HomeWHOWho Is David Crowder's Wife

Who Is David Crowder’s Wife

We all have secrets. My wife, Lori, is a David Crowder groupie.

In case you don’t know who David Crowder is, let me give you a little information. David Wallace Crowder was born in Texarkana, Texas on November 29, 1971. He is now known professionally by his stage name, Crowder.

He is a contemporary Christian musician, singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and author. He was the lead singer beginning in 1996 of the David Crowder Band; but started a solo career in 2012. He has released four albums since he began his solo career.

The son of an insurance salesman and a social worker, Crowder says that he grew up on Elvis, Willie Nelson, Olivia Newton-John and Bill Gaither.

In the four times we have seen him, it was hard to categorize him with any other musician we know. With a beard of nearly ZZ Top proportions, a plaid checked shirt, and white tennis shoes, a different stringed instrument or piano for every song, a hard-driving, loud combination of rock and roll, gospel, and humor that touches your funny bone, he then delivers a punch line that humbly brings you to your knees, with head bowed. Our most recent experience was at the Buell Theatre in Denver last week, where Lori and I, our daughter and our 10- and 6-year-old granddaughters experienced a nearly two-hour Christmas version of humor, new songs, and Christmas carols; and, as Crowder described it, “this is no Bing Crosby.” He brought a message that combined a Christmas Carol-like narration that ended up proclaiming the gospel.

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Crowder was in the Greenhorn Valley View several years ago when we saw him with Mercy Me at the Broadmoor. Last week he had top billing. A billing that would not only qualify as a Viewpoint, but could have been as easily cataloged as an episode of Lori and Terry’s Great Adventure, or a devotion on the church page.

His current Christian chart hit is called, “Good God Almighty,” a song he saved for his final number. Another favorite of Lori’s is “Stars”. “God Really Loves Us” is a classic, and one of my favorites is “Run, Devil, Run Devil, Run”. And, of course, “All My Hope is in Jesus” brought everyone to their feet.

Why am I wasting your time with a music review in a column that one week ago was talking about the Pueblo City Council passing a first reading of an ordinance banning abortion in the city limits?

Because what Crowder sings about is truth. Because what Crowder does is pulls tears of sorrow, repentance, gratitude, and joy for life from his words, his music, his faith and his enthusiasm.

Part of the way into his set, my youngest granddaughter got tired of dancing (she almost never gets tired of dancing) and settled comfortably, half on grandma’s and half on grandpa’s lap. You who are concert goers know that often the entire crowd is moved to standing.

Since my wife paid for the tickets, I thought she should have the option of standing (after all we’ve only seen him three other times), so I moved Ellee to my lap.

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Crowder sang a song I hadn’t heard before. Since I had my arms full of grandbaby, I couldn’t put a line or two of the lyrics in my phone so I could look at them later, but what I remember most is that the lyrics dealt with blessings.

I looked at my daughter, I looked at my oldest granddaughter, my wife and the angel I held in my lap and felt like the most blessed man in the Buell Theatre.

I couldn’t see the stage, but when Crowder broke into his final song, “Good God Almighty” there wasn’t a doubt in my heart that God is, was and forever will be just that – Good.

And I wanted to share that with you. Maybe, like me, you needed reminding.


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