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Which Statement Is Not True About Pair Programming

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Agile Methodologies

Q1. Teams may encounter the need for “technical” user stories. Who decides the priority of these?

  • the Product Owner with help from Operations
  • the Tech Lead with help from the Product Owner
  • the Product Owner with help from the Tech Lead
  • the Tech Lead with help from Operations
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Q2. What is the Scrum Master’s role during the daily stand-up?

  • Congratulate the team on their great work.
  • Stand outside the circle of developers and listen for impediments.
  • The Scrum Master should not attend—this meeting is for developers only.
  • Ask each developer what they have done since the last daily standup.

Q3. Which factor should not be considered during Sprint Planning?

  • the team’s velocity
  • the number of stories in the product backlog
  • the ready stories
  • the team’s capacity

Q4. A team member has been showing signs of great personal distress: crying at work, snapping at colleagues, and having heated phone conversations. As a Team Facilitator, what should you do?

  • Report this at the Sprint Release.
  • Advise the PO as soon as possible. (Old answer: Notify the team member’s manager of your observations and ask the manager for help.)
  • Point out the reasons why and collaborate on solutions.
  • Ask the PO to extend the sprint.

Q5. Which statement describes the flow of work in the Scaled Agile Framework?

  • It is a “push” system.
  • It is “push” at the top and “pull” at the bottom.
  • It is a “pull” system.
  • It is neither “push” nor “pull.”

Q6. What is the Product Owner’s role in deciding the priority of work in the sprint backlog?

  • None—the Scrum Master should prioritize the work in the sprint backlog.
  • The PO should prioritize the items in the sprint backlog.
  • The developers prioritize work unless they cannot complete it, in which case the PO should prioritize the remaining work.
  • None—the developers should prioritize the work in the sprint backlog.

Q7. The Scaled Agile Framework advocates that, if you measure only one thing, what should you measure?

  • quality
  • predictability of delivery
  • cost of delay
  • return on investment

Q8. Why should you apply for the Weighted Shortest Job First?

  • to maximize the return on investment
  • to determine the economic sequencing of the backlog
  • to visualize queue length
  • to fulfill a commitment to quality

Reference Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) is a prioritization model used to sequence jobs (eg., Features, Capabilities, and Epics) to produce the maximum economic benefit. In a flow-based system, priorities are updated continuously to provide the best economic outcomes. Job sequencing, rather than individual job return on investment, produces the best result. To that end, WSJF is used to prioritize backlogs by calculating the relative CoD and job size (a proxy for the duration).

Q9. You have classified the features in your backlog according to risk and value. Which features should the development team work on first?

  • low-value and high-risk
  • high-value and high-risk
  • high-value and low-risk
  • low-value and low-risk

Reference It is suggested that high business value, high-risk items are worked on first. While that may seem counterintuitive, the earlier this work is done, the sooner the team will move to mitigate the issues and unknowns—leading to a higher-quality product. If there’s a failure, it will occur early and relatively inexpensively.

Q10. In the Scaled Agile Framework, what is the role of Enablers?

  • They help extend the Architectural Runway.
  • They connect vision to mission so the organization can be successful.
  • They support team building.
  • They remove the impediments to quality.

Q11. Which outcome is not expected of a Sprint Review?

  • The team demonstrates its completed work.
  • The team reflects on how to improve its performance.
  • Items in the backlog may be reprioritized.
  • Stakeholders ask questions about the completed and upcoming backlog items.

Q12. What is not a technique used for splitting user stories?

  • split by line-of-business
  • split compound user stories
  • split by alternative paths
  • split by interface

Q13. Who decides what the team will work on?

  • the Scrum Master
  • a self-organizing team
  • the Product Owner
  • the Product Manager

Q14. Which choice is not a Scrum value?

  • focus
  • integrity
  • courage
  • commitment

Q15. What should happen if the Product Owner does not accept a story by the end of the iteration?

  • The team does not get credit for the story’s points in its velocity calculation.
  • The story should be sliced to reflect the work completed.
  • The acceptance criteria should be adjusted to reflect the work completed.
  • The story should be shown to stakeholders for their feedback.

Q16. Which statement is not true about the product backlog?

  • It is a list of work items that are behind schedule.
  • The items are maintained in priority order.
  • Anyone on the team can propose an item for it.
  • It includes all of the work to be done.

Q17. A project has some major risks that the team wants to mitigate. What is the best way to monitor how well this effort is going?

  • risk-based spike
  • risk-adjusted backlog
  • risk velocity chart
  • risk burndown graph

Q18. The VP of Engineering wants to start giving out a “Team Member of the Sprint” award to recognize a top performer in each group. What advice should you give this VP?

