HomeWHICHWhich Of These Is Yi Seong-gye An Expert In

Which Of These Is Yi Seong-gye An Expert In

Best Yi Seong Gye Talent Tree Builds And Pairs


Yi Seong-Gye is old Rise of Kingdoms commander with Archer, Garrison and Skill talent tree. If you can invest all you have in him. You must have him. Yi Seong-Gye is a commander that you can use in defending, rally, filed fighting and AOE barbarian killing.

Yi Seong-Gye Talent Tree Build​

Yi Seong-Gye FIELD PVP Talent Tree

Rise Of Kingdoms Guides Yi Seong-Gye Field Talent Tree Build

Main Talents Talent Points Full Quiver3/3 Arrows Nocked3/3 Thumb Ring3/3 Razor Sharp1/3 Rapid Fire 3/3 Armed and Armored3/3 Venomous Sting4/4 Burning Blood3/3 Heraldic Shield3/3 All For one3/3 Tactical Mastery3/3 Rejuvenate 3/3 Feral Nature5/5 Clarity 3/3 Stats Attack: 10.5% Defense: 5% Health: 12% March Speed24%

In this build, you should get ‘feral nature,’ which will give you a 10% chance at an additional 100 rage which is pretty helpful to fire off Yi Seong Gye’s skills which we want to take advantage of. Furthermore, it increases the 10% chance of getting an additional 100 rage to a 20% chance which is very useful on the battlefield. Next, you should get ‘clarity,’ which will increase active skill damage by 6%.

Yi Seong-Gye GARRISON Talent Tree

Rise Of Kingdoms Guides Yi Seong-Gye Garrison Talent Tree Build

Main Talents Talent Points Arrows Nocked 3/3 Rapid Fire3/3 Empty Fortress Strategem3/3 Impenetrable Fortifications3/3 Impregnable 3/3 City Guardian3/3 Nowhere To Turn3/3 Kings Guard3/3 Burning Blood 3/3 Heraldic Shield3/3 All For One3/3 Tactical Mastery3/3 Rejuvenate 3/3 Clarity 3/3 Stats Attack: 8.5% Defense: 5% Health: 4.5%

Yi Seong Gye is one of best archer commander, so the best build for him would be a full archer build. This can be done first by getting ‘whistling arrows’ and ‘rejuvenate’ for extra rage generation. This is pretty important for Yi Seong Gye because it will help fire off his skills more often, and we will especially want to take advantage of the circular area of effect damage of his expertise skill.

Next, you should get ‘burning blood’ and ‘all for one.’ These talents will increase skill damage. ‘Venomous sting’ will increase your active skill damage by 8%. Another talent that will increase skill damage is ‘tactical mastery’ which increases skill damage by 3%.

Yi Seong-Gye Guide

Yi Seong Gye is an archer commander in the rise of kingdoms. He has a unique skill that sets him apart from the other commanders, which is his ability to do AoE (Area on Effect) damage in a circular shape. This is a very powerful skill, and only one other commander in the entire game has this ability. He also is good at providing skill damage.

If you are considering investing in Yi Seong Gye as a commander, you should keep reading this article. We will cover his skills, some reliable pairings, and talent builds.

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First skill plus expertise- for me the best skill in the game. You do not need to think or move to hit 5 targets because it is a circular area. Now damage factor is 1700 not to target that you are attacking but to all 5 troops in range of skill. Simple to good.

Secondary skill- normal attack has a 10% chance to grant 100 rage points and 100% bonus attack damage for 3 seconds.

Third skill – a good bonus for defending cities.

Fourth skill- Increase active skill damage by 50%. Yi Seong-Gye has good nuke with only first skill but when you have 50% more damage to active damage that is beautiful. You will cry of happiness when you see that damage.

Rally– Yi Seong-Gye is a great commander for a rally. Insane amount of nuke and he is anti swarm commander because of his expertise. While you are attacking the city or flag any troops that attack you or they are near rally will receive skill damaged too.Field combat- Now Yi Seong-Gye is a commander that you must bring in big fights because of great AOE nuke. The only problem that you fill face is that your troops will die fast.

People know how much damage Yi Seong-Gye is able to produce in a short time. All focus will be on you. You can try to hide Yi Seong-Gye as a secondary commander with Richard

AOE Barbarian pulling- Because of circular skill damage you will be able to pull barbarians will no problem. It will be so easy and you will save so many action points.

Is investing in Yi Seong Gye a good idea in 2024?

Yes, yes, and yes! You should definitely invest in Yi Seong Gye as a commander in 2024, mainly because he deals massive damage and has powerful skills that will bring a lot of value to your game. He also has a unique advantage of the circular AoE, which you would want to take advantage of when you are on the battlefield. He also has some pairings that will really take your game to the next level.

We will elaborate more on these powerful skills and pairings in the article, but you should know that Yi Seong Gye is a very good choice in 2024, and you should seriously consider investing in him if you haven’t already thought of it. Yi Seong Gye is from day one of the best Rise Of Kingdoms Commander.

How to obtain Yi Seong Gye

Let’s begin by talking about how we can obtain Yi Seong Gye as a commander. There are two main ways we can do this. First of all, the Rise Of Kingdoms wheel of fortune event does have Yi Seong Gye, but this is only for earlier in the game. It applies only if you are 94 days into your Kingdom, and if you go past that time limit, you will have to obtain Yi Seong Gye in the second event, which I will just talk about.

The second event through which you can obtain Yi Seong Gye is called ‘card king.’ Through this event, you flip cards and decide which legendary commander you are interested in through that process. This is the only way to obtain him if you have outgrown the time limit for the wheel of fortune.

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Would Yi Seong Gye make a good primary commander?

