HomeWHATWhat To Wear To A Warehouse Interview

What To Wear To A Warehouse Interview

No matter where you look now, the job market is pretty tough. From high level execs to drivers and warehouse workers, no one is having an easy time finding work. Which is why it’s important that, when you do get interviews, you need to do some extra preparation. Gone were the days where experienced warehouse workers could simply pull on their jeans, lace up their boots and walk into an interview. At Rapier Employment, we help hundreds of warehouse workers find new roles each and every month – and we want to help you too. That’s why we’ve put together these 4 tips to help you make the most of your next warehousing interview.

Dress To Impress

Remember, just because jeans and work boots will be your work clothes, it doesn’t mean you should wear them to the interview. First impressions do count, and this may well count against you in an interview. Interviewers generally wear business casual attire, and expect their interviewees to turn up smart and well-polished. You should aim to be at least as well dressed as your interviewer, if not better. A smart shirt and trousers (you can afford to skip the suit jacket if you want) is always a good bet, or a skirt suit if you prefer. You’re looking for classy and professional, not black tie. If you really aren’t comfortable in smart trousers, or really don’t feel they will be appropriate, you can opt for slacks or clean, unwrinkled jeans. Whatever you wear, ensure it is clean and neat – otherwise you could come across as disorganised and lazy. Similarly, make sure you groom yourself before your interview – poor personal hygiene is an instant turn off for interviewers. Brushed teeth, combed hair and deoderant are all an absolute must.

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Practice Your Answers

Even if you’ve been in the warehousing industry for a while, a little practice never hurts. Some people suffer horribly with nerves, and we’ve seen people with 10+ years experience in the industry forget basic facts before now, just because they were nervous and haven’t prepared properly. So sit down with someone (a friend, family member or current co-worker) and run through some practice interview questions. You can tailor them to what you think that specific company might ask, but here are a few to get you going:

  • Why do you want to work here?
  • How does your experience fit in with this job?
  • Safety is really important here. Tell me how you keep safety in mind at all times, even when you’re rushing to fill an order.
  • Tell me about a time you noticed a mistake in one of your orders. How did you fix it?

Bring Your Application Materials Along

One way to impress a hiring manager is to bring along extra copies of your application, and any other materials that might be relevant. This could be certificates, your driver’s licence, operator cards, proof of qualifications and a list of any references. Hiring managers are busy people, so having these to hand could be a huge help to them. And even if it’s not, it shows a level of thought and organisation that will reflect well on you.

Do Your Research

Before you go into the interview room, always make sure you have done your research on the company. Understand what drives them, what their initiatives are and what they stand for. Not only will this help you decide if this is the job you want (remember, interviews are a 2 way street), but it shows you are willing to go the extra mile. Prepare some questions to ask at the end of the interview. It could be something specific about the role, or it could be about their experience in the business, or what the growth plans for the company are.

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At Rapier Employment, we specialise in matching highly qualified candidates with businesses across the UK. With over 28 years of experience in providing dedicated warehouse, production line and all-class driver workers, we have connections to all kinds of companies, from small businesses, leading third party logistics organisations and retailers to major supermarkets, automotive manufactures and food packaging companies. For help in finding your next warehousing job role, just get in touch with the Rapier team today.


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