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What Is A Kingdom Spouse

Time and time again we listen to preachers remind us on the importance of marrying right.

To some it may sound like a broken record while to some, it maybe the redemptive message that will save them from a lot of life damage in the future.

It is true however that the most important decision you make after accepting Jesus to be your personal Lord and Savior is the person you decide to marry and build a life with

Allow me to point out that

God knows what’s best for us. He knows the perfect suiter for each one of us to help us advance our kingdom assignment.

Mark 10v9NIV (Jesus speaking) clearly states that “Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate”

What many people fail to believe is that God is our perfect match maker

One of the greatest benefits of trusting Him to give you a kingdom partner is that not only will He give you exactly what you prayed for but even more.

You will not have to compromise or down play anything. He will also help you sustain the relationship and give you the grace and favor that you couldn’t even imagine

The beauty about God is that He doesn’t leave you to figure out who your spouse is by yourself, but rather, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit who is our Advocate,

John 14 v26 NIV (Jesus speaking) “But the Advocate, Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you

He is able to send us signs through literally anything around us. Though many any times, we try to ignore Him but He never stops

But bear in mind that God will never force us to do anything, He gives us free will so much so that we shouldn’t feel like slaves in bondage to His actions towards our lives.

So, if you’re currently in a relationship and aren’t sure if it’s the right relationship for you to be in, analyze it with these signs and hopefully they will give you the peace and clarity that you’ve been looking for

And if you are in a relationship and all these signs are in accordance with your relationship, then it is God’s way of giving you your final confirmation and telling you to take the relationship seriously

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CONFIRMATION OVER THE RELATIONSHIP– allow me to specify that just because people think you look good together then you should take it as a huge sign that he’s the one for you.

There has to be some spiritual ( Godly) confirmation attached to it (even more accurately through scripture).

We all have different ways in which God confirms questions that we ask Him. So, if the spiritual confirmation is in alignment with the way God communicates with you and you feel an unexplainable peace with it. Then you shouldn’t ignore it.

THERE IS A FRIENDSHIP– It’s funny how the bible talks more about how-to live-in friendship with each other than it does about how to live in romantic settings.

The reason to this could be that it is easier to fall in love with someone when the foundation of your friendship is strong

A true test of a God-fearing man is one who is willing to be a friend without having any sexual benefits attached to the friendship

A man that is willing to sit down and listen to your problems and give you advice, be there to help you out at odd hours when you really need him, you name it

Another reason why it is important to build a friendship because eighty percent of marriage if not more is about building trust and friendship more than it is about anything else

The success of your marriage is only dependent upon how strong your friendship is. Sex isn’t the only intimacy in marriage.

The ability to lay down your flaws in front of someone without being harshly judged but instead feel understood and loved on even more, now that’s true intimacy!!!

THE RELATIONSHIP DOESN’T LEAD TO SEXUAL IMMORALITY- first thing you need to know about this is that the person you’re seeking to have a relationship with must already be on his purity journey

Another sign that the man you’re in a relationship with will make a good husband is when he chooses to honor God with his body.

They are a lot of temptations out there, but it takes a real man to honor one woman because he knows it glorifies God

Proverbs 18vs 22 NIV ” He who finds a wife finds a good thing and receives favor from the LORD

HE IS CAPABLE OF LEADING YOU– I must admit that this is a very touchy subject to even discuss in today’s world because of the feminist movements that are going on

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But as daughters of God, we need to understand that a man leading a household doesn’t mean he has a bondage type of control over you, it’s biblical

Ephesians 5 vs 23 NIV “For the Husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the Head of the Church, His body, of which He is the Savior”

Now how does healthy leadership look like;

  1. He consults your opinion before making a final decision on things
  2. He leads you to the right church, spiritual counsel etc. through the help of Holy Spirit
  3. He initiates things that are beneficial for your spiritual growth e.g., prayer, worship so on
  4. He leads the with household with instructions that he receives from God

Just to mention a few. And as a woman if you are able to trust him with these kinds of decisions then you’ve got yourself a keeper


HE CAN PROVIDE– regardless how much society makes woman look like gold diggers for wanting a man to provide for them, men still have to provide

1 Timothy 5v8 NIV “Anyone who does not provide for their relatives and especially for their own Household has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever”

However, I won’t let it slide that they are some women that will ask a man to provide outside of what he is able to afford or demand too much too soon and that’s also true

But as a born-again believer, it is also important to learn to be content and love a man with what he can afford to provide for you so long he is providing with an honest heart

And truly with what God has blessed him in the season that he is currently in, trusting that God will bless him even more in every season you are in together

HE MAKES YOU FEEL SAFE/ PROTECTED– don’t mistake this with a man that will beat up every guy that approaches you and tells them to stay away from you

That is a violent man and you should by all means stay away from such type of men

A Godly man will protect you by speaking highly of you, protecting your reputation, he will not speak ill of you behind your back, he will protect your honor

This a man that you can share your secrets with and he never ever discuss them with anyone because he knows it’s biblical to remain true to his word

This is man that will protect his household/ relationship regardless of the problems you might be facing, he will not let them be known to the public

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It will be is mission to present them before God and solve them in private because he values unity and a solid Godly household

HE IS SPIRIT LEAD– it is one thing for someone to claim they believe in Jesus, but a true test to this if he’s living a spirt lead life

Galatian 5vs 22-23 NIV “But the fruit of the spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control. Against such things there is no law.

We are all flawed human beings, no one is perfect, a true test is when he exercises the fruit of the spirit in the relationship

Like is he patient in situations?

Does he sit down and talk things over when you have arguments and actually forgive when necessary?

Is he loyal, he is a good guy?

Does he bring peace to the relationship?

Is he a gentleman or he is violent towards you?

Does he love you in a way that he’s willing to sacrifice certain things because he knows they will grow him into a better man which in turn will make the relationship stronger?

I hope your answer to all these questions is a YES!!! lol

HE TREATS YOU LIKE A QUEEN– I think we can all agree that it’s every woman’s dream to be treated like she is the only girl in the world lol

A God-fearing man will understand that good women don’t just come out of the bushes, they are purified, molded and present to men as a gift from God

Proverbs 31 vs 11 NIV “Her Husband has Full confidence in her and lacks nothing of Value”

He will pour into your life the love that he receives from Christ, and how will that look like?

  1. He will remember every small detail about you
  2. He will continuously pursue you
  3. He will give you his undivided attention when you need it
  4. He will plan dates, buy your favorite little things, remember important events
  5. He will pray over you and your purpose, just to mention a few things

As I conclude, I would like to add that, that as much as you are waiting to be found by the Ephesians 5 man

It is very important during this season to also prepare yourself and mold yourself to be the proverbs 31 woman that he is searching for. You can check out my blog post 8 WAYS TO BECOME A PROVERBS 31 WOMAN IN YOUR SINGLE SEASON on how to do so


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