Why Is Fall Spider Season

In the fall, as temperatures drop and daylight hours shorten, you might find yourself encountering more spiders in your home. But this increase in spider activity is not a coincidence. Spiders, just like humans, are aware of the seasonal changes, and they start seeking warm places to spend the winter. So, why is fall spider season? Let’s explore further.

Are Spiders More Active in Fall?

The answer is yes, but it’s not just about being active. Spiders are more noticeable in the fall as well. During spring, spiders are still young and small, making them difficult to spot even though they may be active. By summer, they would have found suitable locations for their webs and tend to stay close by, unless something disturbs them. However, in autumn, they become more active in search of a safe shelter to survive the winter. As adults, they are more noticeable compared to their youthful counterparts in spring.


The increased activity and visibility of spiders in the fall can be attributed to their need to find a secure place to survive the cold winter months. This behavior is fascinating because it showcases their adaptability and instincts.

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What Happens to Spiders in Fall?

The behavior of spiders in the fall depends on the species. Some spiders mate and lay eggs during this season, while others do so in the spring. Spider eggs cannot survive freezing temperatures, but the spiderlings can survive in protective egg sacs. Certain types of spiders can undergo a process known as “cold hardening,” enabling them to adapt to the cold. However, they still seek additional shelter from harsh weather conditions, such as piles of leaves or cracks in tree bark. Although your home may provide a more attractive shelter option, it’s crucial not to put spiders outside during the winter. Without gradual acclimation to the cold, they won’t survive.


Understanding the life cycle and behavior of spiders in the fall can help homeowners better manage potential spider infestations. By being aware of their habits, individuals can take appropriate measures to keep spiders away from their homes.

How Do I Keep Spiders Out of My House in Fall?

Spiders can find their way into your house through holes in windows, storm door screens, or gaps around doors that do not fit properly. Therefore, preventing such gaps is the first step in keeping spiders away. Additionally, removing clutter from both inside and outside the house can eliminate potential hiding places for spiders. Regularly trimming the landscaping around your home and vacuuming or brushing corners and ceilings can also help eliminate cobwebs and discourage spider activity.


Taking preventive measures against spiders in the fall goes beyond just keeping your home clean and free of clutter. By sealing entry points and being proactive with maintenance, homeowners can significantly reduce the likelihood of unwanted spider guests.

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Are Spiders More Active in Winter?

Outdoor spiders tend to be less active during the winter, as they typically remain in whatever shelter they have found. They may come out on warmer winter days, but their activity is significantly reduced compared to other times of the year. Inside your home, spiders may seek refuge in corners or under clutter, particularly near water sources. This means you are more likely to spot them during the winter when you spend more time indoors.


Understanding the seasonal behavior of spiders, including their reduced activity in winter, can help demystify their presence in your home. Recognizing that increased indoor sightings are a natural occurrence can alleviate concerns and help homeowners differentiate between normal spider behavior and a potential infestation.

Arrow Exterminating – Spider Experts

While spiders are fascinating creatures, most people prefer not to have an infestation in their homes or businesses. If you require assistance with spiders, Arrow Exterminating is here to help. Their expert team can identify the type of spider you are dealing with and provide the appropriate solutions. Don’t hesitate to contact Arrow Exterminating today for reliable and effective spider control.


Having professional support is essential when it comes to spider infestations. Arrow Exterminating’s expertise ensures that the right approach is taken to address any spider-related issues, providing peace of mind to homeowners and businesses alike.

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