Who Was Rejected By God In The Bible

Examples of Rejection in the Bible are spoken about in the gospels, and many rejected Jesus. He was rejected by his own family, the town He lived in, and the religious leaders at the time. This rejection ultimately led to His death on the cross. Death by crucifixion was reserved for criminals, yet He was without sin. He willingly died on the cross so that we could accept His gift of new life. And then we’d be able to spend eternity in God’s presence.

This is the last post on the rejection that we feel in life, whether at work days when we are rejected professionally at our current job or have tried getting a new position at a company. We learned that this rejection affects our basic needs of love and acceptance. In the previous post, we looked at several Bible verses on rejection, and we learned that we have specific responsibilities when it comes to rejection which brings blessings from God.

Now we can learn how Jesus dealt with rejection His whole life here on earth. He understands how you feel. And offers a way of acceptance in this life and after we die.

Examples of Rejection in the Bible: Jesus was rejected by his Family

One of the religious feasts, the Feast of Booths, was happening in Judea. The people in this area were not accepting him and wanted to kill him. His brothers pushed for Jesus to go to Judea so that the disciples there could see the works he was doing and show himself to the world.

John follows up with this commentary:

“For not even his brothers believed in him.”

John 7:5 ESV

His brothers didn’t believe in Him. Their comments about showing himself to the world almost seem sarcastic, as if Jesus should be on display. And this was the opposite appearance that Jesus wanted. He was humble and didn’t want his ministry to be a public display.

How Jesus responded to the rejection by His family

Jesus told his brothers that His time had not come. The world hates him because He speaks the truth against their evil works (John 7:7 ESV). He also said that the world doesn’t hate them (his brothers), which explains why John said that His brothers didn’t believe him. They were living in step with the world.

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When Jesus received this rejection, He continued to heal others and bring hope.

He said:

“whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

Matthew 12:50 ESV

All who do God’s Will are a part of the family of God.

If you experience rejection by your family, you have a family with God and the people of God! Lean on them during times of trial and rejection. And let them share in your times of rejoicing for all that God has done for you.

Examples of Rejection in the Bible: Jesus was rejected in Nazareth

Jesus went to his hometown and began to teach in the synagogue. People wondered how he got his wisdom. And they thought he looked familiar.

“Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him.

Mark 6:3

Since they knew him and his family, this caused them to doubt that He could have this knowledge. This was a barrier for them to believe the message of the gospel.

How Jesus responded to the rejection by the People of Nazareth

And Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household.”

Mark 6:4 ESV

Because he was rejected in Nazareth, He didn’t do many works there (Matthew 13:58 ESV).

These people had unbelief not only in Him but God who sent him. Jesus said in the Gospel of Luke that,

“the one who rejects me rejects him who sent me.”

Luke 10:16 ESV

When Jesus experienced this rejection, he moved to another town and preached there. He didn’t waste time teaching in an area where the people continued their unbelief. Instead, He went to areas where their hearts were open to the gospel.

If you are experiencing rejection in your town or work for your belief, speak up for the truth. But if the rejection continues, it may be time to follow Jesus’ example and move on.

The Religious Leaders rejected Jesus

Jesus had been traveling from city to city and healing the sick. Then He fed the 4000 with seven loaves and a few small fish. There were leftovers, enough to fill seven baskets full. From there, He and his disciples rode in their boat to Magadan.

Once they arrived, the religious leaders, the Pharisees, came up to him and argued with him. They wanted a sign to test him. The leaders didn’t believe who Jesus was and wanted to tempt him to do some extraordinary act to prove he was from God.

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How Jesus responded to Rejection by the Religious Leaders

Jesus knew that they didn’t believe in Him and that asking for a sign was not an indication that they would have a heartfelt turn from their sin and believe in Him. He told them,

“Why does this generation seek a sign? Truly, I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation.”

Mark 8:12 ESV

Essentially Jesus wasn’t wasting His time in speaking with them and giving them a sign that wouldn’t make a difference. He immediately left and went across the lake from them.

