HomeWHENWhen Can I Dye My Hair After Perm

When Can I Dye My Hair After Perm

Have you recently had a perm? Are you thinking about coloring your hair soon, but aren’t sure when it’s safe to do so? How soon after a perm can I color my hair? In this article, I’ll share the answer to exactly how long you need to wait before coloring your hair after getting a perm.

As well as looking at the benefits and risks associated with waiting various lengths of time, and offer some tips on how to get the best results when changing your color after getting a perm, with some helpful advice. Read on for everything you need to know about coloring your hair shortly after having a perm.

How Soon After A Perm Can I Color My Hair?

What Happens To The Hair During The Perming Process?

During the perming process, the natural shape of the hair is permanently changed by using chemical solutions to break and reconnect cross-links between proteins within the hair.

After a perm solution has been applied, it will break down these bonds, allowing for easier reshaping of the structure of the hair strands. The rearrangement or curling of existing molecules then takes place due to the solution’s ability to break them down into smaller molecules for structural reformatting.

To further facilitate this process, heat is sometimes applied afterward with an electric rod or a blow dryer so that new cross-linkages may be formed between protein compounds within each strand.

This newly structured molecule formation stabilizes and strengthens as they cool and become reactive. Once the solution has been rinsed away, the hair is set in its new perm shape.

Afterward, an acidic neutralizing solution will be applied to close off these newly formed bonds and ensure that they remain intact over time. The hair may then be styled as desired.

Which Hair Types Are Best For Having A Perm?

For those looking to switch up their hairstyle and give their look some texture and body, perms can be a great option. While any hair type can benefit from a perm, those with straight and thin hair will get the most visible results.

Fine hair can hold the curls created from a perm for a longer period of time than coarse hair. It is important that individuals with fine hair are mindful not to get too strong of a perm, as this can lead to damage if it isn’t maintained properly.

Those that have thick hair may find that perms don’t last as long or have as much definition as desired due to the sheer volume of the hair.

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It’s just going to depend on an individual’s individual style preferences when considering whether a perm is right for them, and their hair health.

How Damaging Is A Perm On Your Hair?

A perm is a chemical hair treatment designed to make hair more curly or wavy. It is often seen as a way to add body and shape to naturally straight or fine hair. However, perms can be very damaging to your hair if not done carefully with the right products.

Perms use harsh chemicals such as ammonium thioglycolate and sodium hydroxide, which break down the proteins in your hair to create curls. The health of your strands will depend on how long the products are left in your hair and how they are neutralized after application.

Any type of perm also weakens the structure of your strands by removing some essential lipids from each strand, resulting in increased fragility and dryness.

If you choose to get a perm, you should be prepared for possible damage including split ends, frizziness, brittle strands, breakage, and scalp irritation due to the harsh chemical agents used by most salon stylists for this process.

Also, be sure that you follow any aftercare instructions given by your stylist; heavy oils and deep conditioning treatments can help restore weakened structures caused by receiving a perm. Also, you can get specific shampoos designed for permed hair, to help recoup any lost moisture, to prevent any hair loss, and keep damage to a minimum.

How To Care For Your Hair After Having A Perm?

Taking care of your hair after a perm is important for keeping it healthy and looking its best. A perm is a chemical process that changes your hair’s structure, giving it more body and curls.

But it can also leave your hair feeling dry and brittle. So, here are some helpful tips to keep your hair looking great after a perm.

1. Don’t shampoo every day. Shampooing too often can strip your hair of its natural oils, making it look dull and damaged. Aim to wash your hair only two or three times a week with a mild shampoo formulated for permed hair.

2. Use a deep conditioning treatment once a week. This will help keep your hair hydrated and strong, and stop it from becoming brittle and breaking off.

3. Try not to comb or brush your hair too often. Permed hair is particularly prone to breakage, so it’s important to be gentle when combing it out after a perm. Similarly, avoid using elastics or clips on your hair, as these can also cause damage to your delicate perm.

4. Don’t use heat-styling tools too often. Blow dryers, curling irons, and flat irons can all damage permed hair and make it look dry and frizzy. If you do want to use heat-styling tools, make sure to apply a protective product first.

5. Avoid harsh products. Harsh chemicals like peroxide, bleach, and dyes can strip your perm of its body and make it look dull and lifeless. Look for sulfate-free products to keep your permed hair looking its best.

What Happens To The Hair During The Perming Process?

How Soon After A Perm Can I Color My Hair?

It is not recommended to color your hair immediately after getting a perm. Depending on the type of perm, it can take up to two weeks for the chemicals in the perm to settle and for your hair to fully recover. During this period, your hair is especially fragile and vulnerable; processing it any further can cause serious damage.

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When coloring your newly permed hair, you should use an ammonia-free or low ammonia colorant that will help preserve its integrity. This kind of product won’t penetrate too deep into the strands, allowing them to remain healthy and strong while protecting them from further damage.

