HomeWHENWhen Life Gives You More Than You Can Stand Kneel

When Life Gives You More Than You Can Stand Kneel

“If life gets too hard to stand, kneel”. As rightly said by Gordon B Hinkley, this is a quote which is very apt for real life. This is a quote which is very simple to say but has very deep significance when thought about. As the saying rightly goes you should always take life as it comes. If you feel that you have been defeated in any way, accept the defeat and bow down so that you can realise the mistake that you have made and thus rectify the same.

Mostly we find ourselves kneeling in front of the Lord for any kind of problems and wishes. Everyone has failures in life and there are times when you can also get in to heated discussions on something which you do not agree on. However a trivial failure does not mean that you just leave hope or keep on fighting. You should have the tenacity and the patience to kneel down and accept if you are at fault. Accepting your fault is never bad. Pray to God when you think that things are going out of control. You will definitely find a path to success and happiness.

Life sometimes brings us to the stage where we face extreme struggles, and it’s almost impossible for us to face them, we become helpless , hopeless, things seem to slip away. The only resort then is the supreme power, the heavenly father , kneel down before him with all , all your troubles, pains ,dilemmas hopelessness, helplessness before him and pray to him with a humble , forgiving heart. He will take over your gruesome situation, your battles will be His.

This is a quote which is very simple to say but has very deep significance when thought about. As the saying rightly goes you should always take life as it comes. Example: I fell to my knees. I prayed and I cried in front of god , when I feel life gets too hard. When life gets too hard to stand means when you are facing challenges from everywhere when everything seems dark and there is no way out to stand than its better to bend on your kneel down and run.

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To understand the purpose of life we first need to understand how life progresses? First of all life doesn’t end with death. Death is just the end of a chance given to a soul to learn and correct itself in the form of a body. The soul will again be given many chances with every life form it’ll take. The journey of the soul goes on irrespective of the births we take and the deaths we face. With every life we experience few things and learn from those experiences. If we refuse to learn a particular lesson from a particular experience then we’ll again face the same circumstances in next life and this will continue to happen till the time we learn what we were supposed to learn from that particular experience.

For example, a common person who is not violent, is not violent only because he has been violent in some past life and has learned the lesson that it is not good to be a violent person unless circumstances compel you to do so. In the same manner if someone is very calm, it means that he has seen it all and has learned to be calm under trying circumstances. Once you have learned a lesson, you are done with that aspect of life. Then you’ll move to the next learning.

I learned a lesson the hard way. And that is because I refused to learn initially. I was very attached to a person emotionally and that person’s life was sort of a hell created by that person only. I got so attached to that person that for three years I kept on saving that person from facing the result of that person’s karma. I kept on pleading to mother to delay the eventuality. Mother told me so many times that this person is not worth it but I refused to part ways with that person. She even got angry with me but because of my deep attachment with that person, I refused to listen to Her.

Then one fine day that person backstabbed me. And it was so hard that my entire life came to a standstill. I couldn’t take it. Even after receiving such a deadly blow, my attachment refused to go. Then one fine night I asked mother, why this person is doing these things with me, what is my fault? I have only helped this person for years. A tear fell down from my eye saying all this to mother and I slept. I woke up around 1:00 am that night and I heard a sound coming out of nowhere and saying again and again kneel kneel kneel and I literally kneeled on the ground and prayed to god, this was the eye opening experience for me.

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So life in my opinion is all about experiencing and learning. Now coming back to the purpose of life, let me give you a key for it. It is originally given my Shiv to humankind. Let me try to explain it to you. Shiv said that there are four pillars of a human life, Dharm/Duty, Arth/Money, Kaam/Sex, Moksh/Salvation. An ideal human life should have a balance of these four aspects. Now understand, Dharm/Duty is very subjective. Every human has different duties to perform.

Like one being a king has to impart his duties as a king and one as a servant has to impart his duties as a servant. One may have duties as a father, mother, brother, child and so on. Then there are duties towards your Guru, towards your nation, towards your society and so on. So the first key is that one needs to impart whatever duties he/she has in the best manner one can. Second is Arth/Money.

Now as we have duties and we have our own bodies to take care of, we need to have an income to support all these affairs. And in order to make money, we need to work. See, making money is not something bad at all. We all need it. Giving yourself and your near and dear ones comfort using that money is also good. The problem starts when we want to create money to boost our egos, to prove others that we are better than them. Making money to live comfortably is perfectly fine.

Third is Kaam/Sex. Sex is again a necessity as it is the only way we can procreate. Sex for pleasure is also fine if it is done in a disciplined manner. But as they say Ati Sarvatra Varjayet / excess of anything is bad. Fourth is Moksh/Salvation: A soul’s utmost purpose is to return the very source it came from, ie. God. This is called salvation. Now salvation is a very long process. It goes on for many many lives. In every life we should keep on progressing a little towards that ultimate goal. Only then a human life is of any worth.

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Now see, the first three aspects namely Dharm/Duty, Arth, Money and Kaam/Sex are all related to our current physical body only. You’ll have duties only because you are born this time in a particular body in a particular family, at a particular place or because of choices you have made while being in this body only. Same goes for money. You can buy yourself comforts only by the time this body lasts. Sex can also be performed till the time this particular body of yours allows it.

Now the point here is the first three aspects are there for you to have a comfortable life but it ends there. The moment you’ll leave this body none of the first three aspects will be of any use to you. The only thing that will continue with your soul is your spiritual journey. If one has not progressed spiritually a little in a lifetime then he/she has wasted one precious human life. Have a look at a normal life, one takes birth, grows up then learn to make money to survive then gets married and have kids then the kids grow up and one day the person dies. Now have a look at an animal’s life. They also take birth, they grow up, they also learn how to find their food, they also have kids and they also die. Don’t you think that living without a spiritual progress is just like living as clothed animals? In my opinion everyone should ask this question to himself/herself.

The problem with the world is that we have forgotten how to keep a balance between the four pillars I have described above. Right now everyone wants a lot of money and a lot of sex. People have forgotten their duties and no one even thinks about salvation. This is the reason why there is so much moral corruption in today’s society. My advice is, try to find a balance in these four aspects of your lives and trust me, you’ll feel much more happy and contended. Whenever you feel your feet are too tired, you should kneel in front of God. Cheers!


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