for free on December 13th (PST) on Xbox and PlayStation.

PoE 3.23 Release Date

December Expansion Name Reveal

Path of Exile: Affliction

Path of Exile: Affliction

PoE Crucible 3.21 End Date

The end date of PoE Crucible league is August 16, 2023. GGG has seen a lot of people asking when PoE 3.22 expansion will launch. It’s currently looking like it will launch on August 18th (PDT). This isn’t fully locked in yet. However, GGG will confirm its launch date at ExileCon in just a few weeks.

GGG has also noted that quite a few people have asked whether or not PoE will be hosting end-of league-events before Crucible ends. GGG is currently all-hands-on-deck working on ExileCon, Path of Exile 2 and the 3.22 expansion so GGG isn’t able to host any events this time around.

Name Description August 16, 2023 PoE Crucible 3.21 league will end.

3.21.2c Patch Notes

  • This is the end of the Crucible League. Your characters and their progress will be migrated over the next few hours following the patch, or you can use the migration options in the character selection menu. Thanks for playing!
  • Geodes, Remnants and Magmatic Ores will be deleted upon logging in.
  • You can now create Private Leagues for the Ancestor League, ahead of the league’s launch on August 18. These leagues will not begin until the Ancestor League launches.
  • Made some small engine improvements. Further improvements will be made in 3.22.0.
  • Added a new Chaos or Divine Orbs Buyout Price search filter to the Path of Exile Trade website.
  • Fixed a bug where Strike Skills with high attack speed were not hitting Enemies.
  • Fixed a client crash.

Will the Crucible League Go Core?

Crucible will not be going core, but there are components of it that we really like that we may find a way to bring back in future expansions. We loved watching everyone develop their Crucible trees to create unique builds utilising all the different Crucible skills available, so all your items with Crucible trees will move with you to Standard. However, the “Totems Explode on Death” Crucible Skill will likely be adjusted when that happens. When the current league ends in a few weeks, all your existing Geodes, Remnants and Magmatic Ores will be deleted. If you have any Crucible challenges to complete, you still have some time to do so! Thanks to everyone who got a chance to play Crucible!

PoE 3.20 Sanctum League End Date

The End date of PoE Sanctum is April 4, 2023. The release date of PoE 3.21 is about April 7, 2023. GGG is currently planning to launch the Path of Exile 3.21 expansion in early April. You may note that this means that The Forbidden Sanctum challenge league will be longer than normal. GGG is currently tinkering with a few ideas for some fun low-key things GGG can do in the final month before the 3.21 launches and will let you know how those ideas shake out in the coming weeks.

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Date Description April 4, 2023

  • The End date of PoE Sanctum 3.20 League.

We are extending the Sanctum league until April 4. Sanctum has been a really popular league, and we’re happy to run it for a bit longer so that you can keep perfecting your builds and finish your challenges.

3.20.2d Patch Notes

  • This is the end of the Sanctum League. Your characters and their progress will be migrated over the next few hours following the patch, or you can use the migration options in the character selection menu. Thanks for playing!
  • You can now create Private Leagues for the Crucible League, ahead of the league’s launch on April 7. These leagues will not begin until the Crucible League launches.
  • You can now create characters in Ruthless Permanent Leagues.
  • Relics and Lycia’s Invocations will be deleted upon logging in.
  • After this patch, local cached assets will be cleaned up upon launching the client, in preparation of the upcoming league launch.

Will the Sanctum League go Core?

While Sanctum won’t be going core in the next expansion, we do really like this mechanic and the way it challenges Path of Exile players. We loved watching your Sanctum runs and the best relics you found. We definitely want to find a way to integrate it into Path of Exile. There are a number of improvements we need to make to Sanctum before it can have a permanent place in Path of Exile. It needs a general rebalance, could benefit from more content, and needs to be integrated into your gameplay loop in a way that lets players specialise in it if they want to, but doesn’t force it on players who prefer the base game. We’d also need to work out how Relics would work. We’re working on a lot of stuff for 3.21 at the moment so we haven’t included the Sanctum rework in its scope. But it’s hopefully something we can look forward to in the coming leagues. When the current league ends in early April, all of your existing relics and invocations will be deleted. If you have any Sanctum challenges to complete, you still have several weeks to do so.

