HomeWHYWhy Are Asian Restaurants Closed On Mondays

Why Are Asian Restaurants Closed On Mondays

Interior of the Chinese restaurant

Chinese restaurants are very popular.

Whether it’s served in a dining room, buffet-style, or delivered, Chinese food is satisfying and tasty and offers something different when you are tired of traditional fast food.

While most Chinese restaurants keep normal business hours, many choose to shut down or reduce their hours on Mondays.

While this might seem like an odd day of the week to be closed, you can read on to learn more about why Chinese restaurants are often closed on Mondays.

Why Are Chinese Restaurants Closed On Monday?

A Chinese Restaurant in NYC has closed

Chinese restaurants are often closed on Mondays because it is the lowest-traffic day of the week for the restaurant industry.

1. Save Money

chinese restaurant

If many stayed open on Mondays, it would cost more to pay staff than they would make.

Closing won’t cause them to lose much business and could actually save them money in operating costs.

Restaurants tend to stay open on the days they get the most business.

If a certain day is not worth the cost of operating the restaurant and paying the employees, it makes sense for the restaurant to close.

2. Start Of A New Week

northeast restaurant

Monday is typically the slowest day in the restaurant industry.

Guests have likely visited their favorite restaurants on the weekend and are focused on starting their week.

Monday is typically a busy day for families with the start of work and school, so they are less likely to dine out.

Many people are paid on Friday and tend to spend their leisure money over the weekend.

By the start of a new week, they are more likely to save or hold off on spending more money until it gets closer to the weekend again.

Since Mondays are such slow days for Chinese restaurants and weekends are so busy, it makes sense for them to be open on weekends and closed on Mondays.

Chinese restaurants typically prepare all the menu items, or at least most of them, and they require fresh food to do this.

3. Out Of Food

kitchen interior shot

Many Chinese restaurants are small and do not have a lot of space for storing large amounts of food.

In order to keep food fresh, they rely on regular deliveries.

The items that are delivered one day are typically prepared the next day.

Since most food delivery services do not make deliveries on the weekend, it means that Chinese restaurants can’t get the fresh food they need to have food prepared for Monday.

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It could also mean that the restaurant is running low on supplies in general and may not be able to provide all their customers with the food items they order or request.

Instead of having to close early in the day due to lack of supplies or having to limit the menu options,

Chinese restaurants choose to just close.

There will still be someone at the restaurant to receive the food deliveries and have things ready to open the next day.

4. A Day Of Rest

Restaurant interior

Chinese restaurant employees need a break, and while many businesses are closed on the weekends, this tends to be one of the busiest times for Chinese restaurants, so they stay open.

That means that while others get to rest on the weekends, Chinese restaurant employees have to continue working.

They do need a break, however, and because Monday is the least busy day in the restaurant industry, Chinese restaurants close to allow employees some time to rest.

Some employees may have other days off as well, and some may still go to work so they can receive any food deliveries, clean, and prepare food that will be served the next day.

5. Food Prep

organized prep kitchen

Many Chinese restaurants make their food ahead of time, so it only needs to be heated or prepared the next day before it is served.

Vegetables and fruits may be chopped and seasoned, meats may be marinated, doughs may be made, and things like egg rolls, dumplings, and spring rolls may be prepared and refrigerated.

Some meats that take a long time to cook may also be prepared the night before.

Chefs, cooks, and other employees may come in on Mondays to get things ready even if the restaurant isn’t open.

This provides them with time to get ahead of things so they are not trying to prepare food as it is ordered and will be able to keep buffet items stocked and get orders delivered to customers promptly.

6. Time For The Family

happy asian family

Some Chinese restaurants are family-owned, which means the staff is small, and they must work hard to keep the restaurant going.

The family members may also prefer to have the same day off so they can spend time together outside of work and even plan for family functions and other things.

Being closed on Mondays allows them to have a day to be together.

Not only does it give everyone a break from working in the restaurant, but it allows them to do other things as a family and spend time with their children, pets, and friends.

Restaurants choose Mondays because these are the days they would be less busy, so they don’t lose a lot of money being closed on this day.

Monday is typically a day of rest for a chef.

In larger restaurants, the chef would work weekends and then take off on Mondays and leave other cooks and team members to handle the preparations for that day.

The same can be said for Chinese cooks.

Chefs work hard, and they typically prepare a lot of food.

During the weekend, they can feel rushed and even overwhelmed by the demand the large weekend crowds bring and need a chance to rest.

The same can be said for other cooks and staff members.

7. Deep Cleaning

sanitize the premises while wearing masks

A day without constant cooking gives kitchen staff a chance to get caught up on dishes and makes it possible for things to be cleaned and put away, and creates a less-chaotic cooking area for the chef and other cooks.

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Weekends can be hectic and crazy for people who work in the restaurant industry.

Since Chinese restaurants typically offer a unique type of food, many people flock to them on the weekends.

The ability to order Chinese and have it delivered or ready to pick up in a short time comes in handy for people who are busy on the weekend or want a more laid-back meal.

Many Chinese restaurants offer special deals on the weekend or even an extended buffet, which offers different food items and even better pricing.

This means a lot of people visit Chinese restaurants during the weekend, and it can be overwhelming to staff members.

