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Who Does Circumcision Near Me

After this, you will be taken to your room or comfortable area where you can rest and recuperate until we feel you’re ready to go home.

The wound will usually be covered with a moist dressing, secured in place using elastic net pants. These can be removed the next day and once the dressing is removed you can wash as normal.

Pain relief

You may experience some pain and swelling and the penis will be easily irritated until it heals. The full healing process can take from four to six weeks.

We will provide you with a supply of all the medicines your consultant feels you need to take home with you after you’ve left hospital, up to 14 days. This may be at an additional cost to some patients.

Painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen should be taken for at least three days after the operation.

Recovery time

When we discharge you we’ll talk to you about whether your stitches and dressings need to be removed and we’ll make an appointment to see your consultant again before you go home.

You will probably be able to return to school or your job within a week.

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After your operation, your penis will be red and swollen for a few days so you might want to wear comfortable and loose clothing for a while.

Avoid using scented products in the shower or bath and leave the penis to dry naturally. Putting petroleum ointment directly on to the area can also reduce irritation.

Your surgeon will advise you about sexual activity, but it is wise to avoid it until the wound has healed.

How your loved ones can help

Once you’re ready to be discharged, you’ll need to arrange a taxi, friend or family member to take you home as you won’t be able to drive. You should also ask them if they can run some light errands such as shopping for you as you won’t be feeling up to it.

Looking after you

Even once you’ve left hospital, we’re still here for you. Your consultant is likely to want to see you shortly after your operation to check everything is ok.

On rare occasions, complications following adult circumcision can occur. We will talk to you about the possible risks and complications of having this procedure and how they apply to you.

If you have any questions or concerns we’re ready to help.


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