HomeWHENWhen The Enemy Comes In Like A Flood Meaning

When The Enemy Comes In Like A Flood Meaning

When the Enemy Comes In Like a Flood, PRAY THIS | Encouraging word from Isaiah 59:19 about the misplaced comma theory | by Jamie RohrbaughHave you been attacked left and right in your life lately? If so, you need to know that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord wants to make your enemies VANISH for you.

Today’s word comes from Isaiah 59:19, which says:

“So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun; when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him” (Isaiah 59:19 NKJV).

There is a lot of debate in the church about the correct translation of Isaiah 59:19. The debate centers around the portion of the verse where it says, “when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.”

Many people like to say that the English translators placed the comma in the wrong place on that verse. They say that the verse should read “when the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.”

However, the Isaiah 59:19 “misplaced comma” theory isn’t actually correct-and I’m glad it isn’t.

Here’s how we know that the “misplaced comma” theory isn’t correct. The arrangement of the Hebrew words, in the original Hebrew, goes like this:

“When / comes in / like a flood / the enemy, / the Spirit / of Yahweh / will lift up a standard / against him.”

The placement of the original Hebrew words, and the way it was originally written, clearly place the descriptor “like a flood” between the subject of the phrase-“the enemy”-and the verb of the phrase-“comes in.” There is no room to attach the phrase “like a flood” to anything else in that verse. The wording is clear in the Hebrew.

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So, Isaiah 59:19 is definitely telling us what happens when the enemy comes in like a flood.

I know it sounds good to preach that the comma is misplaced. However, just because it “preaches good” doesn’t make it true. The misplaced-comma theory is simply not supported by the original text.

And you know what? I’m glad it’s not, because we have all experienced times when the enemy comes in like a flood.

Personally, I experienced it yesterday. Yesterday, I had a pretty significant surgery on my skull. We left the surgery center afterward and my husband brought me home. I promptly went to bed, as one does, with the innards of my skull dripping with blood (TMI, I know) and gauze on my face-and in severe pain.

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At the same time yesterday, our refrigerator/freezer unit here in the house failed. All our groceries were in danger. Read: all the food my husband needed to be able to feed our child, himself, and me as I recover was in danger. Not to mention that food costs money. 🙁

My husband had to leave and go get ice and try to pack all the food in coolers, as well as scheduling a repairman who will come today. (And who knows if our 14-year-old frig is even worth fixing.)

A couple hours later, my son suddenly spiked a 101+ fever.

He insisted that mama must go with him to the doctor. And what do you do when a 4-year-old cries for his mama? You go.

So, bloody gauze and all, we packed me up and my husband drove us all to the pediatric night clinic, where we found out what was wrong with my son; and sure enough, he’s sick.

But when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.

This morning, as I was researching the Hebrew wording of Isaiah 59:19, I also researched this phrase “will lift up a standard against him.” And you know what? I found the most fascinating thing.

Here’s what’s fascinating about this phrase:

The word that is translated “lift up a standard” here is the Hebrew word 5127 in Strong’s Concordance.

This word is transliterated /noos/. (By the way, if you don’t have a Strong’s, I highly recommend that you get one. Everybody can use one, and it’s pretty much the only outside-the-Bible study tool I use.) And Hebrew word 5127, /noos/, in this instance literally means to put to flight, cause to flee, or cause to vanish away.

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Yes: When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will put him to flight and cause him to vanish away.

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I receive that, don’t you?

And it gets even better.

In Isaiah 59:19, the Lord specifically tells us that it’s “the Spirit of the LORD” who causes the enemy to flee and vanish away. The word “LORD” in that verse is written in all caps.

Why is that important? Because that word denotes the usage of God’s covenant name, YHWH, which we often write “Yahweh,” in the original Hebrew.

“Yahweh” is God’s covenant name that He gave the Israelites.

It’s His first name; His intimate name. (Read more here about this name, the Spirit of the Lord/the Spirit of Yahweh.) It’s the special, private name that is His alone. And He gave the Israelites permission to use it; permission to know Him in that intimate way.

But guess what? You and I have been grafted through Christ into the covenant God gave Abraham. That means we have become spiritual Israelites-and we also have permission to use His first name, His covenant name.

God the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Yahweh, and He has given us the privilege of calling Him by His first name.

