HomeWHATWhat Are The 12 Dimensions

What Are The 12 Dimensions

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I/W: 2020 U: 2021 General, Theory

Scientists believe there are between 10-12 dimensions. Doing research, the best written explanation I could find of the 12 dimensions is here. But even this I think doesn’t have it exactly right. I do think there are twelve because it makes sense in the four realms, three dimensions for each. Below are simple explanations of the dimensions based on my understanding. The formula to calculate a dimension is infinity multiplied by the dimension that precedes it, which I get more into in this post:

The Twelve Levels of Infinity of the Twelve Dimensions

Also here is a video that helps to grasp the concept:

1st Dimension

This is a line.

2nd Dimension

Like the Super Mario game on Super Nintendo. Everything is flat.

3rd Dimension

This is the dimension we live in. The 3D universe.

4th Dimension

This is the ability to travel through time.

5th Dimension

The ability to travel through every possible reality of your 3D universe/planet.

6th Dimension

The ability to travel through every possible reality of every 3D universe in existence.

7th to 12th Dimensions

I don’t know about these ones. But I think 7-9D have to do with being able to choose your reincarnations. And 10-12D having to do with having the ability to create worlds as you’re very close to God and have more of his power inside you.

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Additional Notes

Because the laws of reality change from one dimension to the next I think it can be challenging to understand beyond our 3rd dimension, but when it boils down to it, all the dimensions work together and are one. We can get a good enough sense of the two below and two above ours. My explanations of the dimensions are very simple and the dimensions entail more than what I wrote. Each are also infinite.

To give an idea of how they work together. We travel through the 4th dimension all day and every day. Being able to look at our history is the 4th dimension. Knowing what you’re going to do later in the day, year, 10 years, is a 4th dimension ability. On that note, you’re also now getting into the 5th dimension of planning for the future. But because we’re not in the 5th dimension you can’t choose the greatest outcome in how you live because you can’t see time.

I don’t think the 5th dimension entails living in infinite multiple realities because this would be so chaotic, but rather just to see them. Being able to see them allows you to choose the best and perfect reality which you may or may not be conscious of. All inhabitants of a planet being in the 5th dimension would create peace on the entire planet because everyone would go for the best reality, creating one reality that’s best for all. It’s believed our planet is heading into the 5th dimension. If all inhabitants of all planets enter the 6th dimension then there can now be peace across all existence.

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By the time you get to the 12th dimension, everything is completely infinite and unified. You have all knowledge, are omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and are one with God. In this ability, you’re able to coexist and can become as small as a dot or line to expand again into all the dimensions or a new existence. In a sense, we live in the 12th dimension now as 3D is infinite, but we’re cut off because the memory of our soul and spirit is not brought with us when we’re born. Also, we can create, which is evident by looking all around you, just not on the scale God can.

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The Four Realms: Spirit, Soul, Future/Past, and Us (linked above too)

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2021 – improved 5th and 6th dimension descriptions.


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