HomeWHYWhy Don't Amish Use Electricity

Why Don’t Amish Use Electricity

Why Don’t Amish Use Electricity?

The Amish people live a simple lifestyle that aims to separate themselves from the modern world and be self-sufficient. In 1920, the decision was made to do without high voltage electricity. As the use of electricity for Amish would involve a permanent link with the world, this could weaken their close-knit community and the family structure. Indeed, this decision has protected the Amish community from the influences and culture of the modern world. The internet, radio and TV play no part in Amish life.

Do Amish use electricity in their homes?

Amish don’t feel strongly about the negative influences of a vacuum cleaner. Neither have they written a whole doctrine against the use of a dishwasher. However, by having electrical sockets in their home, this would allow for any manner of devices to be used. Therefore, by banning electricity, the temptations of the internet and TV can be successfully prevented. Furthermore, Amish feel that too much dependence on labor-saving machines can deny their children of building a healthy work ethic and investing character-building effort into their jobs and chores.

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Amish do not use electricity and prefer traditional farming methods
A strong work ethic is an integral part of Amish culture

How do the Amish survive without electricity?

Picture the scene. A lady sits on a rocking chair, the room bathed in the soft glow of candlelight. There is no TV or radio, just a shelf filled with an inviting assortment of worn books. Just then, the washing machine beeps.

A washing machine? Surely that means electricity?

Not necessarily. Although Amish people don’t have electricity at home, they are allowed to use gas. Indeed, most modern-day Amish do not rely on using candles and oil lamps. Aside from gas lights and stoves, many other appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines can also be run on gas. Amish also allow batteries, which can be used for lighting lamps. Furthermore, some Amish people own windmills, which generate power for their homes. (This is allowed as it is a natural, God given power source, as opposed to man-made electricity.)

Why do the Amish use generators, but will not use electricity?

Almost all Amish people do not make use of power from the public grid. This is due to their reluctance to rely too much on public power sources that will ties them closely to the non-Amish world. The use of public power is also seen as a symbolic connection to the world at large. Additionally, public electrical power is considered a worldly luxury by Amish. Amish have strong Christian values and are wary of outside influences that run counter to their beliefs. However, they do make use of other sources to generate electrical power for their homes and workplaces. Many Amish produce electricity for equipment required by their businesses, by use of a diesel generator.

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Is Amish furniture made with power tools?

Woodworking is a popular Amish skill. The artisans relies on traditional craftsmanship methods, rather than modern technology, to create heirloom solid wood furniture. Saws, hammers, hand planes and chisels are all commonly found in an Amish carpentry workshop. Amish do not use electrical power, and instead they make use of pneumatic tools. These tools are powered by air which is delivered from an air compressor. The quality of their furniture is but one example of how Amish culture has thrived despite their refusal to use electricity and other modern day conveniences.

Handcrafted American-made bed from Cabinfield.com
Carolina Crown Amish Bed
Amish made armoire from Cabinfield.com
48″ Deluxe Queen Anne Amish Jewelry Armoire
Solid wood American made entertainment center
Paris Amish Entertainment Center
Contemporary Amish chairs from Cabinfield.com
Oleta Amish Dining Chairs
Handcrafted solid wood table
Carolina Quick Ship Oak Dining Table
Discover handcrafted Amish furniture at Cabinfield.

The benefits of living without technology

Living in today’s modern world without electricity is almost unimaginable. The Amish survive and flourish despite this chosen way of life due to ingenuity and a strong work ethic. The decision to not make use of electricity has ensured that the Amish community remains close-knit, supportive and true to their beliefs.

Do you think you could survive (for a day) without electricity or technological devices? Comment below!


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