  • This is unhelpful unless there has been recent employee feedback indicating that people feel underappreciated.
  • This is a good idea as long as a different person is recognized in each sprint.
  • This is a good idea because awards can motivate people to do their best.
  • This is unhelpful because it can destroy the team unity essential to achieving high performance.

Q19. What is the difference between a team’s task board and a Kanban?

  • A Kanban has an explicit rule to limit WIP.
  • A Kanban shows the backlog of work.
  • A Kanban does not use a Definition of Done.
  • A Kanban shows the status of the work items.

Reference Explicit rule applies to scrum team’s task board: tasks cannot be added to the scrum board in the middle of a sprint.

Q20. The team complains that “things have been falling through the cracks lately.” What should you do?

  • Ask the team’s manager to make role assignments so the team can catch up.
  • Conduct a workshop to identify all of the things that need to be done and see who can help with each.
  • Refer to the team’s RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) assignments.
  • Meet with the Tech Lead and Product Owner to try to identify what can be done.

Q21. In Large-Scale Scrum, what is the recommended ratio of Scrum Masters to teams?

  • One Scrum Master can support up to five teams.
  • Large teams should have two Scrum Masters.
  • There should be one Scrum Master per team.
  • One Scrum Master can support one to three teams.

Q22. In the Cynefin framework, where are “best practices” most appropriate?

  • in the Complex regime
  • in the Complicated regime
  • in the Chaotic regime
  • In the Obvious regime

Q23. A manager informs you that a developer from another team is between assignments, and she wants to place the developer on your team for a few sprints. What should you do?

  • Explain to the manager that this will be disruptive to the team and ask that another assignment be found.
  • Explain the situation to the team and ask them to go with the flow.
  • Explain the situation to your manager and ask them to resolve it.
  • When the temporary developer shows up, assign them to write documentation.

Q24. The Product Owner complains to you that the team is not working hard enough and they need to increase their velocity by at least 50%. Which action should you not take?

  • Share the feedback from the PO and challenge the team to increase their velocity.
  • Ask the PO to explain the business context to the team.
  • Explain the impact of technical debt on the PO and the benefits of devoting some capacity to reducing it.
  • Hold a Value Stream Mapping workshop to identify and reduce waste.

Q25. What is the name of the practice in which a cross-functional team collaborates intensively to develop a new product idea?

  • Hackathon
  • Scrum at Scale
  • Innovation and Planning
  • Magnum Focus

Q26. The team’s manager wants to attend the Sprint Retrospective. What should you do?

  • Agree to the manager’s request and notify the team.
  • Propose that the manager attend only every other retrospective.
  • Propose a different forum for the manager to meet with the team.
  • Ask the team if it is okay with them that the manager attend.

Q27. Who is responsible for a Scrum team’s performance?

  • The team
  • the Scrum Master
  • the Product Owner
  • the Engineering Manager

It is one of the responsibilities of the Scrum Master! A Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring a Scrum team is operating as effectively as possible with Scrum values. This means they keep the team on track, plan and lead meetings, and work out any obstacles the team might face. Reference

Q28. Which statement concerning small, frequent releases of software is true?

  • The chance for rollback is high.
  • It typically requires a high degree of automation.
  • The administrative costs are high.
  • Backward compatibility may be jeopardized.
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Q29. What is the activity of clarifying and expanding user stories called?

  • story point estimating
  • Definition of Done
  • user story expansion
  • backlog refinement

Q30. Which strategy is preferred for development teams?

  • Optimize for most work done.
  • Maximize output and maximize outcome.
  • Maximize outcome while minimizing output.
  • Optimize for resource utilization.

“…your job is to minimize output, and maximize outcome and impact.” – Jeff Patton

Q31. Which statement is true about the actor in a user story?

  • The actor does not have to have a specified role in the solution.
  • There must be multiple personas for each actor.
  • The actor can be the system itself.
  • The system cannot be the actor.

Reference Actors can be a person, group, or system(s).

Q32. Which statement is true about Agile?

  • Agile requires a high degree of up-front planning.
  • Once the requirements are agreed to, the team can complete the work.
  • Agile requires a high degree of discipline.
  • Agile works best when there is no contract.

Q33. Which statement about burndown and burnup charts is not true?

  • Burndown charts show the work remaining to be done.
  • Burnup charts show the work completed.
  • Burndown charts are more useful than burnup charts.
  • Agile project management tools can produce these automatically.

Q34. What is the name for the practice of going to see a process in use at the point of value delivery?

