HomeWHYWhy Does My Rooster Crow At Night

Why Does My Rooster Crow At Night

First let me say that if you don’t have roosters you’ll probably be amused by this post. If you do have roosters, you’ll be happy that someone else is sympathetic to your plight! lol I think just about everyone who met a rooster for the first time was surprised to hear him crow in the middle of the day because as city slickers we are conditioned to think roosters only crow at sun-up.

Every day.

Silkie roosters crowing: Brown, white and black.

Coffee commercials start with a sunrise and rooster crow. Farm movies do the same. When you don’t actually live on a farm, you tend to believe these stereotypes. Then you get your first rooster and cold hard reality sets in. The crow A LOT….and all day long!

Why do roosters crow?

A rooster crows in the morning as a response to the dark of night changing into daylight. They tend to start as the slightest sliver of light emerges though, not at full dawn like the movies show.

In fact, if you have more then one rooster, they get into crowing contests! First one rooster crows then another feels the need to respond. The next rooster crows and suddenly the first rooster needs to ‘holla back’ and next thing you know it’s 10 minutes later and you’re looking for ear plugs!

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Ear plugs probably won’t work but you can try if you want.

Actually…nothing will work! lol Sad but true.

When roosters crow back and forth like this, it is a show of dominance. Basically picture them saying “I’m the boss” and another rooster saying back “No, I’m the boss!” and you get the basic idea behind rooster crowing contests!

Roosters crow for many reasons, but the main one is that it’s in response to other noises. Just about anything can trigger them: a phone ringing, a car arriving, the dog barking, a clock chiming, the doorbell, a horn, another rooster, a text message alert and the list goes on and on!

My roosters start crowing if I pull into the driveway at night. It could be 3am, but they hear the gravel crunch and the door slam and suddenly you hear crowing. My coops are far enough away that only 1 coop can hear the car, but in the other coops they hear that first rooster…so they start yelling back and forth at each other.

They will also start crowing if they hear a noise outside the coop, like something walking around. On one hand it’s good that they alert the rest of the flock of a possible threat. On the other hand the crowing just told a possible predator that there is something inside the structure that might make a tasty meal.

So, maybe not the smartest move!

Fun rooster facts:

A rooster can only crow when his neck is fully extended. They do this ‘roll their eyes back in their heads’ thing that is only slightly creepy. Actually, they close their third eyelid when they crow which only gives the appearance of the eye roll. Still slightly creepy.

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The fear of chickens is called Alektorophobia. We refer to the fear of roosters as: Spurrophobia as in “I’m afraid of those big spurs digging into my legs!” Kidding!

Some roosters bite instead of spur. Ok, only that fluffy rust colored rooster in the picture above does it….but come on, he can’t really be the only one! lol All kidding aside roosters will bite and I’ve been bit more than once. Mostly they only bite when being held or cornered, or perhaps when startled by a hand reaching into their cage.

Biting is definitely not a roosters first line of defense!

Other roosters will simply chest bump your leg when they want to bully you. Try not to laugh if it’s a bantam. He thinks he’s tough!

Roosters have several different quieter vocalizations. They have a clucking sound that says “come here hens, I found a treat” They have a growl that they make at other roosters to threaten them, or keep them in line.

They have warning sounds they make when they want to warn the flock of a hawk or other predator nearby. They also have their Velociraptor impression, but you really have to see that one to believe it! It comes complete with neck feathers standing on end!

The rooster is part of the Chinese zodiac. The last ‘Year of the Rooster’ was in 2017, the next will be in 2029. Those born in the year of the rooster are believed to be honest, ambitious, sharp dressers and quick minded. Many suburban areas that allow hens don’t allow roosters because of the noise. … and last but not least, a rooster crowing in the country is like living next to the neighbor with the touchy car alarm in the city. You really do start to tune it out after awhile. ~Lisa Want information on raising chickens sent right to your email weekly? Click right here to join my list and get new posts sent directly to you the day they’re published. You’ll also get the free download 25 Ways to save money raising chickens.

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