HomeWHYWhy Does My Cat Hump Blankets

Why Does My Cat Hump Blankets

It’s normal in some cats to hump, and you do not have to be very concerned about it. It’s perfectly common for cats to hump now and then. You might still have this question Why do cats hump blankets?

Pent-up energy, stress, and anxiety, the need to show their dominance are a few reasons cats hump blankets. Cat humping is a widespread event that can be caused by several factors, the most prevalent of which are hormones.

In this blog, we will discuss why cats hump blankets and if this is normal for them or not.

Is It Normal for Cats to Hump Blankets?

For several factors, a cat humps a blanket. Anxiety, as well as bottled-up energy, are two factors that contribute to this type of attitude. Your cat may also hump blanket to express dissatisfaction with being ignored or assert authority.

Blanket humping is a behavior seen in both male cats and female ones. If your little pet is humping your blanket, realize that it isn’t just something they want to hump.

However, even spayed cats may hump, especially if the cat had been neutered later in life. Alteration in a cat’s familiar environment, such as a new place, a new animal partner, new people, or cats and other animals wandering around outside his home, may cause him to begin humping.

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Cat humping can sometimes occur when cats require more attention or playtime. Other things that cats are known to hump include cushions, sofas, and toys. Some cats would target humans and other pets in the house.

5 Reasons Why Cats Hump Blankets

Below are a few key reasons why cats could hump a blanket, any other soft object, or maybe even another cat.


Stress and worry have been linked to cat humping blankets. This seems to be more often when anything in the cat’s surroundings has abruptly altered, as the arrival of a new family member, a migration, or even a neighbor cat visible through a window.


Few cats hump blankets when bored or furious. However, you can altogether avoid the behavior by engaging with your little pet in some other ways.

You can provide cat towers or other pet toys to your cat to relieve her of boredom.

You can ultimately choose not to be bothered by a cat humping. Your little friend is only following the principles of nature, which is nothing to be ashamed of.

To Assert Dominance

Cats utilize mounting action to reinforce their social status. Between the ages of 2 and 4, cats achieve societal adulthood. Before that, they may get along great, but then the cats’ social position and status become more important.

Raising up like a kitten requires a lot of socialization. But if they did not develop limits or establish self-control, the kittens who might not have the chance to play and engage with their littermates may express more dominant attitudes.

Feral kittens or babies who had to battle for their food and kittens who were permitted to act too rough can all develop into dominating cats later when they grow up. Dominant cats tend to hump more objects, blankets, or cats than other cats.

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Hormonal Imbalance Due to Being Unneutered

Humping of a cat is a very normal occurrence caused by various factors, and hormones are very significant of it. As male cats hump, an element of the sex act, intact female cats.

According to most experts, even other male cats in the house might be humped by them, which is considered a dominating behavior. Castration also has a little effect on behaviors that are influenced by male hormones.

The temperament, training, and personality of a cat are primarily determined by heredity and upbringing and are unchanged by male hormones. Castration is unlikely to bring a hyperactive cat to a halt or reduce hostility among humans.

Castration before sexual development helps to stop secondary sexual characteristics like penile barbs, huge jowls, and glands in the dorsal region of the cat’s tail from developing.

If another cat is unavailable, you may notice your cat hump random objects like blankets and pillows due to hormonal imbalance.


Any trauma, like a past accident, an illness, or surgery, can lead your cat to seek comfort. This can be in the form of humping your blankets or peeing on your clothes.

What to Do if Your Cat Is Humping Blankets?

The very first and foremost, do not strike or throw anything at your little friend. Since your cat sees no harm in cat humping, they won’t realize why you’re trying to do that to them.

However, It would just break the warm bond between your cat and you that has formed over time.

Once you observe indicators that your cat is heading towards the start of humping, the easiest approach is to cope with the situation and to distract him or her from it. Body signals such as enlarged eyes, purring, and vigorous kneading are the key signs that will be noticeable to you easily.

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If your pet is interacting with another cat, keep an eye on them. If the cat that is humping becomes more aggressive, you could throw any object or clap your hands in his or her direction to divert their attention.

If your feline friend is humming, sitting on you, lift it up, say “no” gently but firmly, and place him/her on the ground.

Because few cats hump due to boredom or frustration, you can also completely avoid the habit by engaging or playing with your cat. Also, you could use a fishing pole toy to get your cat’s adrenaline pumping before allowing him to roughly play with the toy.

Taking care of your cat and its cleanliness is another method to show him you care without causing him to hump.

Finally, you can choose not to be bothered by a cat humping. In case your pet enjoys engaging with different toys, he’s simply acting very much like a cat that is completely normal, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Things to Consider

A few more other things that could be bought to consideration when one finds themself in this situation when their cat starts humping have been stated below:

As the cat owner and a companion, you should always strive to find methods to compliment your male cat’s good behavior. When you’re comfortable and engaging nicely along with your companion pets, this may create affection, and you can solve the issue.

Traditional punishment tactics, like yelling, are far less effective. And definitely, one would never strike their cat for this kind of behavior rather than trying to understand it.

A warm cat bed close to the favorite spot, together along with a bookcase or a chair, could be a great strategy to get the little pet engaged and happier. Some cats love to and will stare outdoors for hours in a day, seeing all around in their surroundings go by here and there.

Also, considering and including nice wind-catching strings that may pique your cat’s interest would triple the entertainment and fun in your cat’s life.


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