What Is Seducing Spirits

Lately, at various events, I have been asked about seducing spirits and how they are operating in the Church and in everyday life. The bible does not have any particular area where this subject matter is addressed. The bible does however, gives us enough truth to surmise how they are operating today.

Isaiah 29 and Ezekiel 13 introduced us to the word “seduced” as it relates to seducing spirit. In both context, the word “seduced” refers to being “lead astray” The Jews were often lead astray from God and the ordinances of God by false prophets. Today’s Body of Christ is often lead astray by false preachers with false doctrine. They are seduced by the charismatic words of some who truly do not know or understand the bible. Many in the Body of Christ are easy prey for seduction because they only want to have their itchy ears satisfied by things that sound good.

Jesus said in Mark 14:22. “For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders to “seduce’”, if it were possible, even the elect.” In this verse, the word seduce means, “to deceive.” Jesus was saying people would rise up claiming to be Christ or a prophet of God with the ability to show signs and wonder, (miracles). They would use this ability to deceive people. But they would not be able to deceive the true people of God. The true people of God cannot be deceived because they know the truth of God’s word. If you happen to be up late at night, you can see this going on with many of the television preachers who are pitching healings, holy water, prayer cloths and etc.

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2 Timothy 3:13 makes a frightening statement. It says, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” In the times we are living in, it should be obvious to any believer who is paying attention, that more and more people are being deceived in our churches and in life, generally. That is because there are more individuals in leadership positions in both the church and society that are deceived into thinking they are operating in accordance to the Word of God, when in fact, they are not. These same people are using their positions and authority to deceive others.

I Timothy 4:1 is where we find the words, “seducing spirits.” It says, Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. In this verse, the Holy Spirit is saying that during these last days, many Believers will be lead astray from the Word of God, as a result of being deceived by sprits that are not of God and demons of Satan. In other words, there are actually demonic spirits in the church that are distorting the Word of God with the end result of changing the Word of God. Many will leave the basic tenets of Christianity, to follow and abide by the false doctrine of the devil, himself. The overall end-result is a lost of effectiveness by the Church as a whole and by individual believers in the church.

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The only defense against seducing spirits is to know the Lord and His Word for yourself. Do not rely or depend on anyone to teach you the Word of God. I John 1:27 gives us the best admonition. It says, “But the anointing which you have received of Him, abideth in you, and you need not that any man teach you: but as the anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you, you hall abide in Him.”

Every time you hear a sermon, or attend Bible study, or read an article, compare it all to what the Bible says. By doing so, you are allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you and to teach you, what is truth and what is not.

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