Why Don’t I Feel Sad When A Family Member Dies

It’s hard to deal with the loss of a loved one and attending services at funeral homes in Chaska, MN in their honor. But you might feel out of place at the service and with your family in general. Everyone is crying and grieving—except you. Why don’t you feel the grief that they feel? Is something wrong with you? Here are a few reasons why you might be different than others.

Key Takeaways:

Why don’t some people cry when someone dies? You might feel out of place at the service and with your family in general but there are several reasons why people don’t cry at funerals. After all, everyone has their own unique way of dealing with the emotions that comes along with death.

  • If you weren’t close to the person who died, you might not feel the need to cry as others do.
  • If the death was sudden, you might be in shock and unable to process your emotions.
  • Some people internalize their emotions and grieve in their own way; this is also normal.
  • Consider reaching out for grief support if you want help processing your emotions.

Your Relationship Wasn’t As Close

Sure, you’re sorry that the loved one passed on, but if you weren’t that close to them, you might not feel the need to cry as others do. There’s nothing wrong with that. You didn’t want them to pass on, but now that they have, you can be there to support those who are really going through a rough patch without them. Since you weren’t as close to them, you might be able to take on tasks that they are unable to do at this time.

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You’re In Shock

If the death was sudden and you weren’t expecting it, you might feel a sense of numbness around the final services and the situation as a whole. You might not cry because you don’t really believe they are gone. You’re in shock and you don’t know what to think or believe. Everything just feels foggy and numb. That’s okay, for now, and it can be a way to get through the services themselves. Eventually, you will have to move past that shock and into more of a state of acceptance. You might feel the grief and sadness at that time.

You Internalize Emotions

If other people in your family cry at movies, when they hear a sad song, or even at certain commercials, but you never do, you might process your grief in a different way. You internalize your emotions and don’t let them show. You might feel grief and sadness in a different way. Try not to hold things in, but if you don’t feel like you are, it’s okay not to cry. You are going to grieve in your own way and in your own timeframe.

Consider Grief Support

If you want to feel things you don’t think you are feeling, consider reaching out to professionals for grief support. There are others who have gone through similar emotions or lack thereof, so you will feel less alone when you find those people. Consider grief counseling to talk through what you’re going through or join a grief support group.

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The professionals at funeral homes in Chaska, MN are there to support you through this hard time, whether you are feeling the emotions that everyone says you should be feeling or not. Call the experts at Ballard-Sunder Funeral & Cremation if you want access to our grief resources, want to ask questions about services, or just need some advice. We’re here to help people through final services, but we don’t go anywhere once those are behind you. Our compassion and support stick around.

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