  • Six Sigma
  • Gemba Walk
  • Total Quality Management
  • Kaizen

Reference The Gemba Walk is an opportunity for staff to stand back from their day-to-day tasks to walk the floor of their workplace to identify wasteful activities.

Q35. When the team needs to make a decision, what is the best course of action?

  • Try to achieve consensus.
  • Take a vote and the majority rules.
  • Identify the most knowledgeable person and ask them to decide.
  • Let the most senior member of the team decide.

Q36. Which action is something the Team facilitator should NOT do?

  • Embrace servant leadership.
  • Estimate story points.
  • Celebrate successes.
  • Remove impediments

Q37. A team needs to do research, design, or prototyping. What is this type of story called?

  • Exploratory spike
  • Backlog refinement
  • Functional decomposition
  • R&D

Q38. Which statement about technical debt is true?

  • Technical debt is another name for bugs
  • It is at the Product Owner’s discretion to allocate effort to reduce technical debt.
  • Adding technical debt should be avoided at all costs.
  • Technical debt is what the Product Owner owes to the developers if they work a lot of overtime to complete the sprint.

Q39. Which statement about estimating is not true?

  • Absolute estimating is more reliable than relative estimating.
  • Relative estimating is more reliable than absolute estimating.
  • In estimating, accuracy is more important than precision.
  • In estimating, the effort is more important than the time required.

Q40. Which ceremony should the Product Owner not attend?

  • daily stand-ups
  • Sprint Retrospectives
  • story point estimating
  • code reviews

Q41. Which task is not the product owner’s responsibility?

  • estimating story points
  • refining acceptance criteria
  • giving feedback to developers about the user stories
  • demonstrating the work to stakeholders

Q42. Which choice is _not_ considered during Sprint Planning?

  • stories that meet the Definition of Done
  • team velocity
  • stories that meet the Definition of Ready
  • team capacity

Q43. You have noticed a pattern that the most interesting stories on the Sprint Backlog get started right away, and the least interesting stories languish or don’t get done. What should you do?

  • Use a lottery system to assign each story.
  • Share your observation with the team and invite them to own and solve the problem.
  • During story point estimation increase the points assigned to the least interesting stories so the team can boost their velocity.
  • Ask the Tech Lead to assign every story to a developer so they all get done efficiently and with accountability.

Q44. What Agile practice best supports this principle: “At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly”?

  • Sprint Review
  • Sprint Retrospective
  • daily stand-up
  • Sprint Demo

Q45. On what are personas typically based?

  • a sponsor or team members’ personalities and traits
  • what the developers think is user friendly
  • real people, archetypal users, or composites of multiple users
  • descriptions of the product’s functionality and use

Q46. Which statement describes Shu Ha Ri?

  • It is a library of coding patterns.
  • It is a software testing strategy.
  • It is a standard for interface design.
  • It is a model for skill development and mastery.

Reference Japanese martial art concept which describes the stages of learning to mastery.

Q47. What does the Agile Manifesto indicate?

  • Responding to change is more valuable than following a plan.
  • Documenting requirements up front is more valuable than at the end.
  • Following the plan is essential for not going over budget.
  • Contract negotiation should be used to settle disputes.

[Refernce] (https://www.agilealliance.org/agile101/the-agile-manifesto/) Full Manifesto.

Q48. What is the main benefit of a working agreement?

  • It specifies core working hours.
  • It clarifies the reporting relationships on the team.
  • It defines the culture that the team aspires to achieve.
  • It compiles everyone’s information.

Q49. What is the name of the information radiator that has multiple columns used to visualize the flow of work?

  • Work Flow Indicator
  • Value Stream Map
  • Story Map
  • Kanban Board

Q50. Which is the best definition of story points?

  • They are a relative measure of the effort needed to complete a story.
  • They are a measure of development time only, test time is considered separately.
  • They are a relative measure of the value of a story.
  • They are a measure of time to complete a story.

Q51. What is a Scrum of Scrums?

  • It is a technique for two or more teams working together to coordinate their efforts.
  • It is another name for the Scrum Master Community of Practice.
  • It is an information radiator used to compare the velocity of several teams.
  • It is the system demo for teams on the same release train.

Q52. What is the Product Owner’s role regarding the product backlog?

  • The PO must identify the intended users of the features on the backlog.
  • The PO is responsible for estimating the size of the total.
  • The PO must identify the dependencies that impact the backlog.
  • The PO decides what to include in the backlog and what to exclude.

Q53. Why should a team do refactoring?

