HomeHOWHow Could Ojs Blood Have Been Planted On The Glove

How Could Ojs Blood Have Been Planted On The Glove

The infamous bloody glove – the most powerful piece of evidence against O.J. Simpson – is stained with the blood of his alleged victims, a DNA expert testified Tuesday.

Genetic tests show Ronald Goldman’s blood is on the glove, which was found at Simpson’s estate, said scientist Gary Sims.

And a mixture of Goldman’s and Nicole Brown Simpson’s blood apparently also stained the dark leather glove, Sims said – the first testimony about the intermingling of the victims’ blood.

“I saw a lot of reddish staining all over the inside of the glove,” said Sims, adding that about 10 bloodstains were lifted from the inside and four were taken from the outside.

The right-handed glove is the mate to one found at the scene where Simpson allegedly killed his exwife and her friend June 12.

Prosecutors have said the glove found at Simpson’s estate also contains a drop of the famed athlete’s blood.

In his dramatic first day on the stand, Sims became the second DNA expert to slam Simpson with damning genetic test results. Sims is an official with the California Department of Justice laboratory.

He also testified Tuesday that socks found on O.J.’s bedroom floor were splattered with microscopic specks of Nicole’s blood – deflating defense claims that police planted the blood.

Refer to more articles:  How To Keep Leather Gloves Soft

He suggested that blood may have splashed up from the ground and onto O.J.’s socks, based on stain patterns.

“The more time you spend with these socks, the more there is to see,” said Sims.

He added that no blood soaked through the socks – meaning there was likely a foot in each sock when they were stained.

Sims’ testimony – aided by infrared photos highlighting numerous tiny stains – backed last week’s charges by Maryland-based DNA expert Robin Cotton that Nicole’s blood was found on one sock.

Sims went step by step through the sequence of his laboratory’s examination of the socks, carefully noting at each point that a defense DNA expert, Dr. Edward P. Blake, was present. Blake, a researcher at Forensic Science Associates of Richmond, Calif., was expected to be an important defense expert, but in a surprise move last February he was dropped from the witness list.

Prosecutor Rockne Harmon tried to suggest to the jury that Blake’s presence at the Berkeley laboratory was significant. Indeed, it may have been, because Blake is believed to have conducted his own DNA tests on the various items.

So far, however, defense lawyers have not said what the results of those tests, if any, may have been.

If, as prosecutors hint, Blake’s tests have also implicated Simpson, their release could prove especially damaging to Simpson.


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