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What To Write In Confirmation Card

Getting attached to someone through sharing the love for Jesus is one of the best kinds of attachment a true Christian can have. Encouraging the little pure souls on their walk with Christ could be a great act of kindness and love. To inspire your children, grandchildren, or even godchildren through some love-filled confirmation wishes or blessing messages is your duty as a Christian. But if you are struggling to come up with some great religious confirmation wishes to bless your dear ones, then we are here to rescue you. Check our collection of confirmation card messages below!

Confirmation Wishes

Congratulations on your Confirmation! May you get all the blessings of Jesus and have a wonderful life ahead.

Congratulations on your confirmation! May the Almighty bless you with His wisdom and knowledge.

May Jesus Christ bless you on your confirmation! Hope you find peace and happiness within you.

My best wishes on your confirmation! Wishing you navigate through your life with a bright new perspective.


May god bestow your life with happiness, devotion, blessings, and love like he fills the sky with stars and sunshine. Best wishes on your confirmation day.

Wishing my godson lots of happiness and joy. May Jesus show you the right path. Happy Confirmation!

Wishing you all god’s blessings on your confirmation day. May the belief in your heart in Jesus Christ grow strong with time and he saves you from sinners and sins.

Congratulations on your wonderful confirmation day! May God bless His mighty wisdom on a blissful girl like you.

My humblest salutations to you on your confirmation day! May a boy of such wisdom and grace be blessed by God on such a wonderful occasion!

May the memory of this special day always stay with you and be your guideline along with the faith you have in your heart. Best Wishes.

May you hold the love for Jesus Christ in your heart forever and spread it to everyone you meet in this lifetime. Congrats on your confirmation dear.

We wish you the heartiest congratulations and the best on this special day. May your confirmation make you hold onto the love of Jesus.

Here I am sending you my heartiest confirmation wishes on this special day. May God bless you with strength and luck and you always stay near to him.

Today is a very special day of your life. I’ll pray for your bright and amazing future. Congratulations on your Confirmation.

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The beginning of an incredible journey begins on the day of your Confirmation. Lots of wishes and prayers. Congratulations on your Confirmation.

My best wishes to the kindest girl on her confirmation! My prayers are for your good health and future. May God grant us all His blessings.

We are sending you wishes on your confirmation day. Stay strong with your faith, stay away from the nonbelievers, and celebrate the love Jesus Christ had for us.

Congratulation on the confirmation. May you hold Jesus Christ forever in your heart and be able to make time for him amidst every chaos and peace.

Short Confirmation Messages

Happy Confirmation day. May you have a blessed life.

Happy Confirmation. May you receive all the blessings of Jesus forever!

Happy Confirmation! May you grow up to a God loving man.

short confirmation messages

Happy Confirmation girl! May you have a prosperous future.

Congratulations on your Confirmation. I hope and pray that you grow up to be a fantastic human.

Happy Confirmation, my godson! All my blessings are with you always.

May you have the guidance of Jesus at every point of your life. Happy Confirmation Day.

Congratulations! I wish your beautiful soul gleams in the light and wisdom of our Almighty!

Confirmation Card Messages

My heartiest wishes to you on your confirmation. Let your journey with God be blessed with purity and grace!

May your path of salvation and glory be prolonged! Congratulations on your confirmation. Always keep God with you!

May Jesus protects you and shower you with his blessings always. Congratulations on your Confirmation, grandson!

confirmation card message

May you have all your faith and trust intact in the name of Jesus Christ! Congratulations on your blissful confirmation.

Happy Confirmation, granddaughter. May Jesus bestow His blessings and wisdom onto you.

I pray that you always do good in your life. Congratulations on your Confirmation, daughter.

I’m so glad that I could attend your confirmation ceremony. May Jesus always be with you. Congratulations!

I hope Lord always keeps you on the right path and gets you through all your hardships. Happy Confirmation, son!

May Jesus grant you the ability to achieve everything you want in life. Happy Confirmation, little one!

Confirmation Wishes For A Boy

We believe that Jesus Christ’s wonderful love will lead our beautiful boy to the brightest place on earth and afterward. Congratulations on your beautiful confirmation day honey.

This day will brighten your path to a beautiful future and more. I hope you have a wonderful confirmation day. Best Wishes buddy!