  • It assigns developers to other teams to eliminate personality conflicts.
  • It improves the functionality of the product,
  • It recalibrates the success criteria for the product in the marketplace.
  • It improves the design, which can lead to improved development efficiency and maintainability.

Q54. Which choice is not a benefit generally associated with product demonstrations?

  • Learn about new requirements.
  • Learn feature suitability.
  • Learn about feature usability.
  • Learn about feature estimates.

Q55. What is an information radiator?

  • a list of KPIs for the team
  • a list of overdue action items
  • the task board
  • a highly visible display of key performance data

Q56. According to the Agile Manifesto, your highest priority is to _.

  • minimize change requests
  • satisfy the customer
  • get the job done on time
  • achieve the desired ROI

Q57. Product development organizations sometimes use descriptions of archetypal users and their values so that developers can design the system to meet their needs and wants. What are these descriptions called?

  • actors
  • roles
  • agents
  • personas

Q58. The Product Owner is focused on testing a new system concept in the marketplace as quickly and inexpensively as possible. What is this first-generation product called?

  • preproduction version
  • focus group demonstrator
  • Generation 1 product
  • minimum viable product

Q59. To whom should the Product Owner report?

  • the Quality Manager
  • the Product Manager
  • the Scrum Master
  • the Engineering Manager

Q60. What happens in Sprint 0?

  • The team delivers no story points in that sprint.
  • The team does regression testing before production release.
  • The team prepares to work on the product backlog.
  • This is the time to inspect and adapt.

Q61. What does the Definition of Done mean?

  • The story meets the INVEST criteria.
  • The team has completed all of the work in its Sprint.
  • The story has been handed off to the DevOps team.
  • The team has agreed on the criteria for story completion.

Q62. Which element is most important when describing your product?

  • its cost
  • its licensing terms and conditions
  • its benefits
  • its features

Q63. Which choice best describes the Team Facilitator?

  • a meeting scheduler
  • a record keeper
  • a project manager
  • an Agile coach

Q64. What is the name of the technique that divides a story into smaller pieces?

  • mitosis
  • story slicing
  • disaggregation
  • Divide and Conquer

Reference What is story slicing? To build features effectively, and deliver user value in increments, the functionality needs to be broken down further into smaller user stories. Many times the team keeps splitting the user stories into smaller pieces of value, so they can complete the story in a sprint. This is called story-slicing or splitting.

Q65. A team member comes to you with a complaint about another team member. What should you do?

  • Bring the complaint to the other person and try to resolve the issue.
  • Ask them to talk to the other person and try to work it out.
  • Notify HR of the problem and ask them to handle it.
  • Invite both people to a meeting and try to mediate the conflict.

Q66. What is the forming-storming-norming, performing model of team development known as?

  • the Tuckman model
  • the Standard Team model
  • Moore’s Team Framework
  • the Siebert model

Q67. What is the name of the ceremony in which you inspect the work completed during the sprint?

  • Sprint Retrospective
  • Sprint Review
  • Next-Sprint Planning
  • Velocity Confirmation

Sprint Retrospective: Reflect on the previous sprint, discuss what’s working well, what could be improved, and how to improve it to be more productive. Reference Sprint Review: Discuss what has been accomplished during the sprint and whether the sprint goal has been met.

Q68. Which choice best describes an Agile Release Train (ART)?

  • continuous delivery
  • comprised of the teams within a program
  • DevOps Center of Excellence
  • Scrum of Scrums

Q69. As an Agile coach, what should be your attitude toward your team members’ individual goals and motivations?

  • Understand them—try to align personal motivations with the team’s progress toward the project goals.
  • Nurture them-goals are the reason why people want to be at work.
  • Disregard them — personal views have no bearing on reaching the project goals.
  • Leverage them — use personal goals to encourage team members to raise their performance levels.
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Q70. Which phrase best describes an Agile team?

  • A silo-skilled, self-directed team led by a project manager.
  • A cross-functional, long-lived group without deadlines.
  • A cross-functional, self-organized team with collective accountability.
  • A skilled, temporary team focused on a single project.

Q71. Which technique does not help prioritize the backlog?

  • MoSCow
  • Kano
  • WSJF
  • Kaizen

Reference oznaczające japońską filozofię biznesową (sposób postępowania) ustawicznego polepszania, poprawiania procesu zarządzania i produkcji na wszystkich jego szczeblach, z uwzględnieniem m.in. technik biznesu “just-in-time”.

Q72. What does the Definition of Ready mean?

  • The story has been tested and is ready for production release.
  • The story is ready to be brought into a sprint.
  • The stakeholders are ready to discuss their requirements for the story.
  • The team has completed sprint 0 and is ready to work.