When restaurants are busy and don’t have any days off, it’s hard to get everything cleaned and sanitized.

While there are always staff members washing dishes and sweeping floors, being open every day means staff either has to stay after hours to get these things done, or they simply don’t get done as often as they should.

Chinese restaurants are typically very clean, and they need the extra time to ensure everything is sanitized.

Being closed on a Monday allows the restaurant to have time to clean on a day that they wouldn’t be overly busy.

Some Chinese restaurants even have a separate cleaning crew that comes in on Mondays and does the cleaning while the restaurant is closed.

Why Do Some Chinese Restaurants Close In The Afternoon?

Chinese takeaway is closed

Most Chinese restaurants are small and family-owned.

They often have a small staff that must handle all aspects of running the restaurant.

Sometimes the staff members are teenagers or young adults who have school and other priorities.

When Chinese restaurants shut down early in the day, it could be due to being short-staffed.

Some Chinese restaurants also only want to serve fresh foods.

They won’t buy pre-made frozen foods or foods processed in a factory. Instead, they make their items fresh.

Once they run out each day, they have to stop serving food and may have to close early.

Many Chinese restaurants also choose to only be open for select hours on different days when they know they will be the busiest.

What Are The Busiest Days For Chinese Restaurants?

busy dim sum restaurant

The busiest days for Chinese restaurants are usually the weekends.

Some Chinese restaurants even stay open for extended hours on weekends because they know people will come earlier and eat later.

Some even stay open 24/7 and offer delivery or pickup all night on Friday and Saturday nights.

Some restaurants are also willing to be lenient with their hours and even call in extra staff on these days to help them get through the weekend rush.

Sunday’s are also busy because many people enjoy meeting at Chinese restaurants after church services or for family dinners.

Since the weekends are so busy, many Chinese restaurants stay closed on Mondays.

Do Other Restaurants Close On Mondays?

female turning sign from open to closed on the entrance door

Many restaurants choose to stay closed on Mondays.

This is common with some chain restaurants but more likely with smaller, privately owned businesses.

Since Monday tends to be the day that people eat out the least, many small restaurants can’t afford to operate.

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They may choose to close on Mondays, so they can stay open on other days when they are busier, or they may just close because it costs more money to stay open and pay employees than what they will make from their sales.

Why Do Some Chinese Restaurants Only Offer Buffets?

Buffet food at restaurant

While it might seem like it would cost a restaurant a lot of money to offer a buffet, it’s actually affordable for them.

When a buffet is offered, there is less of a need for servers, which means the restaurant doesn’t have to pay as many of them.

Chinese buffets also have a large selection of items, with many of them being affordable.

Fresh vegetables on the salad bar, bread, and soups are often available on Chinese buffets and are easy to prepare and serve, and they are affordable.

Buffets also make it possible for a lot of people to come through the restaurant in a short amount of time.

The more people who can be in and out quickly, the more money the restaurant makes during their open hours.

Why Are Chinese Restaurants Open On Christmas?

Bustling Sichuan Hotpot Restaurant with red Lanterns

Chinese restaurants stay open on Christmas because it is one of the busiest days of the year for them.

When many other businesses and restaurants are closed so employees can be home with their families for the holidays, there are still people who are out shopping and traveling who need to eat.

With Chinese restaurants being open when other restaurants aren’t, more people will visit these restaurants.

Many Chinese families do not celebrate the Christmas holiday, so they see no reason to close and not treat it as a normal business day.

Do Chinese Restaurants Close For Chinese New Year?

Chinese New Year dinner place setting with decorations

Most Chinese-owned businesses are closed during the Chinese New Year.

The Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year is different from the New Year’s celebrations in other parts of the world.

It is celebrated at different times each year but normally takes place between January 21st and February 20th.

The celebration lasts between 15 and 16 days. It starts with a new moon and ends with a full moon.

The Chinese also see this holiday as the best time to switch jobs.

Although Chinese restaurants tend to stay open during many holidays, many do close to observe this holiday.

Why Do Chinese Restaurants All Serve The Same Food?

steamed buns in the Chinese food set

Chinese restaurants serve foods that are based on traditional Chinese foods or foods that are found in Chinese homes.

Many restaurants also tailor their recipes to appeal to people who live in other countries.

While many of them do have menu items with the same names and ingredients, each restaurant prepares its recipes differently.

Some Chinese restaurants may order frozen foods from the same suppliers, but many prepare their dishes fresh.

Other cultures also serve similar foods across different restaurants.

In the United States, many fast-food restaurants offer burgers, fries, chicken nuggets, and some type of fried fish.

These foods are all very similar but are prepared in different recipes and have different flavors.

Even though many Chinese restaurants offer the same foods, diners often find that the selections at different restaurants taste very different.

Why Do Chinese Restaurants Serve Such Large Portions?

Assorted Chinese food set

The goal of most Chinese restaurants is to make sure their guests leave satisfied.

Many guests choose to eat Chinese because they know it will be available buffet-style or served quickly.

Anyone who is on a short lunch break or is in a hurry will eat at a Chinese restaurant because they know they can get a hearty meal fast.

Chinese restaurants serve large portions, so their customers get a full meal quickly and do not have to order again and wait for more food to be prepared.

They also make sure their buffets are kept fully stocked so guests can eat as much as they want when dining in the restaurant.

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