HomeWHATWhat Happens If You Take Creatine Without Working Out

What Happens If You Take Creatine Without Working Out

Before answering this question, let’s outline the key features of creatine, to understand why it’s so popular among gym-goers, and what you should know before drinking creatine without working out.

If your goal is to build up muscles, you can combine proper weightlifting training, eating enough protein, and adding a creatine supplement to your nutrition plan. The primary goal of creatine is to enhance your performance at the gym and help with recovery. So, if you want to get benefits of creatine supplementation, consume 3-5 grams daily, arrange a regular workout plan with progressive overload, recover properly and be patient to see positive changes.

However, you should be cautious about choosing the proper creatine form in the murky supplement world. But, there’s nothing to worry about: creatine monohydrate is one of the most studied and observed sports supplements. Meaning, creatine is a nearly calorie free non-proteinogenic amino acid that occurs in our muscle cells, and is produced mainly in the liver and kidneys. Food sources rich in creatine are mostly red meat and fish.

After you consume creatine supplement, it gets converted inside the muscle cells to creatine phosphate – which is basically a form of stored energy. Your body during high intensity workout can use that stored PCr (thanks to the phosphagen system) to rapidly restore ATP – primary energy “currency”. This is the reason why creatine might be considered as fuel.

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Now, let’s return to the initial question “Can you take creatine without working out?”. Shortly, Yes, it’s impossible – why not :). Creatine can assist with boosting your strength and muscle growth, consequently you’ll gain weight through muscle mass increase. However nothing from above will happen without proper training stimulus, adequate recovery and nutrition. But there are also possible benefits of creatine supplementation not related to the weight room, including brain health improvements and that’s why you can consider taking creatine without working out.

To sum up, if you take creatine without working out, there’s no sense to expect enhanced muscle growth – which must be stimulated properly according to body general adaptation syndrome and also SAID principle that tell us human body adapts to specifically imposed demands.


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