HomeWHYWhy Are Indians Ugly

Why Are Indians Ugly

If you want to select one of the most wonderful countries in Asia, the South Asian power India will win the first place without any suspense. Its uniqueness is reflected in all aspects of it. For example, the “Indian cuisine” that is hard to swallow and even disgusting, such as people believe in the blessing of gods and believe that countless gods live in the Ganges, so they should drink “holy water” despite the fact that it is full of industrial waste and domestic waste .

For example, in the military parades of other countries, the soldiers marched in neat steps and accepted the inspection in a phalanx. The military parade in India is completely an acrobatic performance. Seven or eight soldiers ride on a motorcycle and perform some difficult movements from time to time, which is astounding.

When it comes to India, one has to be reminded of its terrifyingly high gap between the rich and the poor. The ancients said: “The wine and meat of Zhumen stink, and the road is frozen to death.” There are rich people everywhere, and there are poor people everywhere. indisputable objective facts. In any country, absolutely rich people are only a minority, after all, they have amassed huge wealth on the shoulders of the majority of the poor, and the same is true in India. In this democratic country that claims to be the most populous in the world, 1% of the people occupy 70% of the social wealth, and the remaining 99% of the people want to divide up the poor 30%.

As the Indian writer Hash Mander said: “Nine out of ten Indians are engaged in informal jobs, they are everywhere, and they are the cheapest labor force.” In this country, the rich areas The slums are often separated by a wall, but the rich turn a blind eye to those compatriots who are struggling with food and clothing, and feel that they have no need to help them out of poverty. On the east and west sides of one wall, there is the magnificent paradise on earth to the east; the terrifying Avici hell to the west.

Rich people live in villas, drive luxury cars, and have servants to serve them. They live like emperors. When night falls, they will drive roaring sports cars through the streets and alleys. They can spend a lot of money in Paris. You can spend a fortune at night. And their “neighbors” live like mice. They often live on only one dollar a day. They have to live in four-walled, dilapidated, dark and damp houses, and wander around the garbage dump all day. Find food that will fill you up.

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Of course, one of them stands at the top of the pyramid and the other kneels at the bottom of the pyramid. Differences are inevitable. The gap between Indian company executives and Indian farmers is also stark. Some investigations found that the annual salary income of clothing company executives needs eight hundred years of farmers not to eat or drink to match. Although India’s territory is not as large as China’s, its arable land is not small at all. As long as it is managed well, it is possible to feed these 1.3 billion people, but the Indian authorities do not care about the living environment of farmers.

The Indian authorities allow the rich to annex land and do not bring industrial sowing and harvesting tools to farmers. So farmers can only rely on the most primitive way to plant, rely on the sky to eat. This is true of farmers who have land to cultivate, not to mention those who have no land to cultivate. Regardless of whether they are farmers or “untouchables”, they have to spend a difficult summer. Most of the places where they live have no official power supply, so fans and air conditioners cannot be used. The maximum temperature in summer in India can reach 50 degrees Celsius, and the average temperature is also above 30 degrees Celsius. Every breath is a torment for them. In order to survive, they had to withstand the scorching sun and engage in those heavy manual labor. The 600 million poor people in India, living in such a harsh environment, will inevitably breed bacteria. This is why India is always able to breed some strange diseases, and it is also the reason why the Indian pharmaceutical industry is so developed.

Social disorder, polarization

The Indian film “Slumdog Millionaire” perfectly reproduces the tragic life in slums, and ruthlessly exposes various social ills in India. The male protagonist’s mother was killed on the spot because of a religious conflict. He and his brother depended on each other and have lived a life of wandering and begging ever since. They have been tortured and bullied, on the one hand they have to endure hunger, and on the other hand they have to look at the cold eyes of others.

