Why I Dress Up For Love

Why I Dress Up for Love is a cute slice-of-life drama about a woman who is compulsively on social media all the time, and a man who doesn’t even carry a cell phone with him. How well would they get along? Funny you should ask…

The Main Characters

Kurumi does promotions and social media for an interior design company. She is enthusiastic and very conscious of making posts look good and uploading something several times a day. She often does selfies, and has a huge wardrobe so she can coordinate with whatever the company is featuring that day.

Shun is a chef who is trying his hand at running a food truck. He’s the one without a cell phone. One day on a city bus, he has a meet-cute with Kurumi, a classic run-in that you’d think would be memorable. Later, when he sees her trying to get a cab, he drives up in his food truck and offers her a ride. She doesn’t recognize him at all.

Kurumi tells Shun about her job and how awesome her boss is, and Shun picks up on the fact that she has a crush on President Hayama. He tells her she’s only small fry circling the orca, and starts calling the president Shachi. (The Japanese word for President is Shacho and orca is shachi.) There’s a storyline about Shachi disappearing and Kurumi trying to trace what he’s up to.

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The Roommates

Kurumi is so immersed in her job that she forgets to renew her apartment lease and gets kicked out. A long-time friend, Kouko, invites her to share her apartment. When Kurumi moves in, she is floored to see that it’s a share house for five people. Kouko insists it’s a pretty big place for such a low rent. And it is a beautiful, spacious, two-story place.

Kurumi’s rent is reduced for taking care of Kouko’s dog, Koji. She is featured in the show quite a lot, as they teach her tricks and go on walks, and everyone pets her when they are down. Watch for her to ring a bell when she wants food.

One of the roommates is Haruto, a counselor who works from home and talks to his patients online. It’s kind of hilarious that Shun usually gives better advice than Haruto does. Shun has had reverses in life, and has done a lot of thinking about what is important.

Another roommate is Ayaka, who is a loner and very irritable. She is an aspiring artist and drives a delivery truck to make ends meet. We get to see her paintings, and there’s a side plot about an art competition she is in.


It’s a fun watch and I enjoyed these characters meeting and getting to know each other. With a couple of chefs in the story, we get a lot of delicious-looking food, although I’m not too sure about the giant prawns with legs. Kurumi and Shun do wrangle a little bit about needing a digital detox. There are discussions about goals and what is of the most value. It’s the kind of show where you’re not sure until the last minute whether the characters are going to pair up or not. I mostly watched an episode a day, but there was a big cliffhanger at the end of episode nine. It won’t surprise you that I went on to ten right away to see how it ended. It was good. I hope you enjoy it; you can watch it on Viki.

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Until the next meet-cute drama,


Dramas with a Side of Kimchi

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