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Who Has A Crush On Bakugou

At UA High, one student longingly watches Bakugou from the shadows, concealing their enormous crush on the explosive hero-in-training. As clues about this admirer’s identity emerge, tensions rise among the UA classmates. Will Bakugou’s secret crush ever confess their feelings? Or will they remain silent, pining from afar? Immerse yourself in this thrilling My Hero Academia fan story to reveal who harbors unspoken affection for Bakugou.

Within the halls of UA High, there is one shy student who hides their true feelings for the hot-headed hero-in-training Bakugou. Watching him from afar, this admirer wishes they could confess their crush, but fears being rejected. As we explore the clues surrounding Bakugou’s secret admirer, relationships between classmates become complicated. With bated breath, we await whether Bakugou’s crush will finally profess their affection or continue concealing their untold love. Dive into this exciting My Hero Academia fan story to uncover who really has an enormous crush on explosive Bakugou!

Building the Mystery Around Bakugou’s Admirer

My Hero Academia has no shortage of potential romantic relationships for fans to speculate about. Several tantalizing hints are sprinkled throughout the series, leaving viewers to puzzle over questions like: Who does Uraraka truly have feelings for? What’s the deal with Todoroki and Momo? Does anyone actually have a chance with unshakeable heartthrob All Might?

But perhaps one of the most intriguing unanswered mysteries revolves around the hotheaded hero-in-training, Bakugou. Who out there harbors secret feelings for this explosive, temperamental character?

Bakugou loudly makes his presence known wherever he goes, whether he’s acing training exercises with his powerful Quirk or getting into shouting matches with his so-called friends. Underneath his prickly exterior, however, there are signs Bakugou cares deeply about his fellow UA students. And someone out there seems to have noticed.

Unbeknownst to the spiky-haired bomber, he has an admirer lurking in the shadows, watching him from afar. This shy soul conceals their enormous crush, perhaps fearing how Bakugou would react if he knew how they felt.

But the clues are there for those looking closely. As we analyze Bakugou’s relationships and interactions, the suspects start to emerge. The faint blushes, the furtive glances, the playful teasing – all subtle hints that someone harbors untold affection for this unlikely heartthrob.

The mystery has sparked endless debate among My Hero Academia’s shipping community. Is it the buoyant alien enthusiast Mina, who always seats herself right behind Bakugou? Or perhaps the invisible Toru, who can study her crush undetected? Some even posit an unseen background character holds the torch for Bakugou.

In the sections ahead, we’ll dig into the evidence surrounding the prime suspects and attempt to decipher who truly has feelings for Bakugou. There may not be a definitive answer yet, but the thrill lies in the speculation. So grab your magnifying glass, My Hero Academia fans – let’s get sleuthing!

Following the Clues About Bakugou’s Relationships

To start piecing together the puzzle of who Bakugou’s admirer might be, we need to understand the relationships already established between this dynamite hero-in-training and his fellow UA students.

On the surface, Bakugou appears hostile and isolated, getting into petty fights with classmates like Deku and Kirishima. But is his outward disdain genuine, or does he harbor some secret affections among those peers?

Bakugou and Deku have a complex dynamic rooted in childhood, when Bakugou’s Quirk manifested powerfully while the Quirkless Deku struggled behind. Now both UA students, their relationship remains framed by rivalry and Bakugou’s need to assert his superiority. He likely views Deku as motivation to push himself harder, rather than a romantic interest.

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Meanwhile, Bakugou’s friendship with rowdy Kirishima contrasts his interactions with Deku. Kirishima admires Bakugou’s passion and doubleness, seeking to bring out his positive side. The two make an unexpected but balanced pair. While some fans ship their relationship, their bond seems purely platonic.

Beyond these two main connections, Bakugou generally keeps to himself, staying focused on being number one. But might there be dormant feelings beneath that solitary surface? Let’s analyze Bakugou’s other notable relationships for clues about this elusive admirer.

