HomeWHYWhy Are Women Evil

Why Are Women Evil


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Actually, being wicked or evil-minded is not a peculiarity of women nor is confined to the men folk either. As a matter of fact here on earth, gross matter, because of the density of our physical bodies and the earth itself, both good and evil mined persons dwell together this makes it a sort of school during our short stay here. Life on earth is relatively short but impactful because of the experiences that assail us. Here we experience, so to speak, the good, the bad and the ugly. In the other realms of Creation, the law of homogeneity is strictly adhered to, to its minutest details. There, those that are noble minded live together while those that are otherwise, as for example those that have the propensity for hatred find themselves in the same region, and so suffer mutually. Nonetheless, from the very beginning each of us has the potentials of the virtues in us. And we also have the inalienably right of free will – the free will to choose (in thought, words and deeds) what is good or evil. That is, to think, do and speak what is good or otherwise. This is an inherent part of us as human spirits which cannot be annulled. In exercise of our free will the more we indulge in noble deeds (also in thoughts and words), the lighter, and brighter will be our inner cloak, the soul. Likewise, if in exercise of this our right, we choose evil ways, our inner cloak becomes dark, soiled, dense. Thus, when we pass on, drop our physical body at death, the state of our inner cloak, will follow the law of gravity. That is, our soul if light, shall rise to the lighter regions and if dense, to the regions of darkness…. Coming back to our situation here on earth, we have said that the good and the ugly co-exist here and that they are not limited to any gender. Both genders exhibit the two traits. That is, there are good men and bad men, good women and bad women. However, when a woman indulges in some cold-blooded evil, we frequently hear these remarks, ‘women are wicked’. ‘A woman did this?’ The latter implies that women are considered to be more compassionate generally and so less evil tendencies. And the former connotes that women are the most evil. Both views are correct somehow. Here is the latest example of such behaviour of women that has elicited such remarks and has become a talking point in many quarters. It is a viral video of a nine year-old girl in Obosi, Anambra state who was sent by her parents to go help out her mother’s sister that had a set of twins in March. According to the reports one of the babies mistakenly fell off the little girl’s hands and her aunt beat her mercilessly with a pestle, hot knife, etc. As Providence would have it, the girl was sent by the aunt to go dispose domestic thrash across the road. But seeing how she was staggering and stumbling on the way she was accosted by some good Samaritans. They discovered that the girl’s eyes were swollen and almost closed; she had injuries on her body and head. They decided to take her to the hospital. It was reported that she was rejected by three hospitals in the community because of the severity of her wounds. She is now being treated in a hospital in the state capital, Awka. The couple have been arrested,nAnambra state Commissioner of Women Affairs, having handed them over to the police for prosecution Sometime in November last year, the Katsina state Police Command paraded a housewife before journalists for killing her ex-husband’s four year-old son by throwing the little boy into a well where he of course drowned and died. There are of course other instances like reported cases of Madams fatally burning their domestic help’s buttocks with hot pressing iron. And so on and so forth. In all cases the women would be described as heartless, wicked and their evil deeds generally viewed as unbecoming of a woman. This is right because women are supposed to be ‘soft hearted’. Earlier I touched on virtues. There both feminine and masculine virtues. Masculine virtues include, heroism among others. In heroism is embedded courage, fearlessness. For a human being this is a kind of objective aggressivess for a noble cause. In the animal kingdom, this is typified in the lion. Some men are nicknamed, ‘lion’ because they carry a tinge of such trait. Feminine virtues on the other hand are in tandem with the feminine, soft nature of women, among them, ‘’faithfullness’’; faithfulness in its broader, deeper meaning, (a very small part of which is kind heartedness) not its narrow earthly definition. The more we cultivate the virtues whichever they may be, the more strongly anchored they are within us and the more brightly we exhibit them. A woman who does not imbibe any of the feminine virtues within her is a disservice to womanhood and would overtime be consumed by evil. More importantly, given the spiritual pressure under which a woman stands, she is either very good or very bad. The power of the Almighty which streams over the worlds, first of all touches the woman before it is passed on to the man. Thus when this invincible radiating power makes to blossom, whatever good, pure and noble traits are within a woman while if it is evil tendencies that predominate in her, they overflow. Thence a kind woman would exhibit kindness without equal, par excellence , to the extreme while a woman that is tending towards wickedness would be wicked to the extreme. And so on and so forth.

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