HomeWHYWhy Did Xaden Turn Venin

Why Did Xaden Turn Venin

In Chapter 64, a stunning revelation unfolds as Andarna shares a secret with Violet Sorrengail. Andarna is a 7th breed of dragon!

Andarna waited a whopping 650 years to hatch. She explains to Violet in chapter 64 that she heard the elders speaking about a girl, the weakling daughter of their General, destined to become the top scribe and the heart of a dragon rider. Andarna believed this girl was meant for her. Please pay close attention to the wording in bold.

“I waited 650 years to hatch. Waited until your eighteenth summer, when I heard our elders talk of the weakling daughter of their general, the girl forecasted to become the head of the scribes and I knew. You would have the mind of a scribe and the heart of a rider. You would be mine.”

“You couldn’t have known I will be a rider”

“And yet here we are.”

“…are you willing to breathe fire for the stone.”

“It is why I was left behind. […] At least from what I remember. It has been centuries.”

Whoa, whoa, whoa, there are so many layers here I can barely contain myself. Right, tin foils at the ready because I’m about to take you all on a wild journey.

The 650-Year Wait: Andarna’s Revelation

Imagine waiting a staggering 650 years to hatch. That’s precisely what Andarna did. But for what reason? To await someone like Violet? Did she know Violet could be the SECRET? The WEAPON?

Then, she speaks of being left to breathe fire upon the stone. Was this because the elders of that era foresaw the future? Or did they desire a backup plan in case history repeated itself?

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Consider that dragons typically live for about 200 years. Tairn, for instance, is middle-aged at around 100 years old. Therefore, no elder from 650 years ago could be alive today. Yet, the elders are aware of Andarna being of the 7th breed. Intriguingly, they chose not to share this information with other dragons. Why, I wonder?

Now, back to Andarna. She overheard the elders mention a “weakling daughter of their general.” Andarna realised this girl was destined for her, which is why she waited all those centuries. How did she overhear this? As an egg? I want to know more about the ability to overhear something when she was just a hatchling to be…

The Time Plot Thickens

Here’s where it becomes even more fascinating. Tairn refers to the first six riders visiting the den over 600 years ago. According to the Fourth Wing records, the Great War concluded 627 years ago, so it’s likely that the first riders approached the dens around then. Since Andarna had been waiting for 650 years, she was abandoned BEFORE the Great War. Yet, the 7th breed was still around during and shortly after the Great War, as they were essential for the wardstone, right? So, what exactly happened to this breed?

Brennan mentions something killed the venin during the Great War. Thus, there must be a way to defeat them again, surely? Andarna was already waiting to hatch…she must have overheard more. After all, the Great War occurred AFTER Andarna was already a hatchling-in-waiting. If she could overhear the elders speak of the weakling daughter, then surely she must have overheard crucial information from the Great War (or at least she will know where to find the info).

Andarna acknowledges she was left behind for her role in breathing fire on the wardstone. That’s what she recalls, at least. It has been centuries, after all. I believe Andarna will recall much more, potentially aiding Violet in either mending the soul or finding a way to defeat the venin once again.

Elders’ Future-Seeing Skills & the 7th breed

Did certain past elders possess foresight? Or did they merely leave Andarna as a contingency in case she was needed should the wardstone fail? Also, why haven’t any other 7th breed dragons hatched since then? Or do they exist elsewhere? Is Andarna the only one of her kind in the world, or just part of the Empyrean?

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“You couldn’t have known I will be a rider”

“And yet here we are.”

Can the 7th breed predict the future somehow? Again, it feels like she was left behind because her elders KNEW she will be needed. How did Andarna know indeed that Violet will become a rider? WHAT IS GOING ON?

Andarna does say in her own words, “I was left behind.” Andarna was indeed left behind, but what does that signify? What became of her kin, the 7th breed of dragons? Did they perish, or are they residing elsewhere, possibly off the continent?

And now the BIG ONE: Mystery of the General

Andarna said “Waited until your eighteenth summer, when I heard our elders talk of the weakling daughter of their general, the girl forecasted to become the head of the scribes and I knew”.

But which general? Surely not the dragons’, as Codagh is an elder, and his rider is Navarre’s commanding General. If anything, General Melgren would be “their general.” But (as far as we know) he has nothing to do with Violet Sorrengail. I realise this might seem like mere semantics, but it doesn’t appear that they’re referring to General Sorrengail (her mother) because she is just A General, and not THEIR General.

But then…what if “their general” is the venin’s general? Like when we discover the Sage is the General in ‘Iron Flame’? This revelation opens up a myriad of possibilities! Some fans here already speculate that Mr Sorrengail might be the venin General.

That would be prophetic, indeed.

Andarna – instrumental in defeating venin

Andarna’s unique nature and her bond with Violet appear crucial in unveiling these mysteries and finding the answers needed to defeat venin. The big problem? Xaden is now turning venin too…

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And as far as I am concerned, this book can go two ways: Violet learns how to mend the soul of venin, hence saving Xaden. Or Violet learns how to kill venin…in which case, we shouldn’t overlook Xaden’s favourite saying “you will be the death of me.”

So, dear fans, what are your thoughts? Are we on the verge of a groundbreaking revelation that could alter everything we know about Andarna and her world?

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  • Iron Flame Theory: Andarna knows how to kill venin


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