If you are receiving a rejection from your boss or other leaders at work, it may be time to move on to another place of employment. However, if you read about my professional rejection, you will learn from my experience that sometimes God calls us to stay.

Jesus shares with the Disciples the Rejection to come

Even a little while later, Jesus told His disciples that these leaders would reject Him. And it would lead to His death and resurrection.

And he began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed, and after three days rise again.

Mark 8:31 ESV

There was more rejection from the religious leaders to come. They had only seen the beginning of it all.

Jesus was Rejected by Men and Crucified

Men and many others rejected Jesus. Their rejection had been prophesied by the prophet, Isaiah.

He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Isaiah 53:3 ESV

The people thought their Messiah would come as a political King to save them from the oppression of the Roman government. They didn’t know that He’d be a humble servant and actually God incarnate! It was considered blasphemy when He spoke about having the authority to forgive sins (Matthew 9:6 ESV) and that He and the Father were one (John 10:30 ESV). The religious leaders couldn’t have a man walking around claiming He was God.

They tried to stone Him several times, but Jesus walked away. It wasn’t the right time for Him to die. God had a plan for when it would happen. And when it did happen, Judas, one of His disciples, sought to betray Jesus and was paid 30 pieces of silver to deliver Him to the chief priests (Matthew 26:14-16 ESV).

Once Jesus was handed over to the chief priests, he went to trial. And at the Passover feast, the people asked for Barabbas to be released and wanted Jesus to be crucified. So, He was beaten, mocked, and spat upon by the Roman soldiers, who led him away to be crucified on a cross between two criminals.

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How Jesus responded to the Rejection by Men

From when Jesus was arrested to the crucifixion, He did not fight back. When He was arrested and stood before Pilate, the chief priests and elders made accusations against Him. Jesus was quiet (Matthew 27:14 ESV).

When Jesus did speak up, He spoke in concern for others. As He was being led to the cross, mourners cried for Him. He told them to cry for themselves and their children for the evil days ahead (Luke 23:28-31 ESV).

While He was on the cross, “Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Luke 23:34 ESV

And He showed His concern and told the one thief on the cross who asked to be remembered when He went to Heaven.

And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Luke 23:43 ESV

I don’t know about you, but I would have fought every step of the way! But to forgive the people while you are on the cross and thinking of others, while you are being tortured to death?? Jesus was humble, kind, and a servant who willingly went to the cross to die for us.

And He forgave and thought of others even amid the pain and suffering.

Summary: Examples of Rejection in the Bible

During the three years of Jesus’ ministry, He was rejected everywhere He went. He often walked away from those rejecting Him because it wasn’t the time for Him to be crucified. When the religious leaders tried to trick Him or catch in a matter of the law, He would speak the truth and catch them in their net. Other times, He would call them out as a “brood of vipers” (Matthew 12:34 ESV). And when He was being tried, tortured, and crucified, He was quiet and chose to forgive those who hurt Him.

We can learn great lessons from Jesus on rejection. There will be times when we need to walk away or be quiet. Other times, we must confront the situation with the truth from God’s Word. And yet, even when rejected, we need to forgive those rejecting us. Why? Because forgiving others, releases the pain from us. It allows us to have peace and freedom instead of anger and resentment.

These lessons can be hard to put into practice. But with God’s strength, we can get through the rough times, and we will have stories to tell of how God provided for us and gave us a new song to sing.

Thank Him for all He has done for you on the cross, and then rose again by conquering sin and death! Release any anger and resentment you have. Forgive those who have rejected you. Instead, live in peace and freedom!


Resource Library

There are new Bible verses to read in the resource library! Check out the Bible study worksheet to help you dig into the Scriptures and understand what they are saying. Remember, the Bible was originally written in Hebrew and Greek, so English doesn’t do the words justice. Use these resources to learn what the words mean. These words have much more depth than what we read at first glance.

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