Why Does My Cat Nibble On My Fingers

Cats do weird things sometimes, and if your cat has ever tried to chew on your fingers, you might be wondering what on earth has gotten into them. Some cats might choose to chew plastic; for others, their owners’ fingers are a favorite target. Join us as we look at seven reasons cats might decide to chew on your fingers. A brief nibble can seem cute, but a full-on bite from a cat can be painful and at risk of becoming infected.

Working out exactly why your cat is chewing your fingers is the first step to stopping them or changing your behavior so they don’t get to the point of chewing on you in the first place. If you want to discourage your cat from biting your fingers, we’ve also provided solutions for each reason.

Top 8 Reasons Why Your Cat Chews on Your Fingers

1. They’re Playing

White fluffy cat is biting a human's hand
Image Credit: Vika Hova, Shutterstock

Cats love to play, and sometimes this can escalate to biting. The result is the same whether it’s another cat or your fingers. When our domestic cats are playing, they’re often honing the hunting skills that they’d be using if they were living in the wild. No amount of domestication will stop your cat from wanting to pounce on and bite their prey, even if it’s a toy mouse!

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2. They’re Stressed

Some cats will chew on or eat non-food items if they’re stressed. This can be a form of self-soothing behavior. Certain breeds, including Siamese cats, are more prone to chewing things to relieve their anxiety. If you’ve been working longer hours, have moved the furniture around, or brought a new pet home, they can all cause stress for your cat.

3. They’re Overstimulated

cat chewing finger
Image Credit: Bogdan Sonjachnyj, Shutterstock

Many cats can go quickly from enjoying a soft stroke from their owners to what is known as petting-induced aggression. It is when your sensitive cat’s nerve endings become overstimulated from too much petting. They may whip their heads around and give your fingers a quick nip. This is a message telling you that they’ve had enough and to back off.

4. They’re Showing Affection

Some cats may show affection by giving you a gentle nibble. Pay attention to your cat’s body language and behavior, and you’ll soon be able to determine if your cat’s chewing is affectionate, a warning sign, or because you’ve just been preparing fish for dinner!

5. They Like Chewing Things

a red domestic cat bites its owner's hand
Image Credit: Irzhanova Asel, Shutterstock

Some cats like to explore new textures or objects with their teeth. If your fingers are closest to your cat when they want to chew something, they’ll probably choose you!

6. They’re Teething

As a kitten’s baby teeth start to fall out and their adult teeth erupt, it can leave their gums feeling sore and irritated. One way for them to relieve this pain is to chew on something, much like a teething baby.

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7. They Can Smell Food on Your Hands

black cat chewing finger
Image Credit: dashtik, Shutterstock

Have you been de-shelling shrimp for dinner and stopped to give your cat a stroke on the way to wash your hands? Don’t be surprised if your cat gives your hand an exploratory sniff and maybe even a nibble. They might not be able to resist the strong smell of tasty food.

8. They Were Weaned Too Early

Most kittens will naturally start weaning at around 8 weeks of age. If your kitten was weaned earlier or suddenly removed from their mother, they can sometimes seek comfort by replicating the motions of suckling. While most cats use a soft blanket to do this, some may grab your hand or fingers instead.


As you can see, there are a variety of reasons why your cat might chew on your fingers. None of them are necessarily bad, and your cat could just be feeling playful or is teething. However, if you’re concerned about your cat or the behavior of them chewing on your fingers, reach out to your veterinarian for advice.

Featured Image Credit By: Diana Taliun, Shutterstock

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