So let’s round up the gems from this passage so we can see in one place how encouraging this verse is today.

Remember that Isaiah 59:19 says:

“So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun; when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him” (Isaiah 59:19 NKJV).

And looking just at the last half of the verse, the Lord wants us to know today:

  • The enemy does sometimes come in like a flood.
  • BUT, when that happens and the enemy does come in like a flood, GOD SEES YOU. He sees what is happening to you and in your life-and the attack angers Him. (Isn’t it comforting to know that God sees you? He is not ignoring your situation; He sees you right now, and He knows all about it!)
  • The fact that He included this verse in Scripture is comforting, because the Lord wants you to know that He has already made provision for when this specific thing happens to you. He already has a plan for what He will do when the enemy comes in like a flood.
  • His plan is this: His Spirit is going to put the enemy to flight. His Spirit is going to cause the enemy to vanish away and to flee away. HALLELUJAH!
  • And last but certainly not least, the Lord identifies Himself for us here by His first name: Yahweh. By doing so, He is telling us that He takes our protection very personally. He is personally going to put our enemies to flight and make them vanish away because He takes any attack against you personally.
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[mv_video doNotAutoplayNorOptimizePlacement=”false” doNotOptimizePlacement=”false” jsonLd=”true” key=”kgvc9thorn0zmeqkkd9o” ratio=”16:9″ thumbnail=”https://t-tees.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/when-the-enemy-comes-in-like-a-flood-meaning-4.jpg” title=”Getting to Know the Sevenfold Holy Spirit” volume=”70″] Let me say that again:

God takes any attack against you VERY PERSONALLY.

He is in covenant with you. He is in covenant with me. And because He is a covenant God and a Covenant Keeper, He personally is rising up right now to not only fight your battles, but to obliterate your enemy and cause the enemy to vanish away out of your life.

That’s good news, isn’t it?

I believe so. It’s good news to me, anyway, sitting here writing this morning, bloody gauze, no frig, sick child, and all. But God has it all covered. He will work it out for our good, for His Word promises:

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

And while we walk through the process, we choose to count it all joy. We choose to get out our weapons of praise and thanksgiving, giving thanks to God through all circumstances.

Has the enemy come like a flood into your life?

If so, believe the Word of God today. His covenant-keeping Spirit of Yahweh is right now putting your enemies to flight. He is making the enemy vanish and flee away. Amen?


So if you’re ready to pray, pray this with me today when the enemy comes in like a flood:

“Dear Heavenly Father God,

I love You so very much. Thank You for taking care of me. Thank You for helping me and holding me in the palms of Your hands. You are good, and Your mercy endures forever.

Father God, Your Word says that I should count it all joy when I fall into various trials. So I choose to do that today, Lord.

Thank You for these tests and trials and circumstances. Thank You for working them all out for my good. Thank You for giving me this word of encouragement to stand in faith and watch You fight my battles today.

Father God, I thank You that by Jesus’ stripes I was healed. Thank You that You, my God, shall supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus. And thank You that You work all things out for my good-and that You never allow me to enter a battle that You don’t plan to win on my behalf.

Heavenly Father, I ask today in Jesus’ name that You would rise up and get vengeance on my behalf.

Rise up and work justice for me. Rebuke the devourer for my sake, Lord. Let the enemy’s attacks flee away and vanish as Your Spirit of Yahweh goes out to fight for me. Let them be obliterated and come to the nothingness that they are.

Father, I thank You that the enemy’s attacks are only smoke and mirrors. I belong to You, so nothing can by any means harm me.

Therefore, Abba Father, I also ask that You would work all these things out for my good, for my blessing, and for my promotion. Give me favor with You and with man, and flaunt the favor You have given me to the world and to the enemy. Teach the enemy a lesson, Lord, and elevate me even more.

Father God, with the words You gave to Jabez long ago, I pray today that You would bless me indeed today! Enlarge my territory. Let Your hand be with me. Keep me from evil, and I pray that I would not cause pain.

And with Jesus I also say, “Father, glorify Your name.” And I thank You that You have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.

In JESUS’ holy and precious name I pray, amen and amen.”

Beloved, when the enemy comes in like a flood into your life, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him.

That standard means the Spirit of Yahweh will personally cause your enemies to flee away and vanish.

Is that good news to you today? Leave a comment below if so!


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