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Who Is The Messenger Of God In The Bible

Throughout the Old Testament there were men called by God to be an intermediary between God and man. Prophets ‘received messages’ from God and relayed them to the people of Israel. We already mentioned Amos and Jeremiah related to the exile of Israel and Judah.

Amos tells us (Amos2:11) that prophets were a gift from God to Israel. In Deut.18:9-22 God, through Moses tells us God would raise up prophets and that one day a great Prophet would arise. Prophets are sometimes called “The Man of God” or “The Servant of God.” Of course, the Great Prophet would be Jesus Christ as the final link between God and humans.

Not all prophets were writing prophets. We have only whose writings which were canonized. There were more both writers and non-writers, but we have no record of them. Some names appear in other writings but we have little information on those people.

There are major prophets and minor prophets. The minor prophets are sometimes called “The Twelve.” This term relates to the length of the book or the amount of information God gave them. They are Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obidiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggi, Zechariah and Malachi. Major prophets are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and/or Daniel. Let’s look at some prophets as we encounter them. We will not look at them in chronological order but as they arise in the history of Israel. Since we already mentioned Amos and Jeremiah, let’s start there for now.

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Amos dates during the reign of Jeroboam ll and Uzziah in Israel around 750 BC. (Israel was exiled in 722BC). He was a humble farmer/shepherd with no training as a prophet. He was from the town of Tekoa, 12miles southeast of Jerusalem tending sheep and growing fruit of the sycamore tree. Although Amos was from Judah, God chose him to go to the Northern Kingdom to tell them of their wrongs and the coming judgement.

Israel was worshiping golden calves which had been set up by Jeroboam I at Dan and Bethel so the northern tribes would not go to Jerusalem to worship. Actually, Israel had become very spiritually corrupt. Simply put, they were brazen ln idolatry and moral corruption.

Interestingly enough, Amos’ first pronounced judgement on six pagan nations around Israel. God was not oblivious to sins of other nations. Israel should have noticed. (Later, God would admonish Judah for not being cognizant of what happened to Israel.)

Actually Amos’ message was in three parts. All begin with the exhortation to “Hear”. The first warning is that judgement is coming. Second, he told them God had given them opportunities over time and they had not repented. Third was a series of visions of punishment that could come to them.


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