Why Is Crocheting So Hard

Why is it that some people seem to pick up crocheting so easily and yet others, possibly you reading this, find it so hard?

That’s a good question! And one that has many different answers based on the person trying to learn. I will answer it as best I can based on what I have observed from the hundreds of crocheters that I have mentored. Some have come to me having never picked up a hook and others have tried many times to try to learn to crochet, or are crocheting but struggling to progress.

It’s all in your head!

If you think it’s hard, then it will be hard. It might not be quite as simple as that, but often with learning to crochet (or learning anything really) we hold ourselves back from the very beginning because we have stories in our head about how hard it is going to be. I know I held myself back from even starting to learn because just watching my Granny’s hook fly with the yarn making blankets I thought that there was no way I could make it work. When I did start to learn though I just took it one lesson at a time and got to where I am now. So if this is you. If you’re thinking it looks too hard, then I encourage you to reframe that thought. Almost everything is hard when we first start out because we’re learning something new. Let’s not make it harder by telling ourselves that it is hard.

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You’re trying to learn too much at once.

I get it. You’ve fallen in love with a crochet project that you’ve seen on pinterest or you’ve seen someone else make and you just HAVE to make it. If you’re an experienced crocheter you probably can pick up your hook and make it. But if you’ve never picked up a hook before or if you’re not yet comfortable holding the hook and yarn, then you’re bound to struggle. Before you start making a project, you need to develop the skills that are needed to make it. We’re not just handed the keys to the car when we turn 17 and allowed to just start driving on the road. We have to take lessons and gain experience first. It’s the same with crochet. So if you’re finding it hard, take a step back and consider what you do and don’t know already. What are you comfortable doing so far in crochet? Can you hold the hook and yarn and make a chain with ease? Is there a stitch that is doing your head in because you just can’t get it right? Or maybe you can make the stitches but your tension is just all over the place. Get curious and try and figure out where your current weak point is. Once you know, or have an idea of what it might be, then spend some time developing that skill set. You might pick it up quickly or you might need days or weeks. There is nothing wrong with that. I encourage you to take the time you need to develop that skill as it will make the next step much easier.

You’re comparing yourself to others.

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If you’re watching someone else crochet and getting frustrated because you can’t crochet as fast or as easily as them, then STOP IT! Comparison can be great if you’re getting inspiration from it, but if it’s causing you to get inside your own head and talk negatively about your own skill set, then it is going to make it all harder for you. There isn’t much you can do to combat this, other than to recognise the dialogue that is going on in your head, acknowledge it and move on. So next time you find yourself thinking negative thoughts about your ability – stop, tell yourself that you acknowledge this thought but it is not helpful to you. Find something that you can complement yourself on instead and continue on with learning.

You’re stressing yourself out!

I have seen this a lot. Especially with brand new crochet beginners or with someone learning a new stitch or technique. They start strangling their hook. Get super frustrated with what they’re doing and try even harder to make it work. If this is you then again I urge you to stop. Stop. Take a breath. Take another breath. Assess what is frustrating you and ask for help if you need it. The more stressed you are, the more frustrated you feel, the less easily it is going to come to you. Take as many breaths as you need. And if you don’t have someone close that can help you, search online, find a local meetup group or class that you can attend. If there is nothing near you then I have a free facebook group that you can ask for help in.

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It might not be you.

Sometimes it has nothing to with you and has more to do with who is teaching you or how you’re being taught. Everyone has a different learning style and everyone learns differently in different environments. I learn best from written instructions and then giving it a go. Occassionally I need to refer to a video to figure it out if the instructions are not making sense. You might be the same. Maybe you find it easier to learn from a video or from someone helping you in person. Or maybe you need pictures. It’s also entirely possible that you don’t have all the information that you need. Maybe the person teaching you is leaving bits out as they assume you already know it. And it might be a case of you don’t know what you don’t know.

These are the most common reasons that I find are resulting in people finding crochet hard. Which one is resonating most with you right now?

If you’re seeking help to get you through then I am here for you too! I have many different ways that I can help. Whether it’s joining my free facebook group and asking for help when you need it or checking out my You Tube channel for the video tutorial you need. My Square a Day Challenge is an awesome way to try new things in a supportive community and if you’re after dedicated support from a Crochet Mentor and love to continuously learn new things, then you really want to check out my Free Masterclass which is coming up for one weekend only on the 07th and 08th October. And let’s not forget the Hooked on Crochet Club.

Seona x

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