May Jesus shower you with all his blessings and positive energy throughout your life. Congratulations on your Confirmation, son.

Best wishes to a deserving boy on your confirmation! I wish our Almighty will bless His grace upon you and grant you a beautiful life.

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confirmation wishes for a boy

It’s such a happy moment for me to see you take your Confirmation. May Jesus shower his blessings on you. Congratulations, grandson!

I’m so happy to see my grandson grow up! I hope you get everything you deserve. Congratulations on your Confirmation.

Congratulations on your Confirmation, son! I hope you are always on the path of Jesus.

We feel so lucky to see our beautiful boy as a confirmed Christian. May God stay in your heart forever and hear your every prayer with love. Congratulations dear.

May God bless this beautiful boy with the guidance and wisdom he has sent through his words. Hope you have a great day.

Today you have promised to serve the almighty faithfully throughout your life. I hope you always pledge your love for him and profess your faith in him. Congratulations dear.

May God fills your life with happiness and your heart with love for him. Wishing a joyful confirmation day to the most deserved boy in the world.

Read: Naming Ceremony Wishes

Confirmation Wishes For A Girl

All my blessings and love are always with you. You are growing up very fast! Congratulations to my granddaughter.

May Jesus be with you and help you make the right decisions in life. Congratulations on your Confirmation, daughter.

You are a pretty flower in this beautiful garden of God and today with the confirmation, you have embedded his love in your heart forever. Hold tight on the belief you have for him.

I pray with all my heart for a wonderful girl like you to have an amazing confirmation day! I hope my prayers of grace and wisdom are answered.

God will never ignore a beautiful girl like you. So, believe in him no matter what happens. On this confirmation day, I wish you all the best and hope God answers every prayer of yours.

confirmation wishes for a girl

Have a blessed confirmation! May God be with you on your way to being a devoted Christian lady.

Congratulations on your Confirmation. I pray for you to have a life filled with love and accomplishments. Have a great day, goddaughter.

May you grow up to be an amazing human being. You will always have my blessings. Happy Confirmation, goddaughter.

Lots of warm wishes for your Confirmation. May your life be filled with joy, goddaughter!

Congratulation to the purest soul on this earth. I hope God stays with you in every dilemma and shows you the right path in every chaos and dark time. Best Wishes.

The aura of your faith may shine brightly on everyone that you come across in your life. Congratulations on your confirmation day sweetheart.

May our merciful father be your savior in every odd you have and fill your life with the brightest lights of all his blessings.

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On your confirmation day, I hope you are richly blessed and you find what you seek. Sending love and lots of prayers to the incredible girl on earth on her confirmation day.

Confirmation Quotes

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.” – Psalm 37:5

“I have sworn and I will confirm it, That I will keep Your righteous ordinances.” – Psalm 119:106

“Revere the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness.” – Joshua 24:14

“Confirmation is a sacrament of empowerment to witness and share Christ’s love.” – Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz

confirmation quotes from the bible

“From there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find him if you search with all your heart and soul.” – Deuteronomy 4:29

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God—not the result of works, so that no one may boast.” – Ephesians 2:8-9

“Confirmation gives us the grace to profess our faith boldly and to live it with courage and conviction.” – Bishop Robert Barron

“God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.” – Genesis 1:31

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” – Matthew 22:37

“The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to keep still.” – Exodus 14:14

“For men swear by one greater than themselves, and with them, an oath given as confirmation is an end of every dispute.” – Hebrews 6:16

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” – Psalm 27:1 KJV

“Confirmation is a call to mission, to witness to Christ in every aspect of our lives, with our words and our actions.” – Pope Francis.

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love.” – 1 John 4:18

“Confirmation is an opportunity to renew our commitment to Christ and to the mission of his Church.” – Bishop Michael F. Burbidge

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We have certain duties towards the newcomers in this Holy Christian Community and nothing on earth, but our words hold the greatest power to influence them to stay strong in the path of Jesus Christ. Use your inspiring messages and sayings of Confirmation day whether you want to wish your son, daughter, grandkid, niece, nephew, or godchild. Use them to wish those pretty believers face to face or write them on a card. Use them to bring joy in hearts and make their faith strong. We hope our words can help you to spread your blessings to your loved ones.


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