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What Are Preppers Preparing For 2023

This is a dynamic guide showing the importance of prepping in our complex modern society that is curated by all of our authors. Why YOU Should be Prepping is constantly being updated with up-to-date and accurate information, so please check back frequently.

Preparing is a basic human function. We prepare for a visit to the grocery store by making a list. Eggs, check. Bread, check. Milk, check. You can even prepare mentally without physically doing anything.

“Prepping” is an extension of these normal preparations everyone already does. That term can be considered extreme due to misconceptions. Those that use prepping to get ready for disasters or emergencies are “Preppers.”

At TruePrepper, we would like to clear the air. Prepping is not about daydreaming about doomsday scenarios, it is about being ready for probable and plausible threats. Prepping is about keeping yourself and your loved ones safe from harm and staying in control during unavoidable situations.

Reactions to terrorist attacks and natural disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina, highlight the importance of prepping for the well-being of your family. When people understand that post-apocalyptic doomsday preppers are not the norm and that most preppers are prepared for a wide range of disasters, prepping really starts to make sense.

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Basic Risks

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself:

  • Is your neighborhood prone to burglaries? How often?
  • Do you live in a floodplain or where wildfires occur frequently? Have you seen your home’s floodplain map?
  • When is hurricane season?
  • Do you live near a nuclear plant or a fault line?
  • Do you live near a train that transports hazardous chemicals?
  • If the power went out, what would you do? What if it didn’t come back on for a week?

Maybe you don’t know the answers to all of these, but maybe you do.

The point of this quick exercise is that these are basic risks, but aren’t even the most common!

Yet, statistically speaking everyone is extremely likely to encounter multiple emergencies and disasters from the list above!

Common sense threats are threats that are so prevalent, we hope you have already considered them. This includes the possibility of a fatal car wreck, developing a debilitating health issue, losing your job, and having financial hardship to name a few.

Unknown threats are threats not conceivable, or we have such little information on them we cannot judge the risk accurately. Don’t ignore your or your family member’s limitations, if you have them. You may have threats associated with disabilities or other personal factors that may also not have made our list.

The Grasshopper and the Ants

People have been writing about preparedness for a long time. You may recognize this popular parable from Aesop’s Fables:

Prepping ‘ants’ are more common in our society than you may think…

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Reasons to Prepare

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself:

  • Is your neighborhood prone to burglaries? How often?
  • Do you live in a floodplain or where wildfires occur frequently?
  • Do you live near a nuclear plant or a fault line?
  • Do you live near a train that transports hazardous chemicals?
  • Does your neighbor feed bears for fun?

You probably have the idea by now, and we could go on for pages. Writing the threats down will help you remember them for the next steps. There are many threats to your well-being that we have not listed on this page, or ranked with our TrueRisk risk analysis system (such as bear attacks). These can be categorized as ‘common sense’ threats or ‘unknown’ threats.

Common sense threats are threats that are so prevalent, we hope you have already considered them. This includes the possibility of a fatal car wreck, developing a debilitating health issue, losing your job, and having financial hardship to name a few.

Unknown threats are threats not conceivable, or we have such little information on them we cannot judge the risk accurately. Don’t ignore your or your family member’s limitations, if you have them. You may have threats associated with disabilities or other personal factors that may also not have made our list.

The Next Step

Once you know why you need to prepare for all of the various risks in life, you just need to do it.

Getting started can be the hardest part, but we can help you prioritize and give you a roadmap forward.

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Learn all of the basics here and get started on your prepping journey:

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