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What To Do With Extra Dirt

Once your construction project has completed or has progressed far enough that you know you will have to dispose of some dirt, what should you do with it? You have plenty of good options, including excess dirt removal, but the answer depends on what kind of dirt you have.

What To Do With Extra Fill Dirt

Fill dirt is non-organic dirt that is used to provide a stable foundation for roads, swimming pools, homes, and building structures. It is subsoil found about 12 inches below the topsoil. Fill dirt consists of clay, sand, silt, and stones, and any other materials found in the source ground. It does not decompose and settle like organic soil. These properties make it entirely unsuitable for spreading on your lawn or garden.

You can use excess fill dirt for a number of different projects, depending on how much you have. If you decide to use it for another project on your property, it will require some heavy lifting on your part. Alternatively, you can simply get rid of it. Here are a few suggestions:

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Fill Low Spots On Your Property And Correct Drainage

If you have places on your property that tend to hold water or are experiencing some erosion, you can fill them in with the fill dirt. Take care not to dump it on a flood plain; you will be cited by your local authorities and possibly fined for doing so.

Fill dirt is an excellent material to use to correct poor drainage and eliminate water seeping through your foundation or flowing into your home. Proper drainage means that the ground slopes away from your home in all directions, dropping at least two inches every ten feet. The angle of slope 10 feet from the house should never be less than a 6-inch drop.

Create Berms To Use As Sight Barriers

Fill dirt is perfect for building mounds, or “berms”, which serve as sight barriers. Build a berm to hide an unattractive feature on your property. A berm can hide a propane tank, transformers, or block your patio from the view of your neighbors. Top it with topsoil and plant a variety of trees, shrubs, and ground covers.

Raise Elevations

You can use fill dirt to raise the elevations elsewhere on your property. Because fill dirt packs well and does not decompose, it can form a good base for these raised areas. To encourage plant growth on top of it, you will need to top the area with several inches of good organic top soil.

Build Raised Gardens

With fill dirt, you can build raised planting beds, embankments, or terracing. Top them with a deep layer of topsoil before installing landscaping.

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Build A Retaining Wall

You can use fill dirt to build that retaining wall you’ve been wanting on the side of a hill. Fill dirt is used to backfill and support the uphill side of a retaining wall. The fill dirt provides a great brace to keep the wall sound for many years.

Hire A Dirt Removal Contractor

If you just want to get rid of your excess dirt without the hassle, you can call a dirt removal contractor to have it hauled away.

What To Do With Excess Topsoil

Leftover good quality topsoil is perfect for building garden areas or spreading on the thin spots of your lawn. You can also use it to fill flower pots and start a container garden. Decent topsoil is always in demand by gardeners. If you have already used it everywhere you can in your garden areas, your neighbors and craigslist friends would probably love to take it off your hands. If not, you can always find a dirt removal contractor to take it away.

What To Do With Extra Fill Sand

Fill sand is made of fine particles of rock that have been broken down and eroded over many years. It is good for improving drainage around wet areas and to fill areas around septic tanks and ponds where drainage is important. Sand tends to be prone to shifting and displacement, while fill dirt is not. Fill sand is best used in projects that will involve regular exposure to water and moisture, while fill dirt is the best option for other project types.

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Suggestions for using excess sand include:

Build A Sandbox For Your Kids

To build a sandbox, be sure that the sand you’re using is appropriate to use as play sand. Also, put a weed barrier down before filling the box with sand.

Amend Any Packed Garden Soil With Sand

Sand is a great additive to your garden to loosen up packed soil. Use it in a broadcast spreader and spread it on your lawn in the spring.

Store It In buckets And Save It For Winter Use

Shovel it into buckets, cover the buckets with lids, and store it until winter. When the ice and snow season starts, you’ll have a ready supply of sand to spread on your driveway and sidewalks. It’s easier on the environment than salt and chemicals. Keep a couple of them in the trunk of your car for added weight or in case you find yourself stuck on the side of an icy road.

Contact A Reputable Dirt Removal Contractor

Whatever kind of excess dirt you have, a professional dirt removal contractor can take it away. If you just want the dirt removed, and removed fast, a reliable dirt removal contractor is the answer. Having it removed by a professional with the right equipment is a simple, convenient, and reliable way to get rid of your excess dirt, no matter what its quality. Professional dirt removal contractors have a great deal of experience removing dirt and similar construction waste for their customers. They will ensure that removing your excess dirt is a stress-free and efficient operation for you. Call a professional today to schedule your dirt removal and avoid heavy lifting.


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