Reference Definition of Ready means that stories must be immediately actionable. The Team must be able to determine what needs to be done and the amount of work required to complete the User Story.

Q73. Which is NOT a principle of the Scaled Agile Framework?

  • Centralize decision-making
  • Apply systems thinking
  • Take an economic view
  • Unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers

Source: Underlying principles of SAFe

Q74. What is the definition of capacity?

  • It is an inventory of the team’s knowledge and skills that is used to plan the work that they do.
  • It is the number of teams that a Team Facilitator can support concurrently.
  • It means the team determines their availability for the next sprint.
  • It is the maximum number of stories that will be allowed in a sprint.

Q75. The team is complaining that they send requests for clarification to the Product Owner, but these requests go unanswered. What action should you take?

  • If there is a question about the story, tell the developers to use their best judgment, avoid delay, and discuss the issue in sprint review.
  • Send a note to the Product Owner saying the delays in completing the work will be their responsibility, not the team’s.
  • Develop a service-level agree (SLA) that defines certain response times for different types of requests and ask the Product Owner to sign off on it.
  • Schedule a problem-solving session with the Product Owner and the other team members.

Q76. Which choice is a pillar of Lean?

  • Frequent delivery of working software
  • Respect for people and culture
  • Courage
  • Sustainable pace

Reference Two pillars are (1) Continuous Improvement, and (2) Respect for People.

Q77. Which statement best describes Agile, Lean, and Six Sigma?

  • They are strategies for delivering customer value.
  • They were pioneered by Toyota.
  • They are strategies for discovering what the customer wants.
  • They are derived from statistical process control.
  1. Reference – The first paragraph clearly points out that Agile is about delivering value to the customer.
  2. Lean is a subset of the Agile community and
  3. Six Sigma is Agile applied to manufacturing.

Q78. What is a user story?

  • A description of what an actor wants to do to accomplish a goal
  • A description of archetypal users so the developers can make the solution user-friendly
  • A report from the field about a user’s experience with the product
  • The Agile term for a requirement

Q79. What is the expected output of a Planning Poker meeting?

  • The stories were discussed and each had a story point estimate assigned.
  • The team gave feedback to the Product Owner about the acceptance criteria.
  • The team decided what stories should be developed within the same sprint.
  • The team made a preliminary plan for which stories will be completed in the next quarter.

Q80. What is the definition of velocity?

  • The number of story points delivered during a sprint
  • The average waiting time for a story on the sprint backlog
  • The average wait time for a story to move from the product backlog to the sprint backlog
  • The time it takes a developer to complete a story divided by its relative value

Q81. What is most important for a successful Product Owner to understand?

  • The budget for the product.
  • The underlying technology of the product.
  • The development team’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • The business context for the product.

Reference A Scrum Team has 3 roles – Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Developers. All 3 roles generate Value in their contexts; however, it is the Product Owner who maximizes the Value from a product or business context.

Q82. Which statement about the Agile Manifesto is true?

  • It was written via crowdsourcing and its authors are unknown.
  • It has been translated into dozens of languages and used around the world.
  • It was written in 2001 and is obsolete.
  • It was first published as part of Jim Highsmith’s doctoral thesis.

Q83. The team is not going to complete its Sprint Commitment. As the Team Facilitator, what should you do?

  • Ask the PO to extend the sprint.
  • Advise the PO as soon as possible.
  • Report this at the Sprint Review.
  • Point out the reasons why and collaborate on solutions.

Reference, the last paragraph perfectly informs what an agile developer would do in this situation.

Q84. When a user story is further decomposed, what are the elements called?

  • technical tasks
  • actors and actions
  • Who, What, Why
  • threads

Q85. What does collective ownership mean?

  • Every member of the team can make changes to any part of the code as necessary.
  • If someone is at fault, then the whole team is at fault.
  • The team shares equally in the profits that the product generates.
  • The team, not the individuals, receives performance evaluations.

Q86. According to the Agile Manifesto, how often should developers and business people work together?

  • as often as needed
  • biweekly
  • daily
  • weekly

Q87. What do you call the practice of writing a test before the code is written?

  • design for testability
  • test-driven development
  • unit testing
  • test then code

Q88. What is the term for a team member who is “T-skilled”?

  • cross-functional
  • jack-of-all-trades
  • apprentice developer
  • generalizing specialist

Q89. Which statement is not true about pair programming?

  • It has been discredited because it is too expensive.
  • In pair programming, two developers share one computer and take turns at the keyboard.
  • It is a great way to teach someone new to the team.
  • The code produced by two developers who are collaborating is typically higher quality than if they were working alone.

