HomeWHOWho Buys Old Singer Sewing Machines Near Me

Who Buys Old Singer Sewing Machines Near Me

On this page I will discuss the types of “antique” sewing machines we do not buy, sell, or deal in, and the reasons why. Please read this page before contacting me about your “antique” sewing machine.

A good rule of thumb for determining the desirability of any early sewing machine is its serial #. Early sewing machines (pre 1870) by any maker with a serial # of under 5,000 would be desirable. Any sewing machine with a serial # above 50,000 would be considered “Late” and relatively common. In other words, your Wheeler & Wilson, Howe, Wilcox & Gibbs, White, Singer, and most other machines with a serial number in the 6 or 7 digit range is considered common. It may be antique, but it is also common. It is important to understand that it is not just the age, or name that determines the desirability or value of antique sewing machines. It is a combination of factors, including the name, age, style, how many were manufactured, and condition, all taken together that determine the desirability and value. Again, the simple fact that your sewing machine is old does not mean it is desirable or valuable. Later common sewing machines like this have value, but we do not buy or deal in them. They are usually sold as decorative pieces rather than to collectors of sewing machines. Later common sewing machines are going to be worth whatever you can sell them for. They do not have a set collector-based value. On a bad day at a bad auction such machines can sell for well under $100. On the other hand, some designer might be able to charge their client $500 – $1000.00 or more. Bottom line for selling such machines is how good a salesperson are you, along with the questions of how much is your time and energy worth? Still curious, read on.

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Antique sewing machines with high serial #’ can come with a host of different names, and most were made by the three major sewing machine makers and then sold to and distributed by companies like Sears, Montgomery Wards, or other large regional distributers across the country back in the late 1800’s / early 1900’s. Just below are two pictures of typical looking later treadle sewing machines. Note the standard looking shape or form of the main body or head on these machines. Sewing machines like this typically date from the 1880’s or later. They were sold for $10-$20 back then, and nearly every household had one or more. Much like cars and other consumer items that are sold today, Sears wanted to sell a new one to the modern seamstresses / housewife, not once, but every year or two. They would constantly change the name or cosmetic look of their sewing machines to try and accomplish that. Regional distributors, like Sears, Wards, Simmons Hardware, etc. would pick whatever name suited them or their goals for that year. Hence machines are found with names like Household, Favorite, Remington, Winchester, Domestic, Minnesota, Alliance, Victory, Free, and a host of other names can be found on the same design machine. Companies like Sears or Montgomery Wards and other regional distributors would also use famous peoples’ names in an effort to promote their machines. You can find machines with names like Washington, Lincoln, Franklin, Edison, Westinghouse, Remington, and others on machines that are pretty much exactly the same. At other times they picked Patriotic names like Victory, Defiance, or whatever. It is called marketing. Bottom line, the large sewing machine makers sold the same sewing machines to different distributers to be sold as any given firms house brands with whatever name that distributer chose or wanted. To see earlier, rare, and more desirable sewing machines simply go through the past sales archives linked on the right to get an idea of what collectible antique sewing machines look like.

Free Appraisal / Valuation Information for Later Vintage Sewing Machines

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These later treadle sewing machines do have a value, and it could be substantial if you have a good buyer and are a good salesperson. I have seen appraisals for and price tags on common treadle sewing machines like the ones pictured here as high as $4,000. I have also seen them sell at auction for as low as $10. Most end up selling for $100 or less. Many are donated to Hospice or Goodwill and a tax write-off taken. Their true value is in the eye of the beholder and / or buyer. Basically these later typical treadle sewing machines are worth what a willing buyer will pay for them. In the past these sewing machines were often torn apart for the stands or drawers and sold for more as parts and the pieces of furniture created than they would fetch as whole sewing machines. The basic rule of thumb is: If it looks like your sewing machine, or if you remember your Mom using it, or nowadays even if your Grandma bought it, or it has a serial # with 6 or more numbers, it will probably hold little interest to, or value to, serious or advanced sewing machine collectors. To see the wide range of current values for these sorts of sewing machines simply go to eBay and type the name of your sewing machine in the Search window provided. If there is nothing similar there this week, try again next week, or try searching “antique sewing machine” or “vintage sewing machine” or “treadle sewing machine”. treadle sewing machine head While there be sure to look through completed sales and not just dealers current asking prices. There is a world of difference. Also disregard most of the high prices as they are FAKE, as in Fake News. I guarantee comparable or similar sewing machines have been listed there in the past 30 days. The fact that most typical “antique” sewing machines are sitting there with no bids and are listed for sale over and over speaks volumes as to their demand, desirability and value. It also has a lot to do with the cost of shipping and the amount shipping will add to the cost. The point is, if you have a later more common machine you should be thinking about selling it locally. If you are not really trying to sell it, and just want a value, look in your local antique shops where there are likely similar machines, and you can tell yourself that yours is worth about the same as long as you do not ask the shop owner or dealer what he will give you for yours. If after reading this you are still unsure about your sewing machine send me one picture and an indication that you read this page and I will give you my opinion, just do not be offended if I say it is not for me and refer you back to this page for the reason.

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Later Full Size Electric Sewing Machines

We are NOT interested in typical looking electric sewing machines that date from after 1880 EXCEPT the Singer Model 221 or 222 Featherweights. To find the value for other later electric sewing machines simply go to eBay and run a few searches there. If your electric sewing machine is not listed and you can not find any info with a Google search, assume it is because it is so common and commands such a low value that no one bothers to write about them, or to list them. Do not assume that it is rare, desirable or valuable. For example Vintage Electric Sewing Machines made in Japan after WWII hold near zero resale value and most sellers do not even bother trying to list them.

If you have a Singer featherweight 221 or 222 sewing machine that you would like to sell please click this link to see my information page: Singer Featherweights.

BACK to Sewing Machines * * * * We Buy & Sell Antiques! * * * *

If you have a single antique, or a collection of antiques to sell please contact us at [email protected] giving us your PHONE NUMBER and other contact info and we will get back to you ASAP.

To view examples of antiques and collectibles we have previously sold please visit our Past Sales Archive Pages. Links to those pages are on the right.

Thank you!! Larry & Carole


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