Even if the male protagonist wins a cash prize of 20 million rubles with his own efforts, he will be arrested by the police and tortured. Because in this country, the poor do not deserve any chance of turning over. In addition to the gap between the rich and the poor, India’s gender gap is horrific. Many films in India deal with the horrific consequences of male superiority. In India, girls are considered ominous, and many families choose to drown their baby girls when they are born. In their view, women do not deserve to live in this world.

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Even if girls are lucky enough to survive, they are treated as male appendages. In order to subsidize their livelihood, many families will sell their children before they have menarche, and she will begin her life of suffering. Many girls are married to rich old men. They are often three wives and four concubines, hugging each other. In addition to the stench given by her husband, the girl also has to endure the bosses of “sisters”. If their husband dies, they cannot remarry for life and must abide by their chastity.

There are also four or five men in the family who are married to one woman. The women had to go back and forth between several men who looked down and did not look up. If you don’t like it a little bit, you will be punched and kicked. As a result, another very serious social problem has arisen, namely more men than women. Although men in India seem to despise women, they also need women to satisfy their desires. Therefore, horrific mass rape cases in India occur frequently. Because society generally despises women, the judicial organs will turn a blind eye when examining them, letting go of those beasts.

The Indian film “A Mother’s Revenge” perfectly exemplifies this social status quo. After being raped by a classmate, the girl suffered an unfair trial by the law. As a mother, the heroine embarks on the road of revenge.

Prince and general, would you rather have a seed?

All in all, India is one country with two extremely divided worlds. Although they are extremely divided, the former often involves the latter. The success of the former is also based on squeezing the latter. So, in the twenty-first century, why hasn’t India changed this situation?

First, the caste system that has been handed down for thousands of years. A song “Rig Veda Primitive Man Song” depicts the Varna hierarchy. In their view, Brahmins are the mouths of primitive man and belong to the highest level of society. They belong to clergy and have the right to interpret all the classics; Dili is the arms of the original man, directly dispatched by the Brahmins, in charge of the military and political power. Vaishyas are the thighs of the original people, that is, ordinary Aryan civilians; and Sudras are the feet of the original people, belonging to those who were conquered by the Aryan race. As for the untouchables, they are excluded from the body of the original. The people at the lowest end of the pyramid are accustomed to submissiveness and never feel that there is any problem with it. In their view, from the moment of birth, they were doomed to a tragic fate in their whole life. If they did not submit to the upper classes, they would go against the will of God and would be punished by him. The caste system was originally a lie made up by high-level people in order to enjoy prosperity forever, but this lie has been circulated for 3,000 years, and everyone knows its true colors. Only the Indians are still in the dark and suffer from it. People once thought of abolishing this system that has solidified social strata, and in the end, it was a bamboo basket to draw water.

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India has been independent for so many years and has never felt that the caste system is a drawback. As long as it exists, the social stratum will continue to solidify like this, the people at the bottom will never have the opportunity to stand up and call the shots, and the gap between the rich and the poor will continue to widen as always. Second, the disadvantages of Hinduism. In this religion, women are the embodiment of evil. They are born to deceive the world, they are only the vassals of men, they do not deserve any dignity, and they have no human rights at all.

As long as the primitiveness and limitations of Hinduism are not broken, then Indian women will never be able to break free. The disparity between men and women in India and rape cases will continue until the country is destroyed. Both the caste system and Hinduism are deeply ingrained locally, and it is impossible to abolish it. Because once these are touched, the interests of many vested interests will be involved. And how can they tolerate their cake being divided by others?

The second outbreak of the epidemic in India is the epitome of its various shortcomings. First of all, they are ignorant, knowing that the epidemic has not passed, and they still hold grand worship gatherings. Secondly, they are blindly confident, thinking that they can get through the difficulties with the blessing of the gods. Modi also vowed before that India has achieved universal immunization and will replace China as a vaccine exporter. But what is the result now? Not to mention vaccines, even oxygen, beds and incinerators are very scarce products in India. The wealthy took private jets to Europe before the pandemic had fully erupted, leaving the poor to cling to this calamitous land.Editor/XingWentao


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