HomeWHYWhy I Chose Saline Implants

Why I Chose Saline Implants

Saline Implants Are The Better Choice If:

You Want To Change Sizes While you should have a fairly good idea of your desired breast size before the surgery, saline implants do give you more freedom to change the implant size later. Because saline implants are first placed and then filled, they can be altered at a later date. If you realize that you underestimated the size you want or if several years later you decide that your breasts are too large, your plastic surgeon can either add or drain some of the saline instead of fully replacing the implants.

You Are Nervous About Rupture Complications Although breast implant ruptures are incredibly rare, they are possible. If a silicone implant ruptures, it can cause irritated and swollen tissue as well as pain or the formation of non-cancerous lumps in the breast. If saline implants rupture, they will not cause any harm nor will they need to be removed for health or safety, as the liquid in the saline implants can be safely absorbed by the body. It should be noted that since saline implants are filled with a liquid (whereas silicone implants are filled with a more gel-like substance) if saline implants rupture, they will look deflated and the breasts will be uneven until the implant is fixed.

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You Want Minimal Scarring Because saline implants are placed before they are filled, your plastic surgeon only needs a small incision to place the implants. This incision is typically only about 1 inch long and can even be placed using an underarm incision for insertion. This leaves the breast itself with no scarring.

You Want A Rounded Breast Shape Saline implants tend to create a more rounded look than silicone implants. The type of look you want for your breasts may be influenced by the breast size, where the breast sits, your profile, or even how your breasts look in relation to your body. While your preferred breast shape is completely up to your discretion, you may still be undecided about this. Read How To Decide On Your Breast Implant Size, Shape, Type, And Profile to help you decide.

You Are Younger Than 22 Years Old Health Canada advises that anyone receiving silicone implants is at least 22 years old. However, Health Canada allows people ages 18 and over to receive saline implants. Saline implants are also beneficial for younger people, as breast shape and elasticity may change as you age and saline implants are easier to alter later in life.

Saline Implants And Breast Augmentation In Kelowna

If you want to alter the size, shape, or profile of your breasts, breast augmentation may be the solution. Whether you decide on silicone or saline implants, this procedure can help you feel more confident and comfortable in your body. When you receive your breast augmentation from Peterson MD, the helpful and knowledgeable staff will help you decide which implants are right for you and Dr. Peterson will explain everything you need to know about the procedure, including what to expect during the healing process. If you are ready to make a change and take control of your self-image, contact Peterson MD at 1-250-868-9099 or fill out the online contact form.

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Q: Will my surgeon give me insight into which implants I should choose? A: Yes, your plastic surgeon will be there to guide you through your breast augmentation journey and will educate you about all of your options, weighing the pros and cons of saline and silicone implants to help you make the best decision for yourself.

Q: Are saline implants safer than silicone? A: Both types of implants are safe and approved for use by Health Canada. Both offer advantages and disadvantages to consider before breast surgery, so be sure to connect with a plastic surgeon who will help you decide which kind is right for you.

Q: Are breast implants the only option for breast enhancement? A: Not at all. If you want to change the shape, size, lift, or profile of your breast, you can receive a breast lift, a fat transfer, or a breast augmentation. Learn about the differences between each by reading Types of Breast Enhancement Surgery: Know Your Options.


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