HomeWHENDo You Cover Meatloaf With Foil When Baking

Do You Cover Meatloaf With Foil When Baking

Meatloaf is a delicious, hearty meal that can make you feel warm on even the coldest nights. The best meatloaf is one that is moist and tender, and for that, you need to cook it correctly.

Do you cover meatloaf when baking? What are the advantages?

Do You Cover Meatloaf When Baking?

Meatloaf can be cooked uncovered. If you’re worried about burning it, cover the meatloaf with foil for 30 minutes and leave it uncovered for another 15 minutes. This helps the meatloaf brown on top without burning.

However, some people believe that covering a meatloaf while baking will lead to a drier meatloaf. Others insist that covering your meatloaf is the key to keeping it moist and tasty.

So which is it?

In my experience, you want to cover your meatloaf most of the time to keep it moist. But, it also depends on which recipe you’re following. There are a few recipes that will tell you not to cover your meatloaf.

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When Should You Avoid Covering Your Meatloaf?

The one time you should avoid covering your meatloaf is if you’ve wrapped your meatloaf in bacon. The fat needs to draw out of the bacon, and this will work best if you leave the meatloaf uncovered.

How To Cover Meatloaf For Baking

When covering a meatloaf, you’ll want to use a lid or a layer of aluminum foil. Using a cover prevents the moisture from leaving the meat, containing it within the dish.

Meatloaves also need to cook for about an hour or so. Using a cover will prevent the outside of the loaf from becoming too brown and crispy while the inside remains uncooked.

What is the best way to cover your meatloaf?

First, put your meatloaf into your desired baking pan and cover it with aluminum foil. You’ll want to cover it loosely, don’t make it too tight. Create a small tent in the foil so that air can go into the pan and create circulation.

You can then secure the aluminum foil to the ends of the pan by crimping it with your finger.

As your meatloaf is nearing the end of baking, you should remove the aluminum foil. You’ll want to do this about 15-minutes before the meatloaf is done baking. Removing the aluminum foil at the end allows the outside of the loaf to become nice and crispy.

How To Keep Meatloaf Moist

Besides covering your meatloaf, there are a few extra steps you can take to keep your meatloaf moist.

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1. Add Some Liquid To The Dish

Add a little bit of liquid to your meatloaf dish before baking to prevent your meatloaf from drying out. Some of the best liquids for this include milk, water, and beef stock.

2. Cook It At The Right Temperature For The Right Amount Of Time

You should cook most meatloaves in the oven at 350℉ for about 45 minutes to an hour. Setting the oven to a higher temperature will cause the outside of the meatloaf to finish cooking before the insides. Cooking your meatloaf for too long will also cause the meat to dry out.

Not sure if your meatloaf is completely done? Just check it with a meat thermometer. Your meatloaf is finished cooking once it’s reached an internal temperature of 165℉.

3. Add Some Vegetables

Not only are vegetables healthy for you, but they will help to keep your meatloaf nice and moist.

You can dice up a variety of vegetables — carrots, onions, celery, and mushrooms are all good options.

Then, you’ll mix the vegetables into the meatloaf before constructing your loaf. The added vegetables will maintain an even consistency in the loaf. They also help hold the shape of the loaf and keep the loaf moist.

4. Don’t Remove The Grease

Many cooks choose to remove the grease before cooking. Others remove it about 15-minutes before the meatloaf is done. There’s nothing wrong with this, but it will leave you with a crispier meatloaf.

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If you want a meatloaf that is nice and moist, wait until the very end to drain the grease, or don’t drain it at all.

5. Avoid Air Pockets

Air pockets forming inside your meatloaf are notorious for causing your loaf to dry out. Luckily, there’s an easy way to prevent these pockets.

Before shaping the meat into a loaf, wet your hands with cool water. The water prevents the meat from sticking to your hands. This will help you to create a dense, air-free meatloaf.

But, make sure to form the loaf before adding it to the pan. If you form the loaf inside the pan, the meat may become too compact. This could lead to a loaf that is unevenly cooked. Nothing is worse than a meatloaf that is dry in some places and undercooked in others.


When it comes down to it, it’s best to cover your meatloaf when baking. Covering your meatloaf helps your meatloaf cook evenly and stay moist on the inside. Do you like crispier meatloaves? Simply remove the aluminum foil 15 minutes before baking is finished.


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