HomeWHOWho Is My Soulmate Reading

Who Is My Soulmate Reading

If you’re single and wondering what your future soulmate looks like, the universe has a message for you in this reading.

All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which animal stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!

After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.

Here I’m using the Golden Art Nouveau Tarot and the Lovers Oracle decks while the animals are from an Acekar Sticker Pack (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase).

Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.

Now let’s find out what your soulmate looks like.

Pile 1: Dog

Cards from the Golden Art Nouveau Tarot and the Lovers Oracle decks
Image by Emmarie Hodge

A Fiery Youth

The first card in your spread is the Ace of Wands. As this is the only upright card in your spread, and the other cards don’t share the suit of wands, I believe that your soulmate has the traditional physical characteristics of a wand persona.

That means that your soulmate has a fiery appearance. Their hair is warm, probably blond, brown, or red. As for their eyes, they’re probably blue or green. Their skin would also have a warm tone but is on the lighter side (fair to olive). When it comes to their body shape, they’re lean and muscular with an average height.

This description doesn’t exclude any ethnicities. Your soulmate may have black hair and black skin, but you would expect to see warmth in their features rather than coolness.

In addition, your soulmate is youthful as this is an ace card. That means they’re either just starting adulthood or younger than you.

Because of the other cards, I also sense that your soulmate is masculine or at least lacks traditional femininity (if they’re a woman). They’re probably going to dress in a sporty way.

Looking Out

The next card is Queen of Cups, Reversed. When you see your soulmate for the first time, you’ll be struck by their lack of social finesse. This is visibly apparent in their features. I believe they’re a bit aggressive and it shows on their face.

However, I don’t sense there’s anything necessarily mean about them. Rather, what you’ll see in their features is ambition and hunger for life. Your soulmate lives passionately and will have an intense body language.

They don’t try to make other people comfortable with their appearance. To some degree, they may also be out of touch with their feelings too. That’s because they’re very outward focused and it shows in how they conduct themselves in everyday life. This person is more like a celebrity than a politician.

Comfort, Not Professionalism

The last tarot card in your spread that describes their appearance is the Queen of Swords, Reversed. I don’t think your soulmate cares about looking a certain way. They never dress to impress and instead pick comfort.

I get the impression they may not have glasses, or if they need glasses, never wear them. They also refuse to wear anything smart or crisp: they want comfort, not professionalism.

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This could also be an indication that your soulmate is very intelligent and you would never know it by looking at them. However, the physical orientation of your soulmate is so unfocused on their inner world that I can’t say for certain whether they’re intelligent or not by appearance alone.

Instead focus on this: your soulmate is a visible firecracker. They’re not someone you’d miss in a crowd.

Scorched Love

The fourth card in your spread is a bit about your future relationship. This card has the wisdom message of Power: You instinctively know what is right for you and you have the power to say no or walk away at any time.

I believe that a soulmate is a person you can grow with and it’s possible to have multiple soulmates over a lifetime (otherwise nobody would ever be happy and truly in love after being widowed). However, each soulmate is intended to be someone you meet and stay with for the rest of your life.

But what do you do if your soulmate uses their free will in a way that makes it hard for your relationship to be a positive one?

I think the universe is indicating in your spread that the fiery passion of this soulmate may be too much for some who choose this pile. Your soulmate is a passionate lover, but likely to burn you if you don’t burn with them. You may need to walk away.

It’s going to take some effort to match your flame to theirs. However, if you both put in the work, expect this romance to be a passion straight out of a traditional love story.

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Pile 2: Elephant

Cards from the Golden Art Nouveau Tarot and the Lovers Oracle decks
Image by Emmarie Hodge

Scandinavian Aesthetic

There are two major arcana cards in your spread which indicates a powerful physical presence from your soulmate. The first card, The Hanged Man, tells me that your soulmate may have a similar appearance as the person on this card.

I equate this card to the story of the Norse god Odin hanging himself on a tree, and because of the light features of the man on this card, your soulmate is possibly Scandinavian or at least similar in appearance.

That means light-haired and blue-eyed. They’re likely to be tall and muscular but on the lean side.

I do get a more common rather than noble sense for the appearance on this card. That means your soulmate dresses in a minimalist fashion or in a non-descript way. They don’t stand out and they prefer that. Think of a simple shirt and pants. However, while they aren’t flashy in style, they may pick more eye-catching colors.

In other words, you wouldn’t spot this person first in a crowd, but you would look at them twice to get all the details in.

It’s possible your soulmate doesn’t look exactly like what I just mentioned, but the gist or spirit of their appearance would be very similar in some way, man or woman.

Delightful Appearance

The second card in your spread is the Page of Cups. Now your soulmate seems like somebody who wouldn’t stand out in a crowd, and that’s mostly true, but this is a card of unexpected and happy surprises.

Just like your soulmate may choose normal articles of clothing but then have a splash of color, expect them to have some feature that always stands out when you look at them closely. It may be silly or simply delightful.

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This is also a cups card, which confirms some of the previous card’s appearance. Those with a cup aesthetic tend to be blond with light eyes, like blue or gray. Their skin is also lightly colored, but with a cool tone, even if they have an olive complexion.

