HomeWHENWhat To Expect When Your Humans Are Expecting

What To Expect When Your Humans Are Expecting

Book Title: What to Expect When Your Humans are Expecting

Authors: Clifford Herriot, the pseudonym for Rysa Walker and her husband

Publication Date: September 29, 2020

Available On: Amazon as an eBook and as a paperback

Indie Athenaeum Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars

This book tells the story of a loving family and the dogs that own them. However, the dog who once was the center of their family’s life discovers that the woman he owns is pregnant. As the experience impacts their entire household, the dog is trying to figure it all out. How will the dog’s life change as their family grows?

This is a non-fiction book, but with the twist that it’s written from the point of view of a dog. Each picture is perfectly paired with its prose captions and impeccably emphasizes the dog’s observations with each page. The photos are well done and each one made me chuckle and even flat out belly laugh at what I read and saw on each page.

I couldn’t help but grin and laugh as I read along with the dog’s confusion as to what was happening. It’s funny, wry, insightful, charming, and filled with love. It also beautifully illustrates the kindness and loyalty a dog has for its family, even for its newest member. Its pages are filled with the joy of living and are written straight from the heart.

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It also cleverly parodies all those “what to expect when you’re expecting” books out there as well, while still being original and exuding pure happiness.

This is the perfect gift to give someone who has a fur baby in the family and is about to add a human baby to their home. It should be displayed at the cash registers at the front desk of all pet supply stores as well.

It also for dog lovers out there, whether you have children or not. It’ll make you feel good about life and bring a smile to your face. It’s a short read at 40 pages or so, but each page is delightful and filled with gentle humor and affection for our canine owners.

This is a book that I will read again and again to bring out some joy and delight into my day when necessary. I’ve already read it several times in the past few days just for fun and it’s still quite entertaining. Also, it’s completely filled with pictures of dogs and babies. It doesn’t get much better than that. What’s not to love?

Go ahead, read it, and enjoy it. Share it with friends. Buy it as a gift for someone. Tell others about how cute it is. It’s doggone adorable from beginning to end.

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