HomeWHYWhy Does A Man Want To Be A Woman

Why Does A Man Want To Be A Woman

What Causes A Man To Think He’s A Woman?

What causes a man to think he’s a woman (and vice versa)? There are three explanations commonly proposed.

The first explanation is that there is a physiological cause. This theory proposes that a person can be born with, for example, a female brain in a male body, and that this arrangement is the product of inter-uterine biochemical and hormonal factors. In other words, transgender people were born that way.

There are several significant problems with this theory. Firstly, there is no scientific evidence that there is such a thing as a “male brain” and a “female brain”. While it is true that men and women exhibit certain proclivities in terms of their mean thought processes, there is absolutely no evidence of any physiological differences between their brains. To date, there is no identifiable pathology that can differentiate brains based upon gender.

Secondly, and more significantly, the same sex hormones and chromosomes that are responsible for determining the gender of the body are also equally formative in the creation of the brain. The developing foetus does not have two conflicting sets of hormones and chromosomes developing two distinct components of their physiology. The idea of a female brain in a male body (and vice versa) is completely without scientific merit.

Thirdly, and the final nail in the coffin of this explanation, are the documented instances of identical twins where one twin subsequently becomes transgender and the other doesn’t. This completely negates the concept of a physiological cause of transgenderism, because identical twins have identical chromosomes and were subject to the influence of the same sex hormones in the womb. Hormonal and chromosomal factors cannot explain transgenderism. Clearly, there are other factors at work.

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A second explanation for the existence of transgenderism is more esoteric in nature. It proposes that sex is physiological but gender is mental, or non-physical. In other words, there is a non-physical part to each of us that is the real “me” and this non-physical “me” resides within a physical body.

What proponents of this view fail to appreciate is that this explanation directly contradicts the atheistic, evolutionary worldview which many of them hold. Evolution teaches that there is no non-physical reality. Everything has a physical cause and a physical explanation. Life can only be explained in terms of chemistry and physics. My thought processes, for example, are merely the product of a series of chemical and electrical impulses firing between the synapses of my brain; nothing more. I am simply a highly evolved physical machine. If this is true, how, then, can a purely physical mechanism develop a non-physical component – a spirit, for want of a better word? It can’t. The idea that there is an esoteric, non-corporeal “real me” that is quite distinct from my physical body cannot be support by the atheistic, evolutionary worldview so commonly espoused by supporters of transgenderism.

Of course, the Bible does tell us that there is more to us than a mere body. We have a spirit and a soul, terms that seem, at times to be used interchangeably, while, at other times, appear to be quite distinct (1 Thess 5:23; Heb 4:12). This is because we are created by a God who is, himself, incorporeal, and who imparts something of his nature into our own beings. The idea, however, that God occasionally makes a mistake and puts the wrong spirit into the wrong body is simply ludicrous. As I wrote in my previous post, the Bible only ever mentions the two genders as God’s created design for mankind; there is no scriptural justification for believing that God sometimes produces a confused third category of conflicted gender.

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The final explanation of transgenderism, and by far the most common, is psychological in nature. The most commonly stated reason for a person believing they have an alternate gender identity is the existence of perceived opposite sex characteristics within the person; emotional or psychological characteristics that a person has, which they perceive as being more suited to someone of the opposite sex. The problem with this line of reasoning, however, is the false perception that masculine and feminine attributes are totally separate and distinct, with no overlap:

The above diagram of normal distribution curves, or bell curves, demonstrates this completely segregated, polarised view of male and female. According to this view, there is no cross-over, no continuum of shared characteristics between men and women.

According to this view of gender, women are gentle, caring, nurturing, emotional, relational and sensitive, while men, on the other hand, are aggressive, competitive, rational, insensitive and task oriented. If we have this polarised view of gender, a male could look at this list of characteristics and say, “I relate more to the female characteristics than the male. Therefore, I must really be a female trapped in a male body.”

But that is a completely erroneous view of gender. The truth is that all human characteristics and traits are shared between the two genders on a continuum. And while certain traits predominate in one gender or another, there is always significant crossover, as illustrated by the overlapping normal distribution curves in the graph below:

This is true of almost all characteristics of human personality, emotion and behaviour. There is a continuum with significant overlap between the genders. Every sociological study that has ever been conducted on human qualities has shown significant overlap between the sexes. While certain traits are stronger in one gender than the other on average, there is also a significant amount of overlap. This is referred to as “the complementary distinctiveness of the sexes”. There are extremes in both sexes, who lie well beyond the averages, and that is NORMAL!

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For example, a 2016 sociological study of roughness in child play in pre-school children reveals precisely this kind of continuum between the sexes:

Boys who are gentle are still boys. Girls who are rough are still girls. This is the normal spectrum of human behaviour! It’s what makes us all so diverse and interesting! There are women CEOs who are aggressive, task oriented, visionary leaders. There are women who like playing rough contact sports. On the other hand, there are men with soft, gentle, nurturing natures. There are even men who like knitting and reading romance novels! These are all part of the normal distribution of human characteristics.

The current push to acknowledge the existence of conflicting gender identities within the same person, arises from false gender stereotypes that portray a polarised view of male and female characteristics. People who talk about being trapped inside the wrong gender’s body are, quite simply, sexist. I am surprised, in fact I’m astonished, that the LGBTQI community can’t see how sociologically unacceptable this line of reasoning is. Furthermore, as discussed in my previous post, when this kind of erroneous thinking becomes pervasive and dysfunctional within an individual’s psyche, it must be assessed and treated as a mental illness.

The answer to transgenderism is not gender reassignment surgery. Nor is it cross-dressing or gender transitioning. Those who believe they are one gender trapped inside the body of the opposite gender require counselling. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) would assist them to correct their dysfunctional thinking and enable them to come to accept themselves as they are; a normal male or female on the normal continuum of human characteristics.


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