Let us now discuss whether Yi Seong Gye would make a good primary commander or if he is better off in the position of secondary commander. The short answer is, you should keep him as a secondary commander. This may not be very clear, considering how powerful his skills and talent trees are. I will explain why.

The main reason is that he is a massive target for the enemies, and you will, in the long run, be more likely attacked by enemies if you have Yi Seong Gye as your primary commander. As a result, he attracts a lot of enemies that swarm him in order to defeat him.

He will be more valuable as a secondary commander because this way, you will be able to take full advantage of him. In addition, he will not be targeted and sought out by enemies if he is a secondary commander, so he will spend more time out in the field.

This is why it makes more sense to use Yi Seong Gye as a secondary commander.

Yi Seong-Gye Pairings

As we just discussed, Yi Seong Gye is better off as a secondary commander. Here, we will talk about some rok pairings that make the most sense and which commanders would make reliable primary commanders in the pairing.

These are merely suggestions, and you can always follow your own opinion on who to pair Yi Seong Gye with!

Edward Edward

Insane duo for a rally. They will do a huge amount of damage and Edward will provide some survivability. Edward talent tree is great so use him as a primary commander.

Tomyris Tomyris

Tomyris is a Great pair for YSG if you do not have Edward.


Another good pairing is that of Yi Seong Gye and Richard 1. This pairing will bring tankiness, and healing to the battlefield, which makes it such a strong pair. Although Richard 1 does not contribute to the rage engine that much, the healing and tankiness make up for it. Furthermore, Richard will make Yi Seong Gye last for a long time on the battlefield, so you should consider this pairing. When building Richard talent tree build for Richard and Yi Seong Gye pairing do not forget to get all rage generation.


If you do not have any commander from the top then go with Hermann. Hermann is the best epic archer commander in the game.

Sun Tzu

Well this can work for big field battles where your main focus is to hit a lot of targets at the same time. Sun Tzu will produce rage too so your skills will be able to cast very fast.


The first pairing we will be talking about is Yi Seong Gi with Aethelflaed. She, too, is a commander that deals damage on AoE. Although she prefers a mixed army and Yi Seong Gye is an archer commander and has archer troops, THIS does not matter too much. Yi Seong Gye’s skills generate rage and damage potential for all the troops in the army, no matter the troop type, so this pairing makes complete sense.

Furthermore, Aethelflaed has a powerful rage generation engine, so she can fire off Yi Seong Gye’s skills more often, and hence this is a huge advantage.

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Yi Seong-Gye Skills

Rain of Arrows

Rage Requirement: 1000

Active SkillDeals direct damage to the enemy in a fan-shaped area. Can damage at most 5 targets

Upgrade Preview:Direct Damage Factor: 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1200 / 1400

‘Rain of arrows’ is Yi Seong Gye’s first skill. It has a 1000 rage requirement to be fired off. This deals direct damage to your enemies in a fan-shaped area. Thus, it gives a damage factor of 1400. However, the damage dealt to each target will be reduced by 15% for each additional target. Hence, this is a powerful AoE (attack on effect) damage skill.

Art of Archery

Passive SkillTroops’ normal attacks have a 10% chance to grant additional rage and increase the attack of archer units for the next 3 seconds.

Upgrade Preview:Rage Restored: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 100Archer Attack Bonus: 50% / 60 % / 70% / 80% / 100%

‘Art of Archery’ is Yi Seong Gi’s second skill and is a passive skill. It gives the troops a 10% chance to generate an additional 100 rage factor and also increase the attack of the target units and archery units. This increase in attack will be by 100% and will last for three seconds. This is mainly an archer-specific skill, but the rage generation will apply for all troop types.

Joseon Dynasty

Passive SkillIncreases the attack of the garrison and watchtower when this commander is serving as garrison commander.

Upgrade Preview:Garrison/Watchtower Attack Bonus: 1% / 2% / 3% / 4% / 5%

This is the third skill and is also a passive skill. ‘Joseon Dynasty’ increases the attack of the Garrison and the Watchtower by 10% when Yi Seong Gye is acting as a Garrison Commander. This offers extra protection to your Kingdom.


Passive SkillIncreases active skill damage.

Upgrade Preview:Skill Damage Bonus: 20% / 25% / 30% / 40% / 50%

‘Destiny’ is Yi Seong Gye’s fourth skill and is also a passive skill. It increases active skill damage by 50%. This deals massive damage and is one of Yi Seong Gye’s most powerful skills.

Arrow Storm

Deals direct damage (Damage Factor 1700) to the enemy in a circular area. Can damage at most 5 targets.

This is the final skill that I will be talking about and is also Yi Seong Gye’s expertise skill. ‘Arrow Storm’ increases the primary skill damage from a 1400 damage factor up to a massive 1700 damage factor. It also changes the AoE (Area of effect) from the fan-shaped area to a circular area, so when the active skill goes off, no one can touch him because he will be shooting off in a circle around him.

This is especially useful for on the field battles where he can avoid being swarmed by enemies. This skill brings a lot of value to the game. He is the one of the only commanders that are able to have a circular AoE (Area of Effect).


Taejo of Joseon, born Yi Seong-Gye, was the founder and the first king of the Joseon Dynasty of Korea and the main figure in overthrowing the Goryeo Dynasty. Yi Seong-Gye joined the Goryeo army and gained power and respect during the late 1370s and early 1380s by pushing Mongol remnants off the peninsula and also by repelling well-organized Japanese pirates in a serios of successful engagements. He declared a new dynasty in 1392-1393 under the name of Joseon, thereby reviving and older state, also known as Joseon, that was, legendarily, established nearly three thousand years previously and renamed the county the “Kingdom of Great Joseon”. Yi Seong-Gye abdicated in 1308 during the strife between his son and died on May 23, 1408 I Changdeok Palace


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