HomeHOWHow Long Does Pee Stay Warm In A Glove

How Long Does Pee Stay Warm In A Glove

Home > FAQs > Warming urine

The reason for this temperature test is that it’s just so darn hard to regulate the temperature of a urine sample that doesn’t actually come out of your bladder. In this way, test labs can quickly discard false samples that are clearly fakes as they fall outside a specific temperature range, being either warmer or cooler than required.

There are strict guidelines for testing urine at labs that focus on both timing and heat, so that accurate decisions can be made on whether a sample is real. For instance:

  1. Time from urination to sampling temperature measurement may not exceed 4 minutes or a new sample must be taken.
  2. If the temperature of a specimen of urine is outside the narrow range of between 90 °F to 100 °F (that’s 32 °C to 38 °C) then the sample is likely to be rejected.

Why is urine measured at these temperatures?

What temperature should urine be when it leaves the body? Human body temperature varies between 97°F to 99°F, which is 36.1°C to 37.2°C. So, through testing, scientists know the normal temperature of urine when it leaves the body, as well as how fast it cools. How hot is urine, then? Urine should therefore be within the range of 97°F to 99°F when it leaves the body. The trick is to have your pee at just the right warmth in the sample container so that it’ll be at the correct temperature range when tested.

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How to warm up urine

As you can already see, the temperature of the urine has to be just right. We’ll run through how common methods of warming up urine work, and the drawbacks and advantages of each.

Body warmth – between legs, on stomach, bra etc.

Advantages of using body warmth

this is cheap to do and your body may warm the sample and regulate the temperature correctly if you do it right. That doesn’t mean keeping it externally! We would not advise using this method.

Disadvantages of using body warmth

Where do I start…mainly the following issues arise:

  1. Externally, the normal temperature of skin is about 33 °C or 91 °F and so simply strapping a pill bottle or bag of urine to your stomach, in your bra, down your pants or other area, or trying to make urine stay warm between your legs is not going to get the temperature right. So, if you’re asking ‘how long does urine stay warm between your legs?’, or ‘will urine stay warm in my bra?’ the answer is, for testing purposes, it doesn’t, in fact it’s likely to cool down when placed there, as you’ll loose heat to your legs until it matches the skin temperature.
  2. Does fake urine stay warm inside your body? Internally – well, I’ll leave you to imagine where you’d place the sample, but there are obvious issues of comfort, ease of use and hygiene here. The sample will need to be prepared and, ahem, stored in an appropriately warm cavity well in advance of the test taking place in order to get to the required temperature.
  1. Think about what happens when you warm your drink up in the microwave. How hard is to get it perfectly drinkable and not scalding hot?! Lets think like a scientist and imagine you need to get it within a few degrees exactly, or else. Now think about how much testing you’d have to do to be confident you could do this under pressure. I don’t know about you but I struggle to make popcorn at times.
  2. If you’re asked for a urine sample, the last thing you want to be doing is disappear into the kitchen to prepare and heat one, or indeed asking the technician to wait while it cools!
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This is asking for trouble, particularly as you’re likely to be nervous during the test and you need to keep a cool head (and warm urine ).

Heat pack – sometimes referred to as an organic heat pack

Heat packs rely upon a chemical reaction – usually oxygen activated iron oxide. They typically last up to eight hours, are one time use and will usually take 15 minutes to come to whatever operating temperature they get to.

Disadvantages of heat packs

  1. There is no way to predict the heat at which you’ll keep the urine sample warm as there is no regulation of the temperature or the reaction.
  2. Sometimes they are too hot and sometimes not hot enough.
  3. You’re entirely relying upon the chemical reaction of the heat pack working at the right rate to produce just enough heat to get the sample to a good temperature and then to keep it there.
  4. You have to check the temperature every 5-10 minutes to make sure you’re in the right ball-park heat wise.

Why are heat packs unreliable as a heating source?

In the case of heat pads the reaction rate and therefore heat given off will vary depending upon the availability of oxygen for the chemical reaction. The concentration of oxygen – which, remember, is needed to help maintain the heating reaction – will vary in the air around the heat pack, based upon:

  1. How loose your pants are and so how much air gets to the pack.
  2. How much you move around, i.e. are you walking or sitting.
  3. Your immediate environment – i.e. in a crowded office or next to an open window.
  4. The material your clothes are made of – air moves through some materials more freely than others – nylon versus cotton or wool for example.
  5. If you put tape over the pack, airflow will be restricted.
  6. The altitude you’re at will influence how much oxygen is naturally in the air, the air being thinner at higher altitudes.

Hand warmers

These use much the same technology as heat packs, relying upon chemical reactions to keep the urine heated correctly. We also have a further video and information on using hand warmers for heating urine and how they get too hot.

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Disadvantages of hand warmers

Disadvantages are the same as with other heat packs – and remember that you are relying upon the heat being dead right within the range of normal human body temperature when you give your sample. It’s also often recommended to use two at once so that you can fully cover the sample! Remember, hand warmers have to be warmer than body temperature, otherwise they wouldn’t warm your hands. As there’s no control of the temperature that the handwarmer is at, it’s more about guesswork if you’re trying to keep a sample at the correct temperature! As you can see, you’re probably best off learning how to keep urine warm without hand warmers!

The Urinator kit

The Urinator is an electronic, digitally temperature controlled unit that’s designed to precisely control the temperature of your urine so don’t have to keep checking how hot the sample is. Because it’s digitally controlled, it’s guaranteed to be reliable at keeping the urine at 98 degrees. It maintains the heat accurately for four hours once it’s at the correct temperature, using one set of Duracell batteries. Being electronic, it’s reusable. You simply have to keep a set of fresh batteries, prepare the urine sample and fill the Urinator in order to keep reusing it for future tests.

Comparing heating digitally vs. heat pads

The facts show that organic heat pads are flawed for this purpose and cannot be relied on, unlike digitally heat-regulated electronics, which have proven, consistent results. The comparison here is rather like the difference in using a fire rather than an oven to cook with. A fire cannot be accurately temperature regulated, whereas an oven keeps the temperature steady. If you doubt the analogy, try it at home first. It’s harder to keep a sample to body temperature than you may think! Unfortunately, a lot of people lose their jobs over something as simple as the temperature of their urine sample.

If your temperature is off you fail = DONE.

The Urinator guarantees the right temperature if you follow the instructions.

How to keep pee warm overnight

If you’re trying to store a urine sample from the day before, keeping the sample warm overnight is unnecessary. In fact, we recommend you use a high quality synthetic urine which stores at room temperature for long periods, rather than just the night before and then warm the sample up in time for the test.

Last update: 18.01.2024


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