Why Does My Ex Keep Blocking And Unblocking Me

There’s no denying that social media has completely changed the way we communicate with each other.

Gone are the days of writing letters and sending packages – now, we can just send a quick text or post on social media to get our message across.

And while this new form of communication is often convenient, it can also be downright confusing, especially when it comes to relationships.

Case in point: your ex keeps blocking and unblocking you on social media. What could possibly be going through their mind?

Here are 10 reasons why your ex keeps blocking and unblocking you on social media.

1) They’re hoping you’ll reach out to them

If your ex keeps blocking and unblocking you on social media, it’s likely because they’re hoping you’ll reach out to them.

By doing this, they can keep tabs on you and see what you’re up to without having to directly communicate with you.

If your ex is constantly reaching out to you in this way, it’s a sign that they’re not ready to let go of the relationship.

If you want to move on, it’s important that you block your ex on all social media platforms and cut off all communication with them. This will allow you to heal and move on with your life.

One of the best ways to move on from your ex is to rebuild your own social media presence. Show them that you’re doing just fine without them.

Post pictures and updates about your life, and don’t forget to interact with other people on social media.

This will help you feel better about yourself and make your ex realize that they’re missing out on your life.

2) They’re trying to get your attention

If you’ve been blocked and unblocked on social media by your ex, it’s likely because they’re trying to get your attention. This might be because they miss you or are hoping to rekindle the relationship.

If you don’t want to get back together with your ex, it’s best to ignore their attempts at communication.

If you respond, they may take this as a sign that you’re interested in getting back together and they will continue to contact you even if you’ve asked them to stop.

If you want to get your ex’s attention, it’s best to do it in a positive way.

Try reaching out to them directly or sending them a thoughtful message. If they continue to block and unblock you, it’s best to move on.

There are plenty of other people in the world who would love to have you in their life.

The time will come that it might be better to block them back. This will show them that their behavior is not acceptable and that you’re not going to tolerate it anymore.

It’s also a good way to protect yourself from their negativity.

3) They’re trying to upset you

If your ex keeps blocking and unblocking you on social media, it’s likely because they’re trying to upset you.

Bummer, right?

This behavior is immature and childish, and it’s important to not let it get to you. Instead, focus on moving on with your life and rebuilding your own social media presence.

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If you find yourself constantly checking to see if your ex has blocked or unblocked you, it’s time to take a step back and reassess your priorities.

Why are you letting them have this much control over your emotions?

It’s time to move on and focus on better things. Don’t take it personally. It’s important to remember that this behavior is not about you. It’s about your ex’s own insecurities and immaturity.

They’re probably trying to upset you because they’re feeling insecure or threatened in some way. Don’t take their behavior personally.

Yes, you read that right!

Now is the time to focus on your own life and happiness. Don’t let your ex control your emotions or dictate how you spend your time.

Instead, use this opportunity to better yourself. Take up a new hobby, read more books, or spend time with friends and family.

4) They want to see what you’re up to

It’s pretty annoying when your ex keeps blocking and unblocking you on social media, especially if you’re trying to move on.

But what could be the reason behind their actions?

There are a few possibilities as to why your ex might be doing this.

Maybe they’re curious about what you’re up to and who you’re spending your time with. Or, they could be hoping that you’ll reach out to them first so they can have the upper hand in any potential reconciliation.

If your ex is constantly blocking and unblocking you, it’s probably best to just ignore their actions and move on with your life. Don’t give them the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of you.

As they say, ignorance is bliss.

5) They’re trying to start drama

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Your ex keeps blocking and unblocking you on social media because they’re trying to start drama.

This behavior is often a sign that your ex is still feeling hurt and angry about the breakup, and they’re using social media as a way to lash out.

If you can’t seem to avoid your ex’s online antics, it’s best to just ignore them and move on.

Trying to engage with them will only make the situation worse. If you’re constantly being bombarded with notifications from your ex, you can always block them on social media.

This is especially true if they only do it when you’ve posted something that they don’t like or if they start arguments with you in the comments section.

If this is the case, it’s best to just ignore them and move on. This will give you some peace of mind and allow you to move on with your life. If you engage with them, you’re only giving them what they want.

Remember, you don’t have to put up with your ex’s drama.

You can rise above it and move on. Of course, there could be other reasons why your ex is doing this.

Maybe they’re trying to get attention from you or maybe they’re just being immature. Regardless of the reason, it’s not worth your time and energy to deal with it.

Just block them back and move on with your life.

6) They’re not over you yet

Your ex keeps blocking and unblocking you on social media because they’re not over you yet.

By doing this, they’re able to keep tabs on your life and see what you’re up to without having to actually communicate with you directly.

It’s a way for them to stay in your life without having to deal with the awkwardness or pain of seeing you move on without them.

If your ex is constantly cycling through this behavior, it’s a clear sign that they’re still not over you and are likely hoping you’ll take them back.

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It’s happened to the best of us.

We’ve been dating someone and things seem to be going great when suddenly they start acting distant. They stop responding to our texts and calls, and before we know it, they’ve blocked us on social media.

