What Does The Sticker Coexist Mean

We all find ourselves waiting at red lights and sometimes encounter unique bumper stickers – some that surprise us; others that make us think, laugh, agree, and disagree. If you look closely, you may have discovered one on the rear bumper of a car in front of you that reads, “Coexist.” Do you know the meaning of it? In the original 2001 version, Polish graphic designer, Piotr Mlodozeniec, has all three of the great Abrahamic religions featured in the word, “coexist.” The letter “C” stands for the crescent moon, a symbol of Islam. The “x” is substituted with the Star of David which signifies Judaism, and the letter “t” refers to the “cross” + of Christianity (Source: http://www.thedailybeast.com/coexists-bonehead-bumper-sticker-politics).

A more recent version of each of the letters in the word, “coexist” is found in the image above and reads as follows:

C – Crescent moon that represents Islam O – Peace symbol or pagan/Wiccan pentacle. E – Male/female symbol or a scientific equation. X – Star of David that represents Judaism. I – Pagan/Wiccan symbol (i.e. pentagram for the dot of the “i”) S – Chinese yin-yang symbol (Taoism) T – The cross used to represent Christianity. Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coexist_(image) https://coexistbumpersticker.wordpress.com

One could interpret this message as harmless. “Can we all get along?” said Rodney King, a victim of police brutality, who once made this famous remark after the verdict in his court case having been beaten by four LAPD police officers during the Los Angeles riots in 1991. Can’t people in all of the major religions of the world get along, live together, and peacefully coexist too? That would seem to be the desired ideal and a worthy human goal. Who’s this bumper sticker hurting anyway? No one, or is it? Let me share with you four arguments that oppose the “coexist” bumper sticker.

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1. We already co-exist! We already live with each other as a human family on the same planet. Whether we like it or not, we are stuck with each other :), already living amongst one another and co-existing in the same communities. This bumper sticker isn’t anything new. It’s a truism. It states something that is already implied to be true.

2. There are some pagan, “New-Age” symbols associated with word, “coexist” when artfully constructed as seen in the image above. The “o” in the word, “coexist” is referenced with a pagan/wiccan pentacle. Also, the letter, “i” is also a pagan/wiccan symbol when one observes that the pentagram is used to dot the “i.” These pagan, “New-Age” symbols are rooted in the satanic and demonic and contradict our Catholic faith. But Jesus assured us that the “gates of hell will not prevail against it” (Mt. 16:18).

3. Religious relativism – Another message that the “coexist” bumper sticker communicates is that there is not a true religion. Therefore, all other religions come down to the same level equally in which there is no absolute religion, and the Catholic Church is just one church among many. This is false. I will address that in the next point.

4. Law of non-contradiction – All of the religions characterized by each letter in the word, “coexist” can’t be right. They all can’t be equal. Rather, only one is right. The law of non-contradiction is a principle and rule of logic that states something can’t be “A” and “non-A” at the same time. In other words, something in the physical realm can’t be both cold and hot at the same time. Nor can something in the moral law be good and evil at the same time. It has to be either one or the other. Furthermore, either the Catholic Church is the right Church and the other churches and religions are wrong, or the Catholic Church is wrong, and all the other churches and religions are right. Which is it? The truth is that the Catholic Church is the one true church in the religion of Christianity. That could be interpreted as a pretty bold and arrogant statement. What about the other religions and other Christian denominations? While other religions and branches of Christianity have elements of truth and grace which the Catholic Church recognizes and respects, the Catholic Church has the fullness of truth and grace, because Jesus Christ himself instituted it through the apostle Peter, our first pope. “You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church” (Mt. 16:18). In addition, the one, true church has the identity of four marks: 1) One – unified, 2) Holy – of God, 3) Catholic – universal, and 4) Apostolic – handed on through Tradition by Jesus’ first and closest disciples. The Catholic Church fits the bill in meeting all four criteria.

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While we already coexist and while we desire to live peacefully with each other in this sometimes violent world characterized by terrorism and media violence in an era of uncertainty, one thing that is certain and constant, and that is Jesus Christ is victorious! You may respond to the four arguments and say I am intolerant. But I say this with faith and confidence in speaking the truth with love that Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead for your sins and mine, and he has established the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church in the Catholic Church as the one true Church amidst all of the other churches and religions in the world. May we strive to live peacefully with one another, and with God’s grace, continue to discover and learn about the truth and love of Jesus Christ.

-Fr. Jeff


Sheen, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. “Prophecy of Stalin’s and America’s Death.”

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