Despite being lean, your soulmate may have a softer face. They don’t look like a viking about to pillage you: they’re very friendly looking and seem easy to approach. Expect them to have an easy smile.

Possible Geek

Your third tarot card is The Hermit, Reversed. I see this as an indication that your soulmate is not old, or at least not older than you. Especially with the Page of Cups card from before, they’re youthful and have an optimistic facial expression.

Your soulmate may dress in a way that is especially juvenile or even geeky. It wouldn’t be strange to me if they dress in graphic tees with a fun image or witty saying. That may mean they choose to make statements in their dress even if it seems like they’re dressing down.

Every article of clothing they wear means something. And sometimes the article of clothing may even blatantly state what it means across the front!

You should be able to guess their personality purely by how they appear – and what interests and hobbies they have.

Let Them Woo You

Your final card is about the relationship with your future soulmate. This card is Surrender with the wisdom message of At times we must surrender the old before something new can enter our lives. Let go and all will work out.

There are a few possible meanings here. The first is that you won’t be entirely single when you meet this soulmate. If you’re casually dating and uncertain who to pursue, then this is a sign of how to pick your soulmate based on appearance alone.

Another meaning is that you won’t initially be interested in your soulmate when you meet them. For some of you, your soulmate may seem too immature or not serious so it’s hard to imagine yourself standing next to them. This is especially true if this person is younger than you and you generally prefer someone older.

However, you shouldn’t judge them on their more casual personal style alone. You may have certain prejudices based on what people look like which is incorrect.

Give this person an honest attempt to woo you through a date or through time together. You may be happily surprised by what you have in common or how they make you feel.

Did your reading resonate? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to receive e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published. If you really liked your reading, you can also tip me on Ko-fi.

Pile 3: Sea Lion

Cards from the Golden Art Nouveau Tarot and the Lovers Oracle decks
Image by Emmarie Hodge

On Fire

You have two upright minor suit cards which mean that the people who chose this pile have two distinct possibilities in appearance. The first card, Six of Wands, indicates that your soulmate has a fiery aesthetic.

Their hair is likely to be red, brown, or blonde while their eyes are green or blue. The complexion they have is likely to be fair or olive. Their build is lean, muscular, and of average height.

Of note with this card is the charismatic nature we see. That means your soulmate is likely to be an extrovert and show it. They may also be a bit flowery: even if they’re masculine, they’re not afraid to care about their appearance and could even be beautiful (and not just handsome).

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This does indicate a desire for flashy clothing. They may dress in name brands or at the very least dress in a way to impress.

A Wishmaker

However, there is another upright suit card here, the Nine of Cups, which has a different appearance. For some of you, your soulmate will have cooler features with blond hair, blue and gray eyes, and pale or olive skin (with a cool pallor).

Their body type is thicker, especially with this card, and they may be short. But as with the last card, I do sense a confirmation of dressing well and dressing to impress.

Whether your soulmate is slim or thick, they have a pleasant and attractive face. This is a person who knows what they want and they’re not afraid to show who they are.

This does indicate to me that this person appears sincere and honest and it’s likely their personality matches this physical description too.

Because of how expensive their tastes are, your soulmate may be wealthy or on the rise. I do have a sense your soulmate is materialistic and a little superficial, but not the kind of superficial that would poison a personality. It’s just something to be aware of if you’re frugal and down-to-earth.


The last tarot card I’m going to talk about is Strength. Overall I get the impression that your soulmate is in touch with their feminine side, whether they’re a man or a woman. That’s not to say they aren’t in touch with their masculinity either.

Rather, there is a healthy balance here which suggests being comfortable in their own skin. They’re also in control of their worst impulses, and this person has some materialistic and fiery impulses but never appears wild or out of control.

Your soulmate is likely to be the most charismatic and diplomatic person in any room. They stand out and they stand out in a way that makes other people envy them.

Another point: I can’t pinpoint the age of your soulmate exactly so it’s likely a range for this pile. But it does seem like your soulmate is middle-aged or older. If younger, they’re mature and in a comfortable financial position. They may be younger than you but you’d never know it upon meeting them the first time!

Enjoying Life Together

Your final card describes what your relationship with your soulmate would be like. The wisdom message of this card is When you pass from this world, you take nothing with you but your soul and the memories you have shared with those you love.

I think you would be tempted to dismiss or be unsettled by your soulmate’s materialism. However, this person has resources you may not have and is comfortable using them. Because of this, you’re likely to go on dates and trips that will be less an excuse to splurge than a chance to spend time with the person you love.

Understand that your soulmate may enjoy spending money and getting out in the world, but that’s not so much to be seen, but to live life to the fullest: and your soulmate would love to share that experience with you.

What is likely to happen with this person is that they’ll invite you on an adventure at some point in your early relationship. You’ll be afraid to go with them because it’s so unusual or extravagant. However, your soulmate wants to spoil you and their love language is gifts. Accept such gifts graciously.

Did your reading resonate? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to receive e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published. If you really liked your reading, you can also tip me on Ko-fi.


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