It’s a painful experience, especially if you’re still in love with them. They’re trying to move on, but they can’t seem to let go of you completely.

They miss you and they’re hoping that by staying in contact with you (even if it’s just through social media), they’ll eventually get back together with you.

They’re jealous of your new relationship and they want to see what you’re up to.

They’re trying to hurt you the way you’ve hurt them so it’s important to try to figure out why they’re doing it.

Only then can you decide whether or not you want to continue trying to communicate with them.

The decision is yours!

7) They want to be friends

If your ex keeps blocking and unblocking you on social media, it’s likely because they want to be friends.

This can be a difficult situation to navigate, but it’s important to remember that you have control over your own social media presence.

If your ex is repeatedly trying to contact you through social media, you can block them permanently or take other measures to protect yourself from their attempts at communication.

Ultimately, it’s up to you whether or not you want to be friends with your ex, but if their behavior is making you feel uncomfortable, it’s perfectly valid to distance yourself from them.

If you’re okay with being friends with your ex, then there’s no harm in accepting their request.

However, if you’re not ready to be friends yet (or if you don’t think it’s a good idea), then you can simply ignore their requests.

Either way, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Just because your ex is trying to stay in your life doesn’t mean you have to let them.

8) They’re bored

Your ex keeps blocking and unblocking you on social media because they’re bored. They may be trying to get your attention or they may just enjoy watching you squirm.

Either way, it’s best to ignore their attempts to engage you and move on with your life. If you respond to their games, you’re only giving them what they want.

They may be hoping that you’ll reach out to them or try to get back together.

However, you shouldn’t give them the satisfaction. Instead, focus on yourself and move on with your life.

Eventually, your ex will realize that they’re not getting what they want from you and they’ll move on. It’s normal to feel hurt and confused when your ex blocks you. However, you shouldn’t let it get to you.

Remember that they’re doing this because they want to control you. Don’t give them the power to do that. Instead, focus on yourself and your own happiness.

If you need help moving on from your ex, there are many resources available to you.

There are books, articles, and even support groups that can help you through this difficult time. Whatever you do, don’t give up on yourself.

You deserve better than an ex who wants to play games with your emotions.

9) They’re trying to move on

Your ex keeps blocking and unblocking you on social media because they’re trying to move on. It’s a way of them saying, “I don’t want to see you, but I can’t help myself.”

They know that if they block you, they won’t be able to see what you’re up to and that will give them some peace of mind.

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But eventually, their curiosity gets the best of them and they unblock you again. It’s a defense mechanism; they don’t want to see your posts or pictures because it will just remind them of you and the happy times you had together.

But at the same time, they can’t help but wonder what you’re up to and who you’re with.

So they block you, and then a few days later they unblock you again. This cycle repeats itself over and over because they can’t seem to let go. If this is happening to you, it’s best to just move on by yourself. This cycle is likely to continue until your ex finally comes to terms with the fact that you’re not together anymore.

In the meantime, it’s best to just ignore their attempts at contact and focus on moving on by yourself.

There’s nothing healthy or productive about constantly checking up on someone who doesn’t want to be in your life.

So do yourself a favor and take a break from social media (or at least unfollow/block your ex) until they finally get the message and stop this toxic cycle for good.

10) They have a new partner

It’s normal to feel a twinge of jealousy when you see that your ex has moved on with someone new.

But if your ex keeps blocking and unblocking you on social media, it might be because they’re trying to rub their new relationship in your face.

They want you to know that they have moved on and are now in a new relationship. This is their way of trying to hurt and humiliate you.

If your ex is constantly posting pictures with their new partner, or bragging about how happy they are, it’s likely that they’re doing it to make you jealous.

And while it might be tempting to engage with them and try to win them back, the best thing you can do is move on yourself.

It’s important that you don’t allow your ex to control your emotions like this. Instead, focus on moving on yourself. Don’t waste your time and energy obsessing over what they’re doing or who they’re with.

Put your own life first and be happy that you’re finally free from them. If you find yourself getting angry or upset every time you see your ex’s new partner, it might be a good idea to unfollow them on social media.

This will help you to avoid any further pain and allow you to focus on your own life.


If your ex keeps blocking and unblocking you on social media, it could mean a few different things.

It could be that they’re still not over the breakup and are using the blocks as a way to punish you or get back at you.

Alternately, they might be testing the waters to see if they can still reach out to you or if you’ll reach out to them. The best thing to do is give them some space and time – if they want to contact you, they will.

In the meantime, focus on taking care of yourself and moving on from the relationship.

While the reasons in this article will help you deal with understanding your ex, it can be helpful to speak to a relationship coach about your situation.

With a professional relationship coach, you can get advice tailored to the specific issues you’re facing in your love life.

Relationship Hero is a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people navigate complex and difficult love situations, like having an ex who keeps on blocking and unblocking you on social media.

They’re popular because they genuinely help people solve problems.

Why do I recommend them?

Well, after going through difficulties in my own love life, I reached out to them a few months ago.

After feeling helpless for so long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship, including practical advice on how to overcome the issues I was facing.

I was blown away by how genuine, understanding, and professional they were.

In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice specific to your situation.

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