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What Does Rdh Mean In Text

What Does Rdh Mean In Text, Tiktok and Social Platforms

“Rdh” is short for “Rate Date Hate”. The slang term “Rdh” is used in text, TikTok and social platforms to describe the act of rating someone based on the criteria of whether you’d like to date them or not, and whether you like or dislike them.

It’s not exactly a scientific process, more like a casual, lighthearted evaluation of a person based on one’s own personal preferences. It’s often used playfully between friends as a way to gauge each other’s opinions on potential romantic interests. For example, one person might ask their friend to “Rdh” a mutual acquaintance, and the friend might respond with a rating like “Rate 8, Date 7, Hate 2”.

It’s important to note that the term “hate” is used loosely here, and doesn’t necessarily mean intense dislike or animosity. It might just mean a mild annoyance or disinterest.

So, if you see someone use the term “Rdh” in a text or on social media, they’re probably just asking for a casual evaluation of someone. The best way to respond is to give your own ratings, and have a good laugh about it! Just remember, “Rdh” is all in good fun and shouldn’t be taken too seriously.

Example 1: A Conversation Between Two Friends

Friend 1: Yo, did you see that new movie last night?

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Friend 2: Yeah, I did. What did you think of it? Friend 1: I’m gonna rate it 2/10, what about you?

Friend 2: I’ll give it a 6/10. I wouldn’t date it, but I didn’t hate it either.

In this example, Friend 1 and Friend 2 are using the “Rate” aspect of Rdh to express their opinions about the movie. They are rating it on a scale of 1-10.

Example 2: A Conversation Between a Zoomer and a Boomer

Zoomer: Yo, have you seen the new TikTok dance trend?

Boomer: What’s that? Zoomer: It’s called the Rdh dance. You rate, date, and hate different moves in the dance.

Boomer: Oh, I don’t think I would like that. I prefer the traditional dances.

Zoomer: That’s okay, different strokes for different folks. I give it an 8/10, I would date it, but some people hate it.

In this example, the zoomer is explaining the “RDH dance” trend to the boomer. The boomer doesn’t seem interested in it, while the zoomer thinks it’s a good trend.

What does Rdh mean from a guy

The slang term “Rdh” is short for “Rate Date Hate”. It refers to a system or a way of rating someone’s physical appearance, the possibility of going on a date with them, and whether or not they are hated.

In a guy’s context, if he uses this term towards a girl, it could mean a number of things. He could be rating the girl’s appearance and considering the possibility of going on a date with her. However, if he uses the “hate” aspect, it could indicate that he is not interested in pursuing a romantic relationship. In such a case, it would be best for the girl to not make a move or drop a hint, as it would not be well received.

If the guy uses this term in a more positive light, such as indicating that he wants to go on a date, it would still be best to proceed with caution. It’s essential to determine the guy’s intention before making any moves. The best way to reply would be to be straightforward and ask the guy directly about his feelings. This would clear up any confusion and give the girl a clear idea of what the guy is thinking.

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In most cases, the term “rdh” is used in a casual or bantering manner. In such a scenario, the girl could respond in a similar light and flirt back with the guy. For instance, she could reply with her own rating, or even playfully tease the guy about his rating.

It’s important to remember that the term “rdh” is casual slang and might not always be used in a serious context. In some cases, it might not even have anything to do with romance or relationships. It’s essential to consider the context and the tone of the conversation before making any assumptions.

Example 1

Girl: Hey, what’s up?

Guy: Not much, just thinking about you. I would rate you a 9/10 and definitely want to go on a date with you.

Girl: Aw, thank you! You’re pretty handsome yourself. Want to grab dinner sometime?

In this example, the guy is clearly indicating that he is interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with the girl. She responds by suggesting a dinner date.

Example 2

Girl: Hey, what’s up?

Guy: Not much, just thinking about you. I would rate you a 7/10, but I don’t think we would be a good match.

Girl: Oh, that’s okay. Good luck with everything.

In this example, the guy is indicating that he is not interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with the girl. She responds in a polite and understanding manner.

What does Rdh mean from a girl

“Rdh” from a girl typically stands for “Rate, Date, Hate”. In this context, “rate” refers to the person’s appearance or physical attraction, “date” refers to the possibility of going on a date, and “hate” refers to the opposite of love or attraction.

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This type of slang language is often used on social media platforms as a playful or flirty way of communicating attraction or interest in someone. When a girl uses “RDH” to rate someone, it’s unclear whether she is trying to make a move or simply being friendly.

If you’re interested in the girl who has used “RDH” to rate you, it’s possible to respond and drop a hint that you’re interested. For example, you could reply with your own “RDH” rating and express your interest in going on a date with her. However, it’s important to keep in mind that not everyone is comfortable with this type of playful language and you should always respect the other person’s boundaries.

Example 1

Girl: Hey, what’s up?

Guy: Not much, just checking out your pics. Rdh?

Girl: Haha, well I’ll rate you a 8.5, date yes, hate no. How about you?

Guy: I’d rate you a 9.5, date definitely yes, hate no way.

In this example, the guy is using “Rdh” to express his attraction to the girl and gauge her interest. The girl’s response indicates that she is open to the possibility of going on a date with him.

Example 2

Girl: Hey, what’s up?

Guy: Not much, just thinking about you. Rdh?

Girl: Haha, well I’m more of a friendship type of person. Rdh?

Guy: Ah, got it. I respect that. Rdh, friendship only for me too.

In this example, the girl is indicating that she is not interested in a romantic relationship with the guy, and he respects her decision.


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