Q90. People with a fixed mindset _ .

  • have better focus and longer attention spans
  • are more goal-oriented
  • tend to be more resilient
  • are more afraid of failure

Q91. How can you improve interaction between team members?

  • Move people’s workstations around in the team room to create new social possibilities.
  • Ask the team if they would like to do something recreational together and offer to organize it.
  • Tell the team that you see this as a problem and ask them to solve it.
  • Since no one has come to you with a complaint, assume that the limited interaction works for everyone.

Q92. What is the expected outcome of the daily stand-up meeting?

  • updated status on all of the work
  • team alignment on its plan for the day
  • a list of impediments and priorities
  • a report to the Product Owner of stories ready to be accepted

Q93. What is the name of the technique in which a story is broken down, input splits the data, and it results in a new output?

  • input-output processing
  • ITIOO story format
  • thin vertical slice
  • structured coding

ITIOO isn’t a thing, thin verticle slicing is referring to what work you prioritise, and structured code has nothing to do with stories.

Q94. What is the term for a team member who is “T-shaped”?

  • cross-functional
  • jack-of-all-trades
  • generalizing specialist
  • apprentice developer

Cross-functional and generalizing specialist seem to be both correct but we talk more about cross functional teams, and in the case of a team member the term would be more like a generalizing specialist I believe Reference This refers to teams: Reference One of the challenges for organizations, when they move to Agile ways of working, is the often mentioned need to build teams made up of “T-shaped” people. This can also be described as a cross-functionality.

Q95. What is a lean canvas?

  • It is used to decompose solution into epics, features, and stories
  • It is a template for lightweight business plans that makes your assumptions explicit
  • It is a tool to plan future project releases
  • It is a technique for projecting growth in market share.

Reference 1-page business plan template that helps you deconstruct your idea into its key assumptions using 9 basic building blocks.

Q96. The team is not going to complete its Sprint Commitment. As a Team Facilitator, what should you do?

  • advise the PO as soon as possible
  • point out the reasons why and collaborate on solutions
  • report this at the Sprint Review
  • Ask the PO to extend the sprint

Sprints cannot be extended. The Scrum Guide is pretty clear on this: you don’t extend sprints. At the end of a sprint, if there is incomplete work: “All incomplete Product Backlog Items are re-estimated and put back on the Product Backlog.” Reference Number 4: 4) What happens if the Developers cannot complete their work by the end of the Sprint? The Developers inform the Product Owner. The Scrum Team should then inspect & adapt to prevent this in the future if it is a problem. Understanding why this has happened will be critical.

Q97. Which of these traits is most important for being an effective Team Facilitator?

  • being self-aware
  • being extroverted
  • having type A personality (def not this :P)
  • being someone who takes charge

Reference nonverified answer – A facilitator is someone who helps a group identify common objectives and then offers group processes to achieve defined outcomes while maintaining neutrality. A skilled facilitator consciously embodies self-awareness, self-management, and bias management, while conveying openness and enthusiasm.

Q98. When is the best time to update the team’s burndown chart?

  • before the Sprint Retrospective
  • after the daily stand-up
  • before the daily Scrum
  • before quarterly planning

Q99. What is an Empathy Map?

  • It is a team-building technique used to increase productivity.
  • It is a tool used by organizations for competitive intelligence.
  • It is a retrospective technique used to improve team morale.
  • It is a collaborative tool used to gain deeper insights into customers.

Q100. Which work descriptions are not written in the language of users?

  • tasks
  • epics
  • stories
  • Features

It says: NOT written in the language of users. A story, also referred to as a user story, is a short-form request that can be delivered in one sprint. It is written in simple language from the perspective of the user.

It should be Tasks: A task is a subsection of a story. It helps to break the story down and outline how it will be completed. Tasks tend to be more technical as they are used by members of the development team. Reference

Q101. The team has an incomplete story at the end of the sprint and wants to claim partial credit for the work completed. What should you do?

  • Ask the Product Owner to accept the story with the promise that the team will complete it in the next sprint
  • Ask them to slice the story to reflect the work done and the work to be donef
  • Ask the product owner to revise the acceptance criteria so it can be accepted and counted
  • explain that, in Agile, working software is the primary measure of progress. Then help…

Q102. When planning a meeting, which action is most important?

  • clarifying the expected outcome
  • taking notes
  • inviting the Project Manager
  • making sure everyone speaks

Q103. You are facilitating a meeting and, unexpectedly, a key person doesn’t attend. What should you do?

