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Who Makes Bosch Furnaces

Bosch vs Trane vs Mitsubishi vs Lennox vs Carrier is about an Architectural firm analyzing options for a new inverter HVAC heat pump split system with dual fuel LP gas furnace.

Above you can see the Bosch IDS Premium heat pump system for 2023. Images courtesy Bosch

Bosch Furnace

And here, the Bosch dual fuel LP Gas furnace to be located in the crawlspace, taking the place of the existing AHU (Air Handler Unit) with previous 15kW heat strip (which will be removed). Images courtesy Bosch.

Note about Bosch vs Trane vs Mitsubishi vs Lennox vs Carrier: The Architectural firm evaluating these various manufacturers, HVAC local Contractors and their proposals and the equipment are actually being used in the Architect’s own house. Like many people these days, we are in an era of improving energy efficiencies. That, coupled with aging existing HVAC equipment inside and outside existing homes are causing millions of homeowners to re-evaluate their existing HVAC equipment and figure out if it’s time to upgrade their outdoor condenser to instead become a heat pump (and a variable speed inverter type as well) along with switching their interior AHU to instead become a dual-fuel gas furnace. Rationales for this follow.

First: this online post is not going to post images of all of the equipment being considered. The Bosch was shown for reasons to be revealed later.

INVERTER HEAT PUMP Several HVAC equipment manufacturers make the newer inverter type of variable speed heat pump. Bosch, Trane, Lennox, Mitsubishi, Carrier and several others. This analysis focuses on only the top brand highest-end equipment for the most trouble-free and durable results. Why is this important? Because heat pumps with these features should last longer, provider better comfort control through a variety of temperatures and also perform better at generating heat to much lower temperatures before any sort of auxiliary heat is called into action. SO? Because this results in lower electrical consumption for both the heating and cooling mode of the heat pump. And only a heat pump can do this, a dedicated A/C condenser cannot (they only create cold temperatures in coils to serve to make homes cooler in hot weather).

Non-inverter type single speed heat pumps can draw 20amps or more when starting up. Variable speed inverter type heat pumps (Inverter) only draw less than 2 amps then ramp up. This is a huge difference in energy consumption and less wear and tear on the components. Which means lower electricity bills to the homeowner who is wise enough to invest in an inverter type heat pump. An inverter heat pump uses brushless DC compressors which do not have a start surge in power usage.

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And of course: a heat pump makes both cooling and heating by reversing the cycle. Genius.

A heat pump can provide 300% greater efficiency to heat a home than using fossil fuels.

Okay, now for some information about components and manufacturers. MITSUBISHI makes one of the most reliable inverter heat pump compressors in the world. Its mini-split systems are famous for lasting decades. Guess what? The Bosch inverter heat pump uses the Mitsubishi compressor. Bosch didn’t see the need to re-invent the wheel, especially when that part amounts to near-perfection in mechanical terms, not to mention its long-standing global reputation for durability and lack of problems.

TRANE Trane has long been considered one of the best HVAC companies in the world. During the last several years, Mitsubishi merged with Trane, so now the best of both worlds of mini-splits and conventional ducted HVAC residential systems are combined in this mega-company. Trane is one of the most respected manufacturers of high quality residential HVAC systems. It is quite common to see Trane condensers and heat pumps at multi-million dollar homes across America. Pricing: approximately 28.2% more expensive than Bosch equipment. Conversely, a Bosch HVAC system with equal SEER2 of 20 and other similar aspects would probably be in the range of 71.2% of the cost of a Trane with similar features and energy ratings. Constantly Communicating Proprietary Controls/System: Trane has its thermostats and other aspects of its systems “constantly communicating” with other components for its high-end inverter units. While this sounds wonderful, unfortunately these components have to be made by Trane and can be priced more expensively as a result, making other systems that have the ability to be more flexible in components and Not constantly communicating to be substantially less in cost with no real noticeable performance affect, as long as you set your thermostat for the temperatures and humidity levels you want. PRICE: $25,648 (up to $29,000) for this 3ton Trane replacement system (labor and taxes included, along with interior dual fuel LP gas furnace), replacing the existing equipment. But the byline “It’s hard to stop a Trane” is accurate and its hard to go wrong getting Trane equipment as long as you have the budget for it. Once again: the Bosch inverter heat pump has the Mitsubishi compressor in it at its core. Main pricing shown above is for paid in full cash discount and paying additionally yearly continuing HVAC Contractor Maintenance Plan.

