HomeWHENWhen Was Holly Born On Days Of Our Lives

When Was Holly Born On Days Of Our Lives

Holly on DAYS OF OUR LIVES just had a growth spurt, but she’s still the same character she’s been for years. And we’re here to answer any questions you might have, including clearing up her complicated parentage! The character first appeared back in 2016 and was played by a series of twins until 2020 when Elin Alexander took over the role. Then, in October 2023, Ashley Puzemis stepped in when the character was aged into a teen.

When Daniel Jonas and Nicole Walker were unable to have a child together, Chloe Lane offered to be their surrogate, but the procedure failed. After Daniel’s death, Chloe tried again and this time became pregnant. However, no one knew that initially. In the beginning, Chloe thought that Deimos Kiriakis was her babydaddy, and Philip Kiriakis agreed to claim paternity to keep the villain out of the picture. But after DNA proved Deimos wasn’t the father, Chloe realized that the clinic had it wrong and she was really carrying Daniel and Nicole’s child!

Nicole helped Chloe deliver a beautiful baby girl on Dec. 21, 2016, and while the infant was healthy, the mother suffered a stroke and fell into a coma. Before passing out, Chloe had urged Nicole to name the baby, so a confused Nicole put Holly down on the birth certificate. Chloe’s mother, Nancy Wesley, took custody of Holly and tampered with the DNA test that Deimos and Brady Black tried to do to prove the child’s paternity. When Chloe woke up, she wanted to tell Nicole the truth but found that she was engaged to Deimos and kept quiet so as not to let him anywhere near Holly.

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DAYS Chloe Holly Nicole
Poor Holly found herself at the center of a tug-of-war!XJJohnson/jpistudios.com

Eventually, Brady pressured Chloe into coming clean and while Nicole was overjoyed to learn Holly was her baby, this led to a bitter custody battle between the two women. Driven to extremes, a desperate Nicole assaulted Chloe and kidnapped Holly, planning to start a new life with Brady in Canada. But Xander Kiriakis tracked them down and kidnapped Nicole and Holly on Deimos’ orders. Eric Brady managed to rescue the mother and daughter but Nicole was arrested and forced to return the child to Chloe.

Chloe finally came to accept that Nicole was Holly’s mother and gave her back, but then child services stepped in and put the child in foster care for her own protection. With Brady’s help, Nicole managed to blackmail the corrupt judge Deimos had been using and was finally granted custody of her own child.

In 2018, Brady rescued Holly from a burning building, but Nicole was presumed dead. Eric tried to take custody of the little girl but stepped aside when Chloe took over. The following year, Nicole returned very much alive, but then was crushed when Holly was killed in a car crash. However, what really happened was that Xander had kidnapped the child and faked her death on Kristen DiMera’s orders. In the end, Kristen was forced to reveal the truth, and Nicole and Holly were once again reunited.

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Holly has had a few different father figures over the years.XJJohnson/jpistudios.com

As she’s grown up, Holly has had to deal with a few different men in her life. Shortly after she began calling Eric “Daddy,” Nicole and Eric split up. And in 2022, Nicole and Rafe Hernandez shared the news of their engagement with Holly, who was enthusiastic about the wedding. But after they broke up, Holly moved into the DiMera mansion with her mother.

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As a teenager in 2023, Holly had a flirty run-in with Tate Donovan in the park (where she also offered him drugs!) but then came home to the mansion where she clearly had a big crush on Johnny DiMera! Holly covered for her behavior by telling Johnny her crush was on EJ, but Chanel Dupres could tell she was after her boyfriend. When Tate asked her out on a date, she accepted so they could go to the Bistro and she could moon over Johnny, who was out with Chanel. Furious, Tate walked out on her.

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Holly is the very definition of a troubled teen!XJJohnson/jpistudios.com

Holly was disappointed when she had to spend her birthday alone and wound up getting drunk and calling Johnny to call him a jerk for leaving her on her own. As Nicole helped her daughter with her hangover the next day, Holly confessed her crush. Advised that Johnny would only see her as a little sister, Holly changed her mind about Tate and asked him out on New Year’s Eve. At the party, she wanted to take some pills, but Tate refused and later found her outside having overdosed! Holly was rushed to the hospital where her condition was stabilized, but she remained in a coma.

Stay tuned to DAYS to see what happens next!


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