Thanks to everyone who is enjoying Sanctum!

PoE 3.19 Lake of Kalandra End Date

The end date of PoE 3.19(Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra) is December 6, 2022. The release date of PoE 3.20 is December 9, 2022. GGG has been looking at its upcoming schedule for the next year and has decided to move the 3.20 expansion launch date back from late November to early December.

This date works a lot better for alignment with the holiday period. Previous December launches have shown that launches roughly two weeks before Christmas allows players the freest time to play the league during the holiday season. In addition, this date is well clear of any holiday time that our developers are taking.

Release Date Description December 6, 2022

  • The end date of PoE Lake of Kalandra 3.19 expansion is December 6, 2022.

December 9, 2022

  • The Release date of PoE 3.20 season on PC and Mac is December 9, 2022.

December 14, 2022

  • The release date of PoE 3.20 on console(Xbox and PlayStation).
  • On consoles, the Kalandra League will end.

Lake of Kalandra will not become a part of the core game

For now, the Lake will not become a part of the core game. When the league ends, all your existing Mirrored Tablets will be deleted, so if you have some stocked, now is a good time to use them.

While GGG may bring the Lake of Kalandra mechanic back in some form in the future, GGG doesn’t have any plans can announce at the moment.

3.19.2c Patch Notes Dec 6, 2022, 1:22:38 PM

  • This is the end of the Kalandra League. Your characters and their progress will be migrated over the next few hours following the patch, or you can use the migration options in the character selection menu. Thanks for playing!
  • You can now create Private Leagues for the Sanctum League, ahead of the league’s launch on December 9. These leagues will not begin until the Sanctum League launches.
  • Mirrored Tablets will be deleted upon logging in.
  • After this patch, local cached assets will be cleaned up upon launching the client, in preparation of the upcoming league launch.
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PoE Sentinel 3.18 End Date

The Sentinel 3.18 League ends on PC and Mac on Tuesday August 16th. On consoles, the Sentinel League will end when the new 3.19 League goes live for consoles on August 24th PDT.

Server End Time PC and Mac August 16, 2022 Console(Xbox and PlayStation) August 24, 2022

Path of Exile 3.19 league will launch on August 19th (PDT) for PC and Mac, and on August 24th for Xbox and PlayStation.

3.18.1f Patch Notes Aug 16, 2022

  • This is the end of the Sentinel League. Your characters and their progress will be migrated over the next few hours following the patch, or you can use the migration options in the character selection menu. Thanks for playing!
  • You can now create Private Leagues for the Kalandra League, ahead of the league’s launch on August 19. These leagues will not begin until the Kalandra League launches.
  • Sentinels and Power Cores will be deleted upon logging in.
  • Remove-only stash tabs can no longer be set to public.
  • After this patch, local cached assets will be cleaned up upon launching the client, in preparation of the upcoming league launch.

Will Sentinel Become a Core Path of Exile Mechanic?

With the Sentinel League ending soon, you may be wondering whether this mechanic becomes a part of Path of Exile’s core game. The answer is no, for now. The league would take some changes before it would be appropriate to become a core Path of Exile mechanic, and while this is something we’re interested in looking into in the future, it’s not the time now. When the Sentinel League ends in a few weeks, all of your existing Power Cores and Sentinels will be deleted. Recombinators won’t drop anymore, but the existing ones will continue to work in Standard and will become progressively more scarce as they are consumed. We know that you really enjoyed the crafting options provided by Recombinators, and we are looking for a way to bring them back in the future. If and when we do so, existing Recombinators will likely change their function to work however the new ones function. We’ll signal this in the news beforehand so that you can make sure to consume existing ones if you prefer how they used to work. In the meantime, you still have some time left to complete your unfinished challenges in the league before we say goodbye to the Sentinels.

