HomeWHENWhat Does It Mean When A Grasshopper Lands On You

What Does It Mean When A Grasshopper Lands On You

I know what you’re thinking. WHY is she writing about grasshoppers? Of all things! But bear with me for just a minute, I promise there’s a point. I think.

Last Wednesday I had to make a grocery store run. I had both boys in tow. That means, quick in and quick out.

We loaded the cart with nothing but essentials, made our way to the counter and as I’m loading our stuff onto the conveyor belt, something catches my eye. Right there, on that little slick silver space just before the belt begins, is a grasshopper. Pointed straight at me. If he had leapt off, he would’ve landed right on top of my head.

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Now, I’m not afraid of bugs. Not really. I don’t squish them, I set them outside. Except for roaches. I squish those. Well, I don’t. I make my husband do it. But other bugs, I scoop up and put outside. That doesn’t mean I want them to jump on me or scurry over me at warp bug speed. Nothing like a bug running loose on your body to give you a heart attack while you’re still in your 30s. But I digress.

So my primary concern was the safety of the poor grasshopper who’d gotten trapped inside the grocery store while probably still clinging to a half eaten vegetable. {If I’m losing you here with all the “poor bug talk” I swear you don’t have to like bugs to enjoy the post. Pinky promise! Hang in there.}

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My secondary concern was, please don’t let him jump on me. If I’d had a container to scoop him up in we’d have taken him outside. As it was, he just sat right there while we loaded $67.34 worth of groceries onto the counter. He never moved and if grasshoppers blink, he never did that either. And that was the last we saw of the BiLo grasshopper.

Until we went to Harvey’s on Sunday. I kid you not. Second grasshopper. In a store. In the same week. He was right in the middle of the canned goods isle. Again, I lacked a container. Again, he maintained perfect, almost statue-like, composure and we parted ways.

It wasn’t until the following Tuesday on a trip to Lowe’s that I thought, WHAT is going on?! I was there to buy specialty light bulbs for a new fixture. I had looked everywhere for a 25 watt type G bulb.

Finally, in the upper left corner of the aisle where I can just barely reach standing on my tippy toes, are the bulbs I need. I grab a set out of the slot and as I’m bringing it down to put in the buggy I notice one small, but strange thing about this package. It had legs. So I flip it over and this is what I see.

Again, he stayed put. Allowing me to grab my phone for photographic evidence because surely no one would believe me otherwise. He stayed still long enough for me to discover that these were, in fact, NOT the right bulbs after all and calmly place the package back onto the shelf. I couldn’t get over it. Such a small thing but surely it’s strange? Can you chalk it up to pure coincidence?

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It wasn’t until I showed my husband the picture that I noticed he was standing next to the word life. Now I was intrigued. Naturally I had to Google grasshoppers.

When the grasshopper appears to us we are being asked to take a leap of faith and jump forward into a specific area of life without fear. Usually that specific area is one that we have avoided and is often connected to change on a larger scale. This can represent a change in location, relationships, career or just in the way we perceive ourselves.

Grasshoppers can only jump forward….not backward, or sideways. So, when grasshopper shows up he could be reaffirming to you that you are taking the right steps to move forward in your current situation. Or it could be that he is telling you to go ahead and move forward, getting past what is hindering you. This is why grasshopper is the symbol of good luck all over the world. Grasshopper’s ability to connect and understand sound vibrations is why he is also a symbol of your inner voice. he could be telling you to trust yours.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_spiritual_meaning_of_grasshoppers#ixzz2l9s7BEfE

So now I sort of feel like I have my very own Jiminy Cricket. Or at least his cousin. What’s your grasshopper trying to tell you ?

Jamie Lott


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