HomeWHYWhy Do Companies Commonly Place New Hires On Probation

Why Do Companies Commonly Place New Hires On Probation

In today’s competitive job market, companies are always seeking the best talent to add to their teams. Often, an effective method to ensure that newly-hired employees are the right fit for the organization is by implementing a probationary period. Probationary periods serve as an evaluation and adjustment phase for new hires, allowing both the employee and employer to assess the fit and suitability for the role.

During this probationary period, employers can evaluate the new hire’s performance, skills, and adaptability, while employees can determine whether the company culture, work environment, and job expectations align with their professional goals. When probation is handled diligently and fairly, it can lead to successful long-term employment relationships for both the parties.

For many companies, instituting a probation period for new hires has become the norm. This process grants employers the opportunity to set expectations and ensure that new employees meet their performance standards. Meanwhile, new hires have the chance to showcase their capabilities and prove they are a valuable asset to the company.

Key Takeaways

  • Probationary periods allow employers and new hires to assess suitability for the role
  • Employers can evaluate performance, skills, and adaptability during probation
  • Probation contributes to successful long-term employment relationships when handled diligently and fairly

Understanding New Hire Probation

Defining Probationary Period

A probationary period is a set timeframe, typically lasting three to six months, during which a new hire is closely monitored and assessed by their employer. During this time, both the employer and new hire have the opportunity to evaluate whether the new employee is a good fit for the company. New hires are usually subject to certain employment conditions, such as reduced benefits, that change once probation is successfully completed.

New female employee on probation

Purpose of Probation Period

The probationary period serves several purposes. First, it allows employers to assess the skills, abilities, and potential of a new hire in a real work setting, ensuring that the employee meets the company’s standards in their role. This evaluation process helps reduce the risk of a mismatch between the employee and the job.

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Second, a probation period provides employees with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the company culture, work expectations, and the overall job requirements. During this time, new hires can seek feedback from their manager and colleagues, helping them to identify areas of improvement and align their performance with the company’s expectations. This is an excellent time for new employees to ask important questions to their new manager and gain a better understanding of their role.

Lastly, having a probationary period enables employers and employees to part ways with minimal legal and financial implications if either party feels that the job isn’t a suitable match. This enables both parties to save time, resources, and energy instead of continuing a potentially unsatisfactory work relationship.

Table 1: Understanding the Purpose of Probation

Probation periods have become a common practice among companies, as they offer a chance to evaluate the suitability of new hires for their role and the organization. By understanding the goals of a probationary period, employers can make informed decisions about their workforce, while employees gain opportunities for growth and a better understanding of their role within the company.

Benefits of Probationary Periods

Opportunity for Training

During a probationary period, companies can provide new hires with intensive training to bridge any skill gaps or knowledge gaps they might have. This allows the employee to smoothly transition into their new role. By investing in their development, organizations ensure that new team members can perform their tasks efficiently and are well-prepared for the challenges ahead.

Recently hired office worker is worried since he is on probation

Culture Integration and Assessment

Understanding and adapting to a company’s culture is crucial for both the new employee and the organization. The probationary period offers an opportunity for new hires to immerse themselves in the company culture, learn about its values, and adjust to the work environment. Employers can assess whether the employee fits well within the team and aligns with the company’s core values during this time.

Early Termination Details

In cases where the new employee doesn’t meet the required performance standards or fails to integrate into the company culture, the probationary period allows companies to terminate the work relationship in a more flexible manner. Both parties can evaluate whether their expectations have been met and decide if it’s in their best interests to continue working together. This protects the organization from investing too much in an employee who may not be a right fit and helps the employee understand their role in a shorter amount of time.

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Expectations During Probation

Clear Communication and Feedback

During the probationary period, it is essential for both the employer and the new hire to maintain clear communication. Employers should provide regular feedback on the employee’s performance, areas of improvement, and progress toward meeting goals. This can be done through:

  • Regularly scheduled meetings: Employers can hold weekly or biweekly meetings with new hires to discuss their progress and address any concerns.
  • Written evaluations: Providing written evaluations can help employees understand their performance and track their improvements over time.
  • Informal check-ins: Informal conversations can help maintain open communication and quickly address any issues that may arise.

Employee Attitude Evaluation

Another key aspect of the probationary period is evaluating the employee’s attitude. Employers should assess if the new hire is a good fit for the company culture and if they demonstrate the following attributes:

  • Team player: Showing the ability to work well with others and contribute to a positive working environment.
  • Adaptability: Demonstrating flexibility and the ability to adjust to new situations or changes in the workplace.
  • Initiative: Taking charge of tasks and responsibilities without always waiting for direction.
  • Problem-solving: Approaching challenges with a solution-focused mindset and a willingness to find new ways to overcome obstacles.

During the probation period, employers should ensure they communicate their expectations clearly and provide constructive feedback to help the new hire succeed. Careful evaluation of the employee’s attitude helps determine if they are a good fit for the company and ensures a successful long-term working relationship.

White collar employee on probation among his coworkers

Legal Aspects of Probation Period

Unemployment Benefits Details

During the probation period, employees may not be eligible for unemployment benefits in some cases. In the event of termination, eligibility for unemployment benefits depends on the terms of the employment contract and the reasoning for dismissal. It is essential for employers and employees to understand the policies and guidelines surrounding unemployment benefits during a probation period to avoid legal conflicts and ensure fair treatment.

According to most state laws, if an employee is terminated for just cause, they may not qualify for unemployment benefits. In some states, a terminated employee might still qualify for benefits if their dismissal was due to unsatisfactory performance, and not due to misconduct. Employer contributions to the state unemployment fund and the employment relationship also help determine the eligibility for benefits.

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At-will Employment Explained

At-will employment is an employment relationship in which either party can terminate the relationship at any time, for any lawful reason, or for no reason at all. The probation period generally falls under the at-will employment doctrine. An employer can fire an employee without notice, and an employee can resign at any time. In most states in the U.S., the default employment relationship is “at-will,” unless there is a specific employment contract outlining other terms.

When an employee is on probation, it is crucial for both parties to understand their contractual obligations. Employees need to be made aware of the terms defined in their employment contract. An employment contract might include the specific duration of the probation period, the employee’s duties, performance expectations, and consequences for not meeting performance standards.

Young woman on probation at her new office job

Although probation periods often fall under the at-will employment doctrine, there are certain limits on the employer’s discretion when terminating an employee. Employers cannot fire an employee for reasons that violate public policy or for discriminatory reasons, such as race, age, gender, or disability.

It is crucial for both employers and employees to be aware of the legal aspects surrounding probation periods, such as unemployment benefits and at-will employment. Understanding these aspects can help reduce legal conflicts and ensure a fair employment relationship.

After Probation: What Next

After completing a probation period, employees often wonder what to expect next. This phase of employment includes increased job security and more clearly defined expectations.

Post-Probation Expectations

Upon successfully completing a probation period, employees can expect a higher degree of job security, as the risk of termination is typically reduced. The completion of probation signifies that the organization considers the employee a valuable addition to the team and trusts their ability to perform their role effectively.

In terms of expectations, employees can look forward to having more defined responsibilities and objectives. They may be assigned challenging tasks or be given increased autonomy in their role. This is an opportunity for employees to exhibit their skills, contribute meaningfully to the company, and progress in their career.

At this stage, the employee’s performance will still be evaluated regularly, but with an emphasis on growth and development. The employer may provide additional training, mentoring, or educational opportunities for the employee to excel in their position. This period is also an ideal time to focus on long-term career success and make plans to achieve personal and professional goals.

Table 2: After Probation: What Next


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