Why Do Female Dogs Cry When Mating

If you have an intact female dog in your house, heat cycles are a way of life for you. You’ve been through enough now to know what to expect. For most owners, they only allow their females to experience one heat cycle, or two at the most, before spaying their dog. This is a good and responsible part of pet ownership. Managing an intact female can be challenging for a pet owner, especially if you live in an area prone to stray dogs. For most families, they simply want a pet to love and don’t want to be bothered with the mess and considerable work and care that goes into keeping an intact female safe from accidental pregnancies. Once your dog reaches puberty, she will experience her first heat cycle. Heats go through several stages with only one of them marking your dog’s peak fertility time. It is still possible for your dog to become pregnant at any point in her cycle as it is difficult to pinpoint the precise time of ovulation without the use of repeated progesterone testing. This is an expense many breeders go to for a planned and costly breeding for which they have high hopes. Under these circumstances, timing is of the utmost importance, and it would be a great disappointment to miss the critical ovulation period.

Dogs generally experience two heat cycles a year, though it varies from dog to dog and breed to breed. Intact female dogs living within the same household will often “cycle” together as one female going into heat triggers a hormonal shift in the others. It is important for dog owners to learn the signs that their dog is coming into heat as well as to take the time to best understand what is normal during this period. Knowing what to look for can help you keep your dog safe from accidental pregnancies as well as afford you the opportunity to assist her in remaining relaxed, calm, and comfortable. The average canine heat cycle lasts 28-30 days and is marked by four different periods. The first period is termed proestrus, and it typically lasts approximately 14 days, though ovulation can occur sooner. Ovulation marks the shift from the proestrus stage to estrus, commonly known as “standing heat” to breeders. It is during this portion of your dog’s cycle that she is receptive to the attentions of male dogs and will “stand” for them to impregnate her. Prior to this section of her cycle, she will not be welcoming of his amorous advances.

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