Examining the Case for Uraraka as Bakugou’s Admirer

As we analyze Bakugou’s relationships for clues about his secret admirer, one student stands out as an obvious possibility: Uraraka Ochaco. Her bubbly personality seems an odd match for Bakugou’s constant intensity, but she has shown signs of seeing past his prickly exterior. Let’s examine the evidence.

Uraraka and Bakugou first interact during the UA Sports Festival, where she boldly challenges him to battle. Initially dismissing her as weak, Bakugou is caught off guard when Uraraka proves a formidable opponent with crafty combat tactics. He even compliments her skill, a rare moment of praise from this grumpy hero-in-training.

While some interpret this fight as the start of mutual respect between rivals, Uraraka’s reactions hint at deeper intrigue. She blushes lightly when receiving Bakugou’s compliment, and later expresses admiration for his confidence and power. Does Uraraka have a bit of a crush?

Their Sports Festival clash remains Uraraka and Bakugou’s most direct interaction, but other subtle moments suggest potential interest on her side. During joint training, Uraraka sneaks glances at Bakugou between drills, eyes following him around the gym. And in informal hangouts, she gravitates toward Bakugou, complimenting his cooking skills and laughing loudly at his jokes.

However, before we conclude Uraraka is Bakugou’s secret admirer, we must address the moon-sized elephant in the room: her apparent feelings for Deku. Uraraka has confessed her attraction to Deku several times, even if the oblivious beanpole doesn’t seem to notice. She can’t seem to totally shake her affection for him.

So while Uraraka shows hints of interest in Bakugou, stronger evidence likely points elsewhere. She remains a possibility, though not the prime suspect for Bakugou’s elusive crush.

Other Subtle Hints of an Admirer

Stepping back from Uraraka, small moments throughout My Hero Academia suggest someone admires Bakugou from afar:

– A cute heart-shaped eraser left on Bakugou’s desk

– Giggles and whispers whenever he walks by a group of General Studies students

– A note with his name surrounded by hearts slipped into his locker

While none of these moments conclusively identify Bakugou’s admirer, they reveal someone out there has their eye on this spiky-haired hero-in-training. Bakugou remains oblivious, but a shy student lurks in the background, concealing their feelings.

As we continue reviewing potential suspects, these subtle hints remind us Bakugou has an anonymous crush we have yet to uncover. The admirer craves his attention but lacks the courage to confront him directly. But who could it be?

Mina Ashido: A Playful Admirer?

As we continue reviewing our suspects for Bakugou’s secret admirer, another student stands out as a distinct possibility: the bubbly, fun-loving Mina Ashido. With her outgoing demeanor and close proximity to Bakugou in class, could Mina be harboring a crush she conceals under the guise of playful banter?

Mina’s upbeat, mischievous personality seems in stark contrast to Bakugou’s constant intensity and anger. Yet she seems curiously drawn to the explosive hero-in-training, choosing the desk directly behind his in class 1-A. This prime position gives Mina a front row view to observe Bakugou – noted in several scenes where she gazes at him while doodling whimsically.

Mina also initiates frequent chatter with grumpy Bakugou, teasing out reactions from him. She gives him playful nicknames like Lord Explosion Murder and compliments his singing voice during school competitions, reveling in seeing his flustered responses. Could her poking fun mask deeper feelings?

During the provisional license exam, Mina’s actions provide perhaps the strongest hints at potential romantic interest in Bakugou. When he pairs up with flashy student Camie from another school, Mina immediately begins gossiping to the girls about the possible chemistry brewing between them. Is Mina jealous of another girl interacting with her crush?

However, most of Mina’s interactions with Bakugou seem motivated by friendly, mischievous fun rather than genuine romance. While constant in seeking his attention, Mina shows no overt signs of attraction beyond playful banter. She maintains her bubbly persona with all her classmates.

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So while Mina demonstrates consistent intrigue toward Bakugou, the evidence better supports playful friendship over secret crush. But she remains on the suspect list as we analyze additional possibilities.