Path of Exile Season End Date

Path of Exile always has a thirteen weeks cycle for every league.

Season Version Release Date(Timezone is UTC) End Date Season PoE 3.23 2023-12-8 Affliction PoE 3.22 2023-8-18 2023-12-6 Ancestor PoE 3.21 2023-4-7 2023-8-16 Crucible PoE 3.20 2022-12-9 2023-4-4 Forbidden Sanctum PoE 3.19 2022-08-19 2022-12-6 Kalandra league PoE 3.18 2022-05-13 2022-08-16 Sentinel league PoE 3.17 2022-02-04 2022-05-10 Archnemesis league PoE 3.16 2021-10-22 2022-02-01 Scourge league PoE 3.15 2021-07-23 2021-10-18 Expedition league PoE 3.14 2021-04-16 2021-07-19 Ultimatum league PoE 3.13 2021-01-15 8:00:00 PM 2021-04-12 Ritual league PoE 3.12 2020-09-18 8:00:00 PM 2021-01-11 9:00:00 PM Heist league PoE 3.11 2020-06-19 8:00:00 PM 2020-09-14 10:00:00 PM Harvest league PoE 3.10 2020-03-13 2020-06-15 Delirium league PoE 3.9 2019-12-13 8:00:00 PM 2020-03-09 9:00:00 PM Metamorph league PoE 3.8 2019-09-06 2019-12-09 9:00:00 PM Blight league PoE 3.7 2019-06-07 2019-09-03 Legion league PoE 3.6 2019-03-08 2019-06-03 10:00:00 PM Synthesis league PoE 3.5 2018-12-07 2019-03-04 9:00:00 PM Betrayal league PoE 3.4 2018-08-31 2018-12-03 9:00:00 PM Delve league PoE 3.3 2018-06-01 2018-08-27 10:00:00 PM Incursion league PoE 3.2 2018-03-02 8:00:00 PM 2018-05-28 10:00:00 PM Bestiary league PoE 3.1 2017-12-08 8:00:00 PM 2018-02-26 9:00:00 PM Abyss league PoE 3.0 2017-08-04 8:00:00 PM 2017-12-04 9:00:00 PM Harbinger league PoE 2.6 2017-03-03 2017-07-31 10:00:00 PM Legacy league PoE 2.5 2016-12-02 8:00:00 PM 2017-02-27 9:00:00 PM Breach league PoE 2.4 2016-09-02 2016-11-28 Essence league PoE 2.3 2016-06-03 2016-08-29 Prophecy league PoE 2.2 2016-03-04 2016-05-30 Perandus league PoE 2.1 2015-12-11 2016-03-04 Talisman league PoE 2.0 2015-07-10 2015-10-02 Warbands league PoE 2.0 2015-07-10 2015-10-02 Tempest league PoE 1.3 2014-12-13 2015-03-24 Torment league PoE 1.3 2014-12-13 2015-03-24 Bloodlines league PoE 1.2 2014-08-20 2014-11-20 Beyond league PoE 1.2 2014-08-20 2014-11-20 Rampage league PoE 1.1 2014-03-05 2014-07-05 Invasion league PoE 1.1 2014-03-05 2014-07-05 Ambush league PoE 1.0 2013-10-23 2014-02-23 Domination league PoE 1.0 2013-10-23 2014-02-23 Nemesis league PoE 0.11 2013-06-07 2013-10-07 Anarchy league PoE 0.11 2013-06-07 2013-10-07 Onslaught league

Path of Exile: Siege of the Atlas

The release date of PoE 3.17(Path of Exile: Siege of the Atlas) is February 4, 2022.

PoE 3.17 Release Date

Will Scourge become a core mechanic in PoE 3.17?

The short answer is no. Scourge will not become a core mechanic in PoE 3.17. It may become a core mechanic in the future.

In case you have unfinished challenges in this league, there are still a few weeks left to complete them before we say goodbye to The Last to Die and send the Scourge back to where they came from.

Related News

  • Scourge Ends Soon
  • Will Scourge Become a Core Path of Exile Mechanic?

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