  • Hold the meeting and update the person who could not attend later.
  • Ask the person who could not attend to reschedule the meeting based on their availability.
  • Ask all meeting participants what they want to do about the one person’s absence
  • Reschedule the meeting for when all necessary people can attend

Q104. What is Open Space?

  • a design concept for team rooms
  • a room for teams to demo their work
  • a placeholder in the code body for the future functionality
  • a meeting format where participants create and manage the agenda

Q105. Which choice is not an expected benefit of refactoring?

  • Refactoring can reduce the effort for future development
  • Refactoring is used to fix bugs
  • Refactoring improves the design of the system
  • Refactoring improves the maintainability of the code

Q106. In the Scaled Agile Framework, consecutive iterations are grouped into a PI. What is a PI?

  • Project Increment
  • Portfolio Increment
  • Product Increment
  • Program Increment

Reference A Program Increment (PI) is a timebox during which an Agile Release Train (ART) delivers incremental value in the form of working, tested software and systems. PIs are typically 8 – 12 weeks long.

Q107. How can you improve interaction between team members?

  • Move people’s workstations around in the team room to create new social possibilities
  • Since no one has come to you with a complaint, assume that the limited interaction works for everyone
  • Ask the team if they would like to do something recreational together and offer to organize it
  • Tell the team that you see this as a problem and ask them to solve it

Moving people around and redesigning the office space can improve the interaction between team members and it is well documented: Reference

Q108. Which scale is typically used for Planning Poker?

  • less than 1 hour, 1 to 4 hours, 4 to 8 hours, 8 to 24 hours, more than 24 hours
  • 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
  • XS, S, M, L, XL
  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 13, 20

Q109. You are the Scrum Master and, having just facilitated a meeting, you’re reflecting on ways to improve. What skill are you displaying?

  • being self-aware
  • being extroverted
  • having type A personality
  • being someone who takes charge

Q110. What background information is most important for a successful Product Owner to understand?

  • The budget for the product.
  • The underlying technology of the product.
  • The development team’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • The business context for the product.

It’s the same as Q81, just a slightly differently phrased question.

Q111. You are facilitating a meeting to decompose user stories and, unexpectedly, a development team member cannot attend. What should you do?

  • Hold the meeting and update the person who could not attend later.
  • Ask the person who could not attend to reschedule the meeting based on their availability.
  • Ask all meeting participants what they want to do about the one person’s absence
  • Reschedule the meeting for when all necessary people can attend

Q112. As the Scrum Master, you’ve observed that team members are more comfortable communicating via instant messaging than through direct conversions. How can you encourage conversation between team members?

  • Move people’s workstations around in the team room to create new social possibilities.
  • Since no one has come to you with a complaint, assume that the limited conversation works for everyone.
  • Tell the team that you see this as a problem and ask them to solve it.
  • Ask the team if they can think of ways to increase direct conversation.

Q113. What is the expected outcome of the Daily Scrum meeting?

  • updated status on all of the work
  • team alignment on its plan for the day
  • a list of impediments and priorities
  • a report to the Product Owner of stories ready to be accepted

Q114. In Agile, which of the following options is a high priority?

  • Comprehensive documentation
  • Processes and tools
  • Contract negotiation
  • Working software

Reference Agile projects are characterized by a series of tasks that are conceived, executed and adapted as the situation demands and one of the priorities is working software.

Q115. What types of environments work best for Agile principles?

  • It works great in static environments.
  • It works great in dynamic environments.
  • It works great in customer environments.
  • Agile has been proven to not work in any good environment.

Reference The Agile environment appeals to quick actions, discussions, evaluations, and considerations for different approaches. It works great in dynamic environments where there is a potential for changing or evolving requirements.

Q116. What does being a Cross-Functional team mean?

  • That every team in the organization has a particular specialism
  • That each team member has their own specialism
  • That all the skills necessary exist within the team
  • That teams can communicate effectively

Q117. What is a PBI?

  • Product Before Increment
  • Project Billing Information
  • Productive Backlog Increment
  • Product Backlog Item

Q118. Which of the following scrum events is dedicated to process improvement?

  • The sprint planning
  • The daily scrum
  • The sprint retrospective
  • The sprint review

Q119. For a month-long sprint, the time-box for a sprint retrospective is _.

  • 3 hours
  • 6 hours
  • 8 hours
  • 1 hour

Q120. Which type of Kanban diagram shows the number of issues in each of the states?

  • burn down chart
  • control chart
  • burn up chart
  • cumulative flow

Reference A Kanban cumulative flow diagram visualizes your team’s processes and helps identify areas of improvement

Q121. Which of the following statements about a Kanban control chart is false?

