HomeWHATWhat Was Excited During Brexit Crossword

What Was Excited During Brexit Crossword

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 30,457 Hints and tips by Huntsman

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty */** – Enjoyment ***

It’s a miserable day here in Harpenden with heavy rain on the way so reckon an afternoon walk not the best of ideas. A repeat of last week’s grid so we can safely assume it is an AP production. Pretty gentle I’d reckon & not as challenging as Campbell yesterday. Anyway at least I remembered it’s a Tuesday & solved this one which I enjoyed without thinking it up there with his best.

In the following hints definitions are underlined, indicators are mostly in parentheses, and answers are revealed by clicking where shown as usual. Please leave a comment below on how you got on with the puzzle.


1a Confused tea with orangeade initially? Sign of nerves (7) CHAOTIC: an informal word for tea + the first letter (initially) of orangeade + a physical expression of nerves.

5a Since the start of Brexit, Spain imports sauce, strangely (7) BECAUSE: the first letter (start of) of Brexit followed by an anagram (strangely) of SAUCE. Insert the IVR code for Spain between the two.

9a Work for each group of schoolchildren (7) PERFORM: a preposition meaning for each + a word for a class of schoolchildren so organised by age & maybe academic ability.

10a One may be treating canine with biscuit finally – it ends barking (7) DENTIST: an anagram (barking) of IT ENDS + the last letter (finally) of biscuiT. A nicely misleading surface – regular readers should think Steve Cowling rather than his dog

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11a Approach banker, creating excitement (9) ADVENTURE: a synonym of approach or coming + a N Yorkshire river that flows into the Ouse.

12a Time before river revealed fish (5) TROUT: the single letter for River preceded by that for Time + another word for revealed or made public

13a Ink discharging both ends – a pen’s dreadful (5) NASTY: What remains once both ends of iNk are deleted + A from the clue + pen in the context of an animal enclosure.

15a Flung niece out with no good effect (9) INFLUENCE: an anagram (out) of FLUNg NIECE less the letter for Good.

17a Meet in Paris bar (9) ENCOUNTER: the French preposition meaning in + another word for bar.

19a Some pretty pessimistic characters (5) TYPES: a lurker in the two words preceding the definition.

22a Stick with cold swimmer (5) CLING: the single letter for Cold + a member of the codfish family.

23a Substituting western pine with grass outside (9) SWITCHING: the single letter for Western + a synonym for pine or long for then insert them into (outside) a word for grass in the context of spilling the beans.

25a Writer left with yen, quickly (7) SWIFTLY: the surname of a writer – an Anglo Irish satirist & political pamphleteer of the late 17th & early 18th century or a Booker prize winning novelist in the nineties. Then add the single letter for Left & for Yen.

26a State dept half abandoned Irish county (7) DECLARE: 50% of DEpt (half abandoned) + a county in southern Ireland in the Munster province.

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27a Justify Edward returning first tennis shot (7) DESERVE: reverse (returning) a diminutive for Edward then add the opening shot in tennis.

28a Stores are in retreat? Most close (7) NEAREST: insert (stores) ARE in the clue into a synonym for retreat or shelter

Down 1d Murderer grabs appropriate leader (7) CAPTAIN: insert (grabs) another word for appropriate into a biblical figure from the book of Genesis who murdered his younger brother.

2d Comes and goes far? (7) ARRIVES: not sure whether this is a double or a cryptic definition. I’ll plump (probably wrongly) for the latter – goes far in the sense of achieving success presumably

3d Something prickly ripped clothing horrendously at first (5) THORN: insert the first letter of Horrendously into (clothing) a synonym of ripped.

4d Red tonic mum’s drunk (9) COMMUNIST: an anagram (drunk) of TONIC MUMS. American paranoia in the post war period feared they were under the bed.

5d Move bird not I ! (5) BUDGE: remove the letter I from a diminutive for a small seed eating parrot.

6d Make prisoners almost honest in front of court (9) CONSTRUCT: some lego – the usual slang for prisoners + a synonym for honest less (almost) its final letter + the two letter abbreviation for court.

7a Mythical creature Greek character picked up – one with growth on foot? (7) UNICORN: start by reversing(picked up) the 13th letter of the Greek alphabet then add the letter that could represent one & append a condition of thick skin painful on the plates of meat.

8d Call hospital department that is nursing tense student (7) ENTITLE: our usual hospital department then add the two letter abbreviation for that is or in other words having inserted (nursing) the single letter for Tense & that for student between them.

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14d Shaver’s gone rusty unfortunately (9) YOUNGSTER: an anagram (unfortunately) of GONE RUSTY.

16d In favour of Democrat interrupting US president getting banned (9) FORBIDDEN: insert the single letter for Democrat between a word indicating to be in support of & the current White House incumbent.

17d Forgave former lover and swore to ignore king (7) EXCUSED: the usual for a former lover + a synonym for swore removing (ignore) the letter that signifies the Latin for king.

18d Under church climbers will find badgers (7) CHIVIES: the usual two letters for church + evergreen climbers. giving you a definition in the sense of harasses – my instinctive spelling would have scored an extra 4 points in Scrabble.

20a Retiring soldier (7) PRIVATE: double definition- the first in the sense of reserved or discreet.

21d Subdivision from group including FBI agents (7) SEGMENT: insert the American slang for their government agents into (including) a word for group.

23d Kind Liberal bandaging eye infection? On the contrary (5) STYLE: it’s the eye infection that contains (bandaging/on the contrary) the single letter for Liberal.

24d Twice actor oddly rejected a drink (5)

COCOA: the alternate letters (oddly rejected) of aCtOr. Repeat (twice) then add the A from the clue.

10&23a along with 16&21d were my picks here but my fav today was the Quickie pun for the simple reason than it prompted me to dig out my copy of Mike Leigh’s wonderful film which I’ll watch tonight. Please tell us which clues hit the mark for you today.

Today’s Quick Crossword pun: LIE+ VIZ + SUITE = LIFE IS SWEET


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