You can also opt for semi-permanent dyes or toners hair coloring options instead of permanent ones, as they don’t contain damaging ingredients like bleach or other harsh chemicals that could affect the perm’s results negatively.

If you want to be extra cautious, consider consulting a professional hairstylist before pursuing any kind of styling hair care treatment on freshly permed hair.

They can evaluate the condition of your hair strands and determine if it’s safe for you to proceed with coloring, without compromising your hair’s health.

A reputable stylist should also be able to provide recommendations specifically tailored to your individual situation – such as whether you need a special dye formula or different technique- which will ensure optimal results every time.

Although there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to how soon after a perm you can dye your locks, waiting at least two weeks is advisable if possible so that your hair has enough time to recover from chemical processing before being subjected to another one.

Is It Safe To Color Permed Hair?

When it comes to coloring permed hair, it is generally safe to do so. To ensure the best possible outcome, there are a few things to consider before making the decision.

Make sure that your perm is completely set and no longer processing. This is because the chemicals in hair dyes can affect how well permanent waves take or stay in place.

You also need to consider is what type of color you intend to use. Permanent dyes are usually preferable when coloring permed hair; this helps keep the curl pattern intact and helps the color last longer than it would with semi-permanent dye.

Be sure to use a good quality conditioner after dying, as this helps protect your hair and adds moisture back into the strands, which may have been stripped away due to both the perm process and coloring process.

Always consult a professional hairstylist for any advice regarding non-permanent colors or those made specifically for people with perms before use at home.

Can You Perm Your Hair And Color Your Hair The Same Day?

No, it is not recommended to perm and color your hair on the same day. Perming involves harsh chemicals that can significantly weaken the hair shaft and make it brittle, thanks to your new curl pattern.

Using hair dye directly after a perm can cause even more damage due to these weakened strands, as going through two chemical processes in a row exacerbates their fragility and increases the risk of breakage.

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So, it will be best to wait at least two weeks for your newly permed hair to settle before attempting any other styling treatments such as dyeing or bleaching.

What Damage Can Occur To Your Hair If You Color It Too Soon After A Perm?

Using coloring products on hair that has recently been permed can be damaging due to the chemical sensitivity of the hair’s composition.

When a perm is applied, chemicals are used to break and reform bonds in the outer cortex layer of our natural hair, resulting in curly or wavy styles for straightened hair.

These same chemically altered bonds, however, can become even more damaged when exposed to other harsh chemicals such as those found in bleaches and dyes.

Depending on how soon after a perm you color your hair, the additional processing could either weaken the strength of the curl or could cause an excessive amount of stress on the strands that results in breakage.

This results from excess tension placed on both ends of each strand during curling; when color is added too soon after that process, there will be further inflammation, which can lead to significant damage over time if not taken care of properly.

Coloring products also contain ammonia and peroxide, which are highly corrosive compounds; if these come into contact with your strands shortly after a perm, they could strip away some essential components needed for maintaining healthy hair growth cycles.

It’s best practice to wait at least three weeks before coloring your freshly permed locks, since this will give them enough time to settle back into their natural shape while allowing any existing chemical damage from the perm to dissipate slightly before adding additional styling treatments onto them.

Which Haircare Products And Treatments Should You Avoid With Permed Hair?

Can You Bleach Your Hair After A Perm?

No, you should not bleach your hair after a perm. Doing so can cause irreparable damage to your hair and scalp.

The chemicals used for perms are harsh enough as it is, adding bleaching agents on top of that may lead to over-processing and breakage.

Some individuals with thicker and more resilient hair may be able to pull off this combination of treatments without issue, but even then, it’s best to proceed with extreme caution or avoid the task altogether.

The application process for bleaching your hair involves stripping the pigments from strands to lighten their appearance.

This procedure will add unhealthy levels of stress onto the already delicate curls created by the perm treatment.

Over time, a dye job following a perm can lead to split ends and dryness that would be otherwise avoidable if they had waited until after their curls have grown out a little bit more first before proceeding with any new processes involving chemical agents such as bleach or peroxide.

Final Thoughts

How long after a perm can you color your hair? This is a question that often comes up when discussing styling treatments for permed hair. Generally speaking, it’s best to wait at least two weeks before coloring permed hair again, as this gives the strands adequate time to recover from any chemical processing.

When selecting a hair color to use on your permed locks, opt for subtle shades like honey blonde and mocha brown that will give your look more texture and brightness without overwhelming it.

To prevent further damage, avoid any harsh chemical treatments or products with heavy oils and greases afterward.

As always, if you have concerns about coloring your newly permed hair, consult a professional hairstylist who can help assess what’s best for you and give you tailored tips and advice on how to achieve beautiful locks while avoiding damage.


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