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Trane has a high-end wi-fi capable sought-after thermostat: their XL824


Some people online have complained about some similar type Trane thermostats coming off wi-fi and having to go through trouble to relink them. But whether that is this specific thermostat is not known.

MITSUBISHI Outstanding equipment for a reasonable price. They have inverter heat pumps, usually side-blast fans. And while there are rumors in the industry that soon they will have a dual-fuel interior furnace, as of today’s date, those have not yet been released for sale and scheduling of that is not known. For this reason a Mitsubishi system has been taken out of the running for this particular analysis and project. In the future, look for a tidal wave of Mitsubishi to capture a huge segment of this part of the HVAC residential market. However: the Mitsubishi compressor that is at the heart of the Bosch inverter heat pump is very much in the running.

LENNOX Unfortunately, the HVAC Contractor that was supposed to provide a proposal for this let the Architectural firm down, and after 7 weeks, still failed to provide it. However, after seeing multiple online reviews from what appeared to be high-end homeowners (often in Florida) criticize these high-end systems as either not working at all, or having to have maintenance or adjustments frequently for new change-out systems, the Architectural firm decided not to seriously consider them at this point. Hopefully this company, which has been around for over a century will get things working properly again and regain its foothold in high-end HVAC systems. Lennox makes the highest SEER2 ratings of any residential HVAC equipment on the market: 26 to 28 for the top of the line inverter heat pump. Incredible. Some HVAC people online have rumored that supply chain issues can impact this high-end equipment, making repairs take longer. Price: $32,000+/- (entirely a guesstimate at this point due to lack of proposal by local HVAC Contractor).

CARRIER Same story as for Lennox, in terms of lack of local HVAC Contractor performance to submit their proposal, which they had said they would provide. On the darker side, while Carrier has a high reputation for quality and is used in many locations, and it is prized by repair technicians for ease of working on them in the field over long periods of time, unfortunately, information from personnel that worked for long years at Carrier led the Architect firm to believe that various newer features chosen to rollout with this brand could be problematic for installers, repair people and in the end, homeowners. While this may or may not still currently be an issue and due to the lack of a proposal from the local HVAC Contractor, this brand was no longer considered. No idea as to price point. Guessing perhaps similar to Trane.

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FINAL SHOOTOUT: TRANE vs BOSCH With the above contenders being knocked out of the ring for a variety of reasons, the Architectural firm is left with Trane vs Bosch. Presently, it is unknown if Trane uses the wonderful compressor from their partner, Mitsubishi, or if Trane uses the same engineering or not. However: at the heart of every Bosch inverter heat pump is the marvelous Mitsubishi compressor. Known fact, revealed by Bosch, in print. Complaints against Bosch online: none seen. There may be some, but the Architectural firm couldn’t find them as of this date. Both Trane and Bosch companies have been around a very long time. 1885 for Trane. 1886 for Bosch. The Architectural firm has owned Trane systems in the past and specified them on high-end client projects for decades. No complaints.

Final Pros and Cons:

. SEER2 Price Parts Warranty Extend Labor Warnty? Maint Plan? Thermostat

Trane 20 $25,648 10-12 yr Yes, with 1 HVAC sub Yes, with 2 subs Trane XL824

Bosch 20 $18,415 10-11 yr Yes, with 1 HVAC sub Yes, with 2 subs Trane XL824

———————————————————————————————————————————————- . $7,233 difference

So, with all other things being equal: an extended Labor Warranty is available for both the Trane and the Bosch through the same local HVAC Contractor, and that same company also offers a reasonable yearly maintenance plan, the winning equipment manufacturer is: BOSCH.

Bosch is known for precision German engineering, with enough common sense to realize the Japanese capability for zero-defects, hence the Mitsubishi compressor inside the Bosch inverter heat pump. And the extended labor warranty (from the local HVAC Contractor) is only $649 (one time cost) and covers the labor for the entire parts warranty length from the HVAC equipment manufacturers (10-11 years). Which is a phenomenal deal. And the thermostat for the Trane system and the Bosch is the same Trane XL824.

SO: at this point in time: BOSCH IS THE WINNER for this new HVAC equipment changeout.

Advantages expected: Much lower power utility bills. Very little LP gas to be consumed, due to inverter heat pump providing heat into the teens. Long periods of correctly functioning heating and cooling with few, if any repairs.

Conditions, costs and terms can and will vary from your local HVAC Contractors. Good luck with your HVAC replacement efforts.

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