  • The light blue shaded area is the standard deviation.
  • The green dots are the issues themselves.
  • The control chart works best when the tasks that you’re tracking are of different sizes.
  • The blue line is the rolling average cycle time.

Q122. What does EBM consider in Managerial Decisions?

  • Productivity and ethical concerns
  • Circumstance and ethical concerns
  • Circumstances and financial concerns
  • Moral and ethical concerns

Q123. Stacey’s process complexity model shows us that agile thinking is best **___**.

  • When there is high complexity
  • When there is high certainty
  • Regardless of complexity or certainty
  • When there is low certainty and complexity

Q124. What is a DEEP product backlog?

  • Detailed Appropriately, Emergent, Elegant & Prioritized
  • Detailed Adequately, Emergent, Estimated & Prioritized
  • Detailed Appropriately, Emanant, Estimated & Prioritized
  • Detailed Appropriately, Emergent, Estimated & Prioritized

Q125. Which Jira feature provides an overview of multiple projects?

  • roll-up boards
  • code integration
  • task automation
  • reporting

Q126. Which of the following elements is not a pillar of Scrum?

  • adaptation
  • transparency
  • sustainability
  • inspection

Q127. What aspects of the product is the Product Owner responsible for?

  • Guiding the Development Team on the product
  • Managing and owning the backlog
  • All of the choices are correct
  • The product itself

Q128. In Scrum, at the end of each sprint, there is a _ meeting in which the team receives and gives feedback on their processes and their performance.

  • retrospective
  • review
  • reflection
  • sprint

Q129. In the INVEST acronym for user stories, what does the “V” stand for?

  • valuable
  • verifiable
  • veracity
  • voluminous

Q130. Having a mindset focused on growth and opportunity is healthy for Agile team members. How can you display a growth mindset?

  • See challenges as opportunities
  • Point out the failures of others
  • Quit while you’re ahead
  • Celebrate only when you succeed

Q131. Which statement about the Agile Manifesto is true?

  • It was written via crowdsourcing and its authors are unknown
  • It was written in 2001 and is obsolete.
  • It was written in response to documentation-heavy software development project practices.
  • It was first published as part of Jim Highsmith’s doctoral thesis.

Reference “(…)others sympathetic to the need for an alternative to documentation driven, heavyweight software development processes convened.” [First paragraph]

Q132. Progress toward a sprint goal is in jeopardy because you have not received sales data. What should you do?

  • Be sure to mention the issue in the next Scrum
  • Share the problem with your team to see if they can create a solution
  • Work around the issue until the last responsible moment to solve it
  • Check the Product Owner’s schedule and book time for a meeting

Q133. When is the best time to review the team’s burndown chart?

  • after the daily stand-up
  • before the Sprint Retrospective
  • before the Daily Scrum
  • before quarterly planning

Q134. Which statement about the actor in a user story can be true?

  • The system cannot be the actor
  • There must be multiple personas for each actor
  • The actor can be the system itself
  • The actor does not have to be a specified role in the solution

Q135. Which choice is not a recognized framework for scaling Agile?

  • LeSS
  • DA
  • SAFe
  • DUN


Q136. Where are teams most likely to find the first signs of potential problems?

  • Daily Scrums
  • Sprint Demos
  • Retrospectives
  • Sprint Planning

Q137. When working with a Scrum team, who is chiefly responsible for ensuring that the project delivers value?

  • Product Owner
  • Development Team
  • Scrum Master
  • Quality Assurance

Source “The scrum master is the role responsible for gluing everything together and ensuring that scrum is being done well. In practical terms, that means they help the product owner define value, the development team deliver the value, and the scrum team to get to get better.”

Q138. There are several configurations of the Scaled Agile Framework in Version 5.0. Which is not one of the configurations?

  • Full SAFe
  • Large Solution SAFe
  • SAFe Popular
  • Essential SAFe

Q139. What is Lean Canvas?

  • It is a tool to plan future product releases
  • It is used to decompose the solution into epics, features, and stories
  • It is a technique for projecting growth in market share
  • It is a template for lightweight business plans that makes your assumptions explicit

Q140. As a Scrum Master, you have noticed a pattern that the most interesting stories on the sprint backlog get started right away, and the least interesting stories languish or don’t get done. What should you do?

  • During story point estimation, increase the points assigned to the least interesting stories so the team can boost their velocity.
  • Share your observation with the team and invite them to own and solve the problem.
  • Ask the team to use a lottery system to assign each story
  • Ask the Tech Lead to assign every story to a developer so they all get done efficiently and with accountability.


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