Other Students’ Reactions to Bakugou

Stepping back, we should also consider the behavior of students outside Class 1-A for clues about Bakugou’s admirer. His flashy confidence and impressive Quirk draw eyes from across the UA student body. Who among these crowds might harbor untold feelings for the hotheaded hero-in-training?

Groups of first year girls have been noted giggling and blushing as Bakugou walks through the halls between classes. During school events open to all students, he draws admiring glances and awed whispers about his performance.

While these reactions remain generalized without a specific admirer identified, they suggest Bakugou has no shortage of anonymous fans outside his immediate circle of classmates. Any number of UA students could secretly be nursing a crush they dare not reveal to the fiery, intense Bakugou.

As we continue examining main suspects like Uraraka and Mina, we should keep in mind a wide pool of possibilities across the whole student body. Bakugou’s admirer may be closer than we think – or yet to be noticed at all.

The Subtle Intrigue of Kyoka Jiro

As we analyze the suspects for Bakugou’s secret admirer, another classmate presents a compelling possibility: the sarcastic, standoffish Kyoka Jiro. She projects an air of indifference toward Bakugou, but subtle moments suggest hidden intrigue beneath the surface.

With her no-nonsense attitude and music-oriented Quirk, Jiro seems an unlikely match for loudmouth Bakugou at first glance. She rarely interacts directly with him, keeping to her own friend group in class. But she has been observed watching him curiously during select unguarded moments.

For instance, during a cooking class, Jiro’s gaze lingered on Bakugou as he fiercely chopped vegetables, a slight uptick at the corner of her mouth hinting at being impressed by his intensity. And in battle training, when paired together, Jiro made repeated attempts at playful banter with Bakugou, visibly deflating when he ignored her jokes entirely.

These fleeting moments indicate Jiro may harbor some buried fascination with Bakugou that she disguises under her cool exterior. It seems less likely she has an outright crush, but perhaps something in his confident, fiery personality intrigues her in contrast to her own restraint.

Fans have also analyzed subtle body language cues from Jiro whenever Bakugou is around, noting how she adjusts her posture, fiddles distractedly with her earphone jacks, and angles her body in his direction. Does she have a subconscious interest that even Jiro herself hasn’t confronted?

While compelling, these scattered clues are still circumstantial when it comes to proving Jiro as Bakugou’s admirer. Her actions could easily be explained as friendly interest or simple people watching. Still, Jiro remains on the suspect list for deeper consideration.

Cracking the Case Wide Open

As we discuss primary possibilities like Uraraka, Mina, and Jiro, it’s important not to dismiss other potential admirers without clear alibis. Nearly any student at UA could secretly be harboring feelings for volatile Bakugou.

For instance, what about invisible hero-in-training Toru Hagakure? Being transparent would allow her to watch Bakugou undetected, the perfect position for a shy admirer. Or a general studies student could be crushing from the sidelines, longing to interact with the gifted future hero.

We can’t overlook secondary characters barely acknowledged in the series so far. The admirer may be operating completely under the radar. Even someone like Bakugou’s middle school classmate Pony Tsunotori is a possibility.

To get to the truth, we likely need more direct interaction and relationship building between Bakugou and all potential suspects. But for now, the case remains tantalizingly open.

Scouring the My Hero Academia Fan Forums

In attempting to unravel the mystery of who secretly admires Bakugou, the shipping fan communities provide a wealth of speculation and debate to analyze. While no consensus has formed around a definitive admirer, certain theories circulate frequently in the forums.

On Reddit threads like r/BokuNoShipAcademia, polls consistently rank Uraraka and Mina as the most likely possibilities for Bakugou’s crush. Fans point to Uraraka’s blushing and admiration of Bakugou’s skills as hints of interest, while Mina’s playful teasing earns her points as a potential flirtatious admirer.

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However, supporters of side characters like Jiro and Hagakure often chime in on these posts too, providing their own evidence that one of the less discussed girls might secretly be harboring feelings. Jiro’s intrigued glances come up frequently, as well as Hagakure’s convenient invisibility.

In Tumblr discussions, the theory of Bakugou’s admirer being an unnamed background character receives significant attention. Fans speculate Class 1-A students like Sato or Sero might conceal crushes they never act upon. Or perhaps someone from the support course admires Bakugou from workshops and lunch periods spent together. Since these students get limited screen time, the possibilities are wide open.

Overall, the shipping community provides no smoking gun when it comes to Bakugou’s admirer. But the passionate level of discussion and debate reveals just how invested fans are in this unresolved romantic plotline. The mystery gives endless fodder for fan fiction and art as enthusiasts imagine their own solutions.

Waiting for the Big Reveal

While fans continue speculating about the identity of Bakugou’s secret admirer, only the creator Horikoshi truly knows the truth for now. This mystery remains firmly unsolved within the current anime and manga plotlines.

Until the story provides more definitive interactions and hints, the admirer’s identity constitutes an open investigation for the fan community. All theories remain equally viable in this ongoing detective case.

But the allure lies in eventually getting a canonical reveal confirming the admirer’s identity. Fans eagerly hope Horikoshi will resolve this tension-filled plot thread in a future arc, bringing the thrilling case to a satisfying close.

For now, sleuths can continue piecing together clues and debating suspects. But only time will tell when we finally unmask the shy student harboring this enormous crush on volatile hero Bakugou. The ultimate ship may soon set sail!

Concluding Our Case Study of Bakugou’s Admirer

As we conclude this examination into the mystery surrounding Bakugou’s secret admirer, it’s clear no definitive answer has emerged. While certain students seem more likely suspects, from Uraraka to Mina, we lack conclusive evidence to pinpoint Bakugou’s crush.

By reviewing Bakugou’s major relationships and analyzing subtle hints throughout the series, we compiled a list of prime suspects. Uraraka demonstrates probably the most compelling signs of interest, from blushing to praise for Bakugou’s abilities. Meanwhile, Mina’s playful banter and Jiro’s quiet glances suggest they may also harbor some buried intrigue.

Yet too many uncertainty factors remain around each potential admirer. Ultimately, the truth relies on more substantial romantic development by the manga creator Horikoshi. Until he provides a canonical reveal, fans continue grasping at straws.

But that open-ended status constitutes much of the mystery’s appeal. As amateur detectives, readers delight in gathering clues, debating theories, and imagining scenarios. The admirer’s obscured identity allows limitless speculation fueled by shipping enthusiasm.

My Hero Academia thrives on possibilities – Quirks that could develop new skills, heroes that might rise up, villains that could attack unexpectedly. The uncertainty around Bakugou’s admirer fits right into that spirit of anticipation.

While waiting for answers, we take joy in endlessly discussing and analyzing the suspects. Bonding over shared fandom and fascination with romances adds further dimension to the My Hero Academia universe.

So until this case gets officially cracked, the debate carries on. But the eventual reveal promises to throw the investigation wide open, giving fans the satisfaction of a definitive solution. For now, the speculation continues!

Bakugou’s Growth Could Attract Admirers

As a final consideration, Bakugou’s own emotional growth may gradually reveal his admirer over time. Early on, his nonstop aggression and anger likely intimidated potential crushes. But as Bakugou matures, gaining confidence beyond mere cockiness, he could become approachable to shy admirers.

Moments of vulnerability, like when classmates rescue Bakugou after his kidnapping, make him appear more complex and human. Seeing vulnerability behind his prickly mask could draw out interest from a tentative crush.

Bakugou also slowly improves at genuinely interacting with peers, having heartfelt conversations with Kirishima and even consoling nervous new students. This emotional development reveals a caring heart beneath the explosions.

If Bakugou continues this personal maturation, seeming less hostile and extreme, admirers may emerge organically from classmates charmed by his growth. The current mystery fan might even find the courage to confess their feelings after seeing this inner redemption.

By softening some of his sharper edges, Bakugou could transform from an object of distant admiration into someone approachable. And that might be what